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Indiana Forensic Association State Championships

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IPDA Topics

IPDA Topics


Finals - Released at 5:00PM

  1. Presidential debates have become too concerned with entertainment value.
  2. Employers ought not be allowed to require employees to arbitrate employment claims.
  3. The benefits of open carry outweigh the costs.
  4. King Charles is a hippocrite if he doesn't step down from the monarchy.
  5. A hot dog in a bun is a type of sandwich.


Semifinals - Released at 3:36PM

  1. It is better to be ignorant and happy than educated and depressed.
  2. There is no such thing as a truly unselfish act.
  3. NIL has worsened college athletics.
  4. Drugs have won the war on drugs.
  5. Drag is degrading to women.


Round 4 Topics - Released at 1:30PM

  1. It is better to be regarded as insensitive than insincere.
  2. The U.S. healthcare system is irreparably broken.
  3. Political centrism is overrated.
  4. Fears of World War III are justified.
  5. The problem is the parties, not the politics.


Round 3 Topics - Released at 11:30AM

  1. Communism is preferable to fascism.
  2. Taylor Swift is bad for the NFL.
  3. Republican politicians are lazy.
  4. Billionaires are an examples of capitalism run amok.
  5. We should expect the U.S. military to remain in the Middle East for the rest of our lives.


Round 2 Topics - Released at 10:03AM

  1. Steroids should be allowed in professional sports.
  2. Betrayals should never be forgiven.
  3. Texting is bad for relationships.
  4. Legislators should vote their conscience rather than the will of their constituency.
  5. No topic should be off limits.


Round 1 Topics - Released at 8:30AM

  1. Women should have to register for the selective service in the U.S.
  2. Spock would have made a better captain than Kirk.
  3. Tenure is bad for education.
  4. It's time to replace Columbus Day.
  5. The harms of modern technology outweight the benefits.


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