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Sixth Annual Jannese Davidson Memorial

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a College tournament in California.

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AWARDS UPDATE: Thank you so much to those who attended the 2021 Jannese Davidson Memorial Invitational! Please follow this link to view our awards video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJT1l5ltUSY&feature=youtu.be 
LP prompts are available at the bottom of this page!
Hello all,
The Forensics Team at Concordia University Irvine invites you to participate in the Sixth Annual Jannese Davidson Memorial Tournament. This year, our tournament features two parts: a free asynchronous speech tournament taking place January 17th-24th, and a free synchronous debate tournament, taking place virtually January 22nd-24th. 
Jannese Davidson, a former Arizona State and Azusa Pacific competitor and former Director of Individual Events at Concordia University Irvine, tragically and unexpectedly passed away on August 31st, 2014. This tournament is held to honor the memory of this exceptional woman. Jannese competed in both speech and debate events, and so the Davidson Memorial offers all 11 NST/Phi Rho Pi Speech Events, NPDA Debate, IPDA-LD Debate, and NFA-LD Debate. There are no entry fees, but ALL ENTRIES MUST BE COVERED. There can be no exceptions to this rule.
We look forward to welcoming you virtually to this newly styled (but still free!) sixth installment of the Jannese Davidson Memorial tournament.
Amanda Ozaki-Laughon, Director of Forensics
Benjamin Lange, Director of Debate
Claire Crossman, Director of Individual Events
LP prompts will be posted at the bottom of this page on January 16th, at 5:00 PM PST!
Tournament Details
There are no entry fees. All speech entries and all corresponding videos are due to Speechwire on (registration deadline has been extended to) Monday, January 18th, by 5:00pm PST. All Debate entries are due to ForensicsTournament by Wednesday, January 20th by 5:00pm PST. Any drops after the deadlines have passed should be emailed to Amanda Ozaki-Laughon for approval at Amanda.ozaki@cui.edu.
-Asynchronous speech tournaments offer a great deal of flexibility for judging rounds! Programs must provide 2 rounds of preliminary judging for every 5 speech slots (or fraction thereof). Example: if your program brings 15 total speech entries, your program needs to provide 6 rounds of preliminary judging. If your program brings 17 total speech entries, your program needs to provide 8 rounds of preliminary judging.
Host Eligibility: While CUI students are allowed to compete and advance to elimination rounds, CUI is ineligible for all sweepstakes awards.
Speech Events
Huge thanks to our Director of Individual Events, Claire Crossman, and our Assistant Director of Individual Events, Melissa Fuentes, for serving as the tabulation staff for speech!
The tournament will offer 2 preliminary rounds and a final round in 2 divisions of all 11 AFA/Phi Rho Pi events. In events with 35 or more entries, a semi-final round may be held.
-Divisions: The tournament will offer Open and Novice divisions. Novices should be in their first year of collegiate speech competition with no or limited high school experience and have not placed 3rd or higher twice in intercollegiate competition. The tournament will do what it can to maintain a true novice division. If there are fewer than 6 novice entries, it may be collapsed into Open division. Novice division does not qualify for NFA Nationals.
-Tie Breakers: Competitors will first be ordered by cumulative ranks, then reciprocals and finally by judge ratings. In single-panel final rounds, placing will be determined first by cumulative rankings in finals, then judge’s preference, followed by reciprocal scores and finally by judge ratings.
Schedule Details
-Once registration ends on Monday, January 18th at 5:00 PM PST, the tournament will be created. Later that night, schematics will be live and ballots will be sent to judges by Monday, January 18th at 8:00 PM PST. 
-All prelim ballots are due Wednesday, January 20th at 5:00 PM PST.
-Semi-finals will be held for events with 35+ entries. All final round breaks, (and if needed, semi breaks) will be released on Speechwire on Wednesday, January 20th at 8:00 PM PST. 
-Semi-final ballots will be due Thursday, January 21st at 5:00 PM, and the corresponding final rounds will be posted (and ballots sent to judges) that night at 8:00 PM. 
-Final round ballots for all events are due Friday, January 22nd at 8:00 PM PST. 
-Awards will be released Saturday, January 23rd at 1:00 PM PST. 
Video Submission
This is an asynchronous tournament, and will run on pre-recorded videos that are submitted at the time of registration. The same video will be judged for both prelims and finals (as well as semi-finals as applicable). After recording your video, please upload it to a team account page and make sure it is marked as either public or unlisted. Videos marked as private will not be usable by the tournament. Videos can be switched over to private after the tournament has completed. Submit your individual YouTube video links for each event in the "Video Links" tab on the tournament page after registering. 
Students will be able to view the recordings of the performers in their round, but we ask that these links not be shared out of privacy and respect for the performers. 
Limited Prep Guidelines
Impromptu and extemp prompts will be released via email and on this page on January 16th at 5:00 PM PST, 24 hours before videos are due to Speechwire. A performer should choose one prompt only, as only one video will be submitted for the tournament. Extemp competitors should choose their question, and immediately begin prep for 30 minutes. Prep does not need to be filmed for extemp, but it must be filmed for impromptu.
Tournament Awards
Due to the unprecedented nature of this 2020-2021 season, our priority was to continue to offer this tournament free of charge despite new budgetary restrictions installed on our program. We will provide PDFs of award certificates for your download, and host a live awards ceremony announcing results recognizing the top 10 speakers and advancing debaters in all debate events, and the finalists in speech events.
-Special Award: The Ninja Pixie Award.
Jannese competed in both debate and speech events, and so an overall award (combining points earned in debate and speech events) will be presented. To be eligible, students need to enter at least one debate event and two of the three types of speech events (limited preparation, platform, interpretation). Points will be earned using the school formula below. The top 5 students from two-year schools receive CUI Forensics scholarships.
-Institution Sweepstakes Awards: The top 5 schools in both 2-Year and 4-Year divisions will be recognized. In debate events, each elimination round earns 3 points. In speech, 1st=5 points, 2nd=4 points, 3rd=3 points, and finalists earn 2 points. Each school’s points for speech and will be converted to a percentage. Those two percentages will be summed for placings.
Asynchronous Speech Tournament Schedule
Extemp and Impromptu prompts posted on SW/emailed to participants: Saturday, January 16, 5:00 PM PST
All entries and corresponding videos due to Speechwire: Monday, January 18th at 5:00 PM PST
All preliminary round ballots released and sent to judges via Speechwire: Monday, January 18, 8:00 PM PST
Preliminary ballots due: Wednesday, January 20, 5:00 PM PST
For events with 35+ entries, semi-final/final postings released, ballots released (semi-finals if needed – if a clean break is possible, finals postings and ballots will be
released): Wednesday, January 20, 8:00 PM PST 
Semi-final ballots due: Thursday, January 21, 5:00 PM PST
Corresponding final round posting/ballots released: Thursday, January 21, 8:00 PM PST.
All finals ballots due: Friday, January 22, 8:00 PM PST
Full awards video emailed to participants: Saturday, January 23, 1:00 PM PST
Impromptu competitors should pick one prompt and record their video - prep must be recorded and included in impromptu submissions.
Extemp competitors should pick one question and record their video - prep should not be recorded or included in extemp submissions. 

“You can tell a lot about a woman by her email signature. Actually you can’t but for some reason people do anyway.” 

Sarah Cooper

“We’ve all seen a bird in the airport, but this is a horse loose in a hospital.” 

John Mulaney

“No matter how old you are, if a little kid hands you a toy phone, you answer it.” 

Dave Chappelle





  1. In light of the recent attack on the US Capitol, should Senator Ted Cruz resign from his position?

  2. What is the most important issue President-Elect Joe Biden should tackle in his first one hundred days?

  3. What impact will social media’s banning of Donald Trump have on the stock market?


  1. Will the UK’s economy be able to weather a third nation-wide lockdown? 

  2. How can French President Emmanuel Macron secure re-election in the 2022 presidential race?

  3. What impact will the US’ designation of Yemen’s Houthi movement as a terrorist group on the country’s civil war?


Manager contact information

Amanda Ozaki
Email address: amanda.ozaki@cui.edu
Phone number: 9168974590

Mailing address

1530 Concordia West
Irvine, CA 92612

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