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Indiana Forensic Association State Championships
Results postings
This page will contain whatever results are released online for this tournament. Please note that not all results may be placed online here.
Select what you would like to view: Novice After Dinner SpeakingNovice Communication AnalysisNovice Dramatic InterpretationNovice Duo InterpretationNovice Extemporaneous SpeakingNovice Impromptu SpeakingNovice Informative SpeakingNovice IPDANovice Persuasive SpeakingNovice Poetry InterpretationNovice Program Oral InterpretationNovice Prose InterpretationOpen Improv. DuoOpen PechaKuchaVarsity After Dinner SpeakingVarsity Communication AnalysisVarsity Dramatic InterpretationVarsity Duo InterpretationVarsity Extemporaneous SpeakingVarsity Impromptu SpeakingVarsity Informative SpeakingVarsity IPDAVarsity Persuasive SpeakingVarsity Poetry InterpretationVarsity Program Oral InterpretationVarsity Prose Interpretation