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Sunshine Series Part 3

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More information pages for this tournament
Procedures for IPDA
Procedures for Limited Prep
Zoom Link for Tournament

Procedures for Limited Prep

Zoom Procedures

LIMITED PREP: Extemporaneous and Impromptu

Zoom Link for Tournament: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94218193712


We are hosting the tournament over zoom. There is only one link for this tournament, listed above, so you can find the rounds this way or through your ballot. For those that have not done this before, or in a while, here is how it will work.

                What to do when you enter the Zoom

When you enter the room you should change your name as described below and check in. Breakout rooms will be listed as the rooms assigned on your ballot. Go to the breakout room where the competition you are scheduled for will take place. We will have a breakout room for questions and help as well.

                Name on Zoom

Please change your name on zoom to Code-Name. So if I were competing it would read D1-Martinelli. This allows us to do a very quick check and know who is there and who is not. Judges should be similar Judge-Martinelli. If you are not judging but watching a round Observer-Martinelli… or just your name. This will avoid confusion, especially when dealing with multiple judges in elims.


Schedule is available on Speechwire. We will do our best to stick to it. Times listed for IPDA are draw times. Judges do NOT need to be present for draw. This will be orchestrated by tournament staff.

                Extemporaneous Speaking

Students prepare Extemporaneous speeches within 30 minutes prior to the start of the round. Extemp Prep will be located in a breakout room of the Tournament Zoom.

                Impromptu Speaking

Judges will be provided with the quotation prior to the round. Remember, there is only one for each section, so it is important that students only receive the quotation when no other competitors are in the room. Judges can copy/paste the quotation into the chat and send it privately to the student who is about to speak. Be very careful that you do not send the quotation to everyone in your breakout room, just to the student who is speaking.


                Elim rounds

There will be three (3) judges in all elim rounds.





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