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AFA-NST Tournament Judge Sign-up

Judge information

Judge's name: (required)

Judge's email address: (required)

Judge's cell phone: (required)

Please select if you want to donate your time or if you would want to be paid:

Please enter any schools/competitors you need to be blocked from and/or any accessibility notes below:

Judge availability

Please check the timeslots that the judge is available to judge. Paid judges will receive $225 if they commit to judge all preliminary rounds or will receive $20/round. The AFA-NST does not pay judges for judging QFs, SFs, or Final Rounds but welcomes volunteer judges.

Saturday April 5 9:00 AM - Round 1B

Saturday April 5 10:30 AM - Round 1A

Saturday April 5 1:00 PM - Round 2A

Saturday April 5 2:30 PM - Round 1C

Saturday April 5 4:00 PM - Round 3A

Saturday April 5 6:00 PM - Round 2B

Sunday April 6 8:30 AM - Round 3B

Sunday April 6 10:00 AM - Round 2C

Sunday April 6 11:30 AM - Round 3C

Sunday April 6 2:00 PM - Quarterfinals A

Sunday April 6 4:00 PM - Quarterfinals B

Sunday April 6 5:30 PM - Quarterfinals C

Monday April 7 8:30 AM - Semifinals B

Monday April 7 10:00 AM - Semifinals A

Monday April 7 11:30 AM - Semifinals C

Monday April 7 2:00 PM - Finals B

Monday April 7 3:30 PM - Finals A

Monday April 7 5:00 PM - Finals C

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