UW-Whitewater Edna Sorber Tournament
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a College tournament in Wisconsin. View manager contact information Limited Prep Prompts Released! Prompts have also been emailed to all attending coaches as of Noon CST 11/28/2020. EXT [choose 1, only 1 video submission], don’t record prep
Domestic - Democrats win both Georgia Senate seats. Does Stephen Breyer retire from the Supreme Court at the end of this session? International - How should the Biden administration approach the conflict between Tigray and the Ethiopian government? Econ - How will the ongoing pandemic affect the United States housing market over the next 4-6 months?
IMP [choose 1], please also record prep in your recording
If someone says, "Do you want a fish fry?” there is only one answer and that answer is, "Perch or walleye?" -Charlie Berens
There’s one occasion I can think of when camo is inappropriate, and that’s at a funeral for a duck. That is the last pattern the duck had seen. -Charlie Berens
**This year we will be hosting the tournament asynchronously** Greetings,
The forensics team at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is pleased to invite you to the ASYNCHRONOUS 2020 Edna Sorber Tournament. Rounds will take place via SpeechWire on November 29-December 4, 2020. Awards will be announced via live stream on Friday, December 4 at 7pm CST.
This longtime tournament honors the past efforts of Dr. Edna Sorber, the former forensics director at UW-Whitewater who brought the 1967 Pi Kappa Delta National Convention to the UW-Whitewater campus.
Enclosed in this invitation are additional details including registration deadlines, tournament schedule, etc.
We look forward to seeing you virtually in December!
Kevin Hill & Brian Schanen, Co-Directors of Forensics, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Kevin: HillKA28@uww.edu, 630-624-6740 (cell) Brian: SchanenBH13@uww.edu, 262-689-2335 (cell)
SCHEDULESaturday November 28 12pm CST - Extemp and Impromptu prompts emailed to all entries in limited prep events Sunday November 29 5pm CST - Entries and corresponding videos due to Speechwire Monday November 30 5pm CST - ALL Preliminary round ballots released via Speechwire Wednesday December 2 5pm CST - Preliminary ballot rankings DUE Wednesday December 2 8pm CST - Semi-Final ballots released (if needed) otherwise FINALS POSTINGS, Ballots released [only used if Semi-finals needed] Thursday December 4 5pm CST - semi-final ballots due with remaining finals posted and released at 7pm CST Friday December 4 7pm CST - Finals ballots DUE Friday December 4 8pm CST - Awards Facebook Live Stream https://www.facebook.com/whitewaterforensics
REGISTRATION Please register for the tournament and submit video links via SpeechWire no later then SUNDAY NOVEMBER 29 5pm CST. Students may enter up to 5 events TOTAL. Students may enter two duos (with different partners) but this will count as two events. There are no limits on the number of entries a team can enter in any event, but teams entering large numbers in certain events may anticipate “competing” against teammates in preliminary rounds. Please denote your novices when registering. We will recognize the top novice in each category at awards. Novices are defined as anyone in their first year (2 semesters) of collegiate competition.
VIRTUAL TOURNAMENT RULES MODIFICATIONSRule modifications for the tournament will follow recommendations made by the AFA-NST
$5/entry. One quality judge covers six slots. There is a $10.00 fee for every uncovered entry. $50 for ”no-show” judge/un-judged round fee. Fees are assessed at registration close on Sunday, November 29th, at 5pm cst.
Payment can be done either via check or Square. Please let us know (HillKA28@uww.edu) if you would like to use square, and we will send you the invoice that way.
Please make checks out to UW-Whitewater Forensics and mail to address below: UW-W Forensics ℅ Brian Schanen 800 W. Main St. 424 Heide Hall Whitewater, WI 53190
Unique Video Submission We will ask that each video performance has not been/is not entered into another asynchronous tournament on a different weekend.
We ask that all video submission links be hosted via YouTube or Kaltura links. Set the video to “unlisted” for the duration of the tournament. Following judging, we want teams to have control over the visibility of the performances, so students may turn the videos to “private” after the awards ceremony on Friday.
Content Warnings If a student’s performance includes sensitive topic areas they anticipate may be triggering for audience members or judges, we ask you to enter those topics into the content warning space on Speechwire at the time you submit your entries. We understand the unique challenge posed by limited preparation in the virtual environment. We will be using the honor system for extemporaneous and impromptu prep.Prompts will be released at 12:00pm Central time on Saturday 28, 2020, and video links are due by registration close on the 29th. Extemp prep DOES NOT need to be included in the recording. However we ask that you DO include the prep period for impromptu speeches. EXTEMPStudents will be allowed to choose from an economic, international or domestic related question IMPROMPTUTraditional quotations
HONORSAwards will be e-mailed to the coach's email address listed on your SpeechWire Account, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure this is up to date! Awards for the following will be sent:
Final Round: 1st (12 pts), 2nd (10 pts), 3rd (8 pts.), 4th (6 pts), 5th (4 pts), 6th (2 pts), remaining finalists 1 pt. Each. Semifinal Round, if needed: 1 pt. for each non-advancing semifinalist. Semifinals will be held in events with greater than 60 entries (this amount may vary based on tournament director’s discretion). Novices: Please denote your novices when registering. We will recognize the top novice in each event at awards. Novices are defined as anyone in their first year of collegiate competition.
INDIVIDUAL SWEEPSTAKES Students are entered into individual sweepstakes regardless of the number of events entered or the categories entered. The top five individual speakers (based on total points earned in final rounds combined) will be honored at the awards ceremony. Tiebreakers: 1) Highest total points, 2) Highest number of 1st-place awards in finals, 2nd-place, etc., 3) Highest total of events advancing to finals.
TEAM SWEEPSTAKES TIE-BREAKERSIf teams are tied after calculating total team points, team tie-breakers will run as follows: 1) Highest total points, 2) Number of firsts in finals, 3) Number of finals
Host Information UW-W Student Competitors The UW-Whitewater forensic team intends to enter UWW students in the tournament. The unusual nature of this year means we do not have established norms and customs surrounding asynchronous tournaments. If you have concerns about the ethics of our students competing in the tournament, we will happily talk through the concerns. We want to abide by ethical considerations, and we are grateful for your conversation! UWW students will not be entered to the individual or team sweepstakes. Hired Judges The hired judge pool will consist primarily of forensics alums and friends of the program. Brian Schanen Mailing address UW-Whitewater, c/o Brian Schanen SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy