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Canfield Kiwanis Speech & Debate Tournament

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Ohio.

View manager contact information

We are now at capacity for registration.
Additional registration requests for currently registered teams will be added to a waitlist.

Category specific tentative time schedules and anticipated logistics are linked above and below!

Speech Events



Debate Events
Anticipated Timing
See the links above for category specific timing.
Essentially, teams are expected to be checked in by 8:15 AM.
The awards ceremony should begin no later than 2:15 PM and conclude no later than 2:45 PM.
** Depending on final registration numbers, it is likely/possible that awards will begin earlier than 2:15 PM. **


The Canfield Kiwanis Speech and Debate Tournament will be conducted exclusively in-person on Saturday, January 8, 2022.

Please note:  This is an IN-PERSON Tournament.
An administratively approved coach MUST be in attendance for each team throughout the entire tournament.

Per current OSDA policy, masks are required to be worn by all tournament attendees.

Additional Tournament Considerations:
We will NOT offer Policy Debate at this tournament.
We will NOT host Middle School competition at this tournament.
We will NOT allow double entry at this tournament.

We anticipate offering the following competition, contingent on the final registration numbers:
Speech Events:   3 Prelim Rounds and Finals
LD Debate:   3 Prelim Rounds and Finals  (in debate, finals could be:  1v2, 3v4, 5v6)
PF Debate:  3 Prelim Rounds
Congressional Debate:  Preliminary Competition and Finals

Electronic postings and e-Balloting will be used.

While a tentative schedule is viewable in SpeechWire, it is subject to change, and a final schedule will be shared after the close of registration.

The registration deadline for competitors is Tuesday, January 4, 2022, at 5:00 PM.
Entry fees will be invoiced for drops after the deadline.
An anticipated schedule will be communicated after the close of registration.

We are now at capacity for registration.
Additional registration requests for currently registered teams will be added to a waitlist.

Registration Fees:

Checks payable to "Canfield Local Schools"
Attention: Speech & Debate
100 Cardinal Dr.
Canfield, OH 44406

Judge Information:
The registration deadline for judges is Friday, January 7, 2022, at 4:00 PM.

Youngstown District Judge Notices:
A judge cannot judge Congressional Debate if they have a close relative competing in Congress.
A judge in Speech Events must be blocked from any category in which they have a close relative competing.
We anticipate using e-Balloting; judges should plan to bring electronic devices.

Food / Drink Considerations:
Generally speaking, per Youngstown District Policy, teams / participants are NOT permitted to bring outside food/drink to the tournament.

*** Teams CANNOT bring breakfast, lunch, or snack items for distribution. ***
Please note: Participants can bring a beverage with them to the tournament in the morning, and we will have concessions considerate of dietary preferences / restrictions.  Attendees with notable dietary restrictions are permitted to bring their own food for their individual consumption. 

Team Sweepstakes
At this time, we anticiapte "Team Sweepstakes" being determined similar to the State Finals approach for Sweepstakes.  Each ballot/rank counts for all participating entries as follows:

Speech Prelims
1 = 3 Points
2 = 2 Points
1 = 1 Point
Speech Finals
1 = 3 Points
2 = 2 Points
1 = 1 Point

LD/PF Prelims
W = 3 Points
L = 0 Points

LD/PF Finals
W = 3 Points
L = 0 Points

Congressional Debate Prelims
1 = 3 Points
2 = 2.5 Points
3 = 2 Points
4 = 1.5 Points
5 = 1 Point
6 = 0.5 Points
Congressional Debate Finals
1 = 1.8 Points
2 = 1.5 Points
3 = 1.2 Points
4 = 0.9 Points
5 = 0.6 Points
6 = 0.3 Points

More information will be communicated closer to the date of this tournament.
If you have additional questions, please let me know.

I look forward to seeing you at the Canfield Tournament on January 8, 2022!

Jeremy Hamilton
Director of Speech & Debate
Canfield High School

Manager contact information

Jeremy Hamilton
Email address: JHamilton@CanfieldSchools.net
Phone number:

Mailing address

100 Cardinal Dr.
Canfield, OH 44406

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