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Paul Winters & Pat Kennedy Invitational

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Pacific Meets the Delta Swing Invitational Forensics Tournament November 4-6, 2022


Mustang Invitational Synchronous Tournament

IN PERSON — November 4, 2022

Hosted by San Joaquin Delta College

Link to Pay Fees (if you want to pay for Mustang, please submit a separate payment)


Paul Winters & Pat Kennedy Invitational

LD/NPDA/IE Tournament November4-6, 2022 Hosted by University of the Pacific


Dear Colleagues,


The Speech and Debate teams of the University of the Pacific and San Joaquin Delta College are pleased to invite you and your forensics squad to attend the Pacific Meets the Delta invitational speech & debate tournaments. The Mustang Invitational will be held IN-PERSON (Nov. 4, 2022) while the Paul Winters & Pat Kennedy Invitational will be hosted IN-PERSON (Nov. 4-6, 2022) on University of the Pacific’s campus.


San Joaquin Delta College’s Mustang Invitational will feature two preliminary rounds of competition in Novice and Open divisions of all eleven AFA/Phi Rho Pi individual events. Events with seven or more competitors will advance to a final round. All entries are due no later than Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022 by 5:00 PM PST.


The University of the Pacific’s Paul Winters & Pat Kennedy Invitational is a full-service tournament featuring NPDA Debate, NFA LD Debate, IPDA Debate, and Individual events. NFA LD Debate runs on Friday evening through Saturday. NPDA Debate runs Saturday and Sunday and conflicts with IEs which will run concurrently with debate rounds on Sunday. Two preliminary rounds of competition in Novice and Open divisions of all eleven AFA/Phi Rho Pi individual events will be offered, advancing to semifinals (as appropriate) or finals in each event. IPDA will run concurrently with IE rounds on Sunday and will advance to a festival style elimination round. Five preliminary rounds of Novice and Open divisions of NPDA Parliamentary and NFA LD debate will advance to appropriate elimination rounds.


All entries for the Paul Winters are due Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022 by 9PM PST. Entries will be taken electronically at speechwire.com. Changes and drops can be made but additions and/or replacements must occur on a case-by-case basis. If you have never used this method for submitting tournament entries, please email either myself (sfarias@pacific.edu) or Ben Stewart (support@speechwire.com). The forensics teams from the University of the Pacific and San Joaquin Delta College Colleges look forward to hosting you and your students Nov. 4-6, 2022. We will be creating separate tournament documents on google that will contain information, FAQ, best practices documents, etc. If there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to contact us.



For Pacific Forensics, Prof. Steve Kalani Farias

Tournament Director and Dir. of Forensics University of the Pacific

(209) 946-3050 or (209) 471-6470 (cell)


For San Joaquin Delta College Forensics, Jeff Toney

Tournament Director and Dir. of Forensics San Joaquin Delta College

(209) 954-5191



Paul Winters & Pat Kennedy Invitational Schedule

2022 Schedule of Events (all times PST)



NFA LD Debate FRIDAY, Nov. 4, ‘22

11:30-12:15 Registration

12:30-1:20 LD Round 1A
1:20-2:10 LD Round 1B

2:10-3:00 LD Round 2

3:15-4:30 LD Round 3

5:30-6:45 LD Round 4

7:00-8:15 LD Round 5


SATURDAY, Nov. 5, ‘22

11:30 AM LD ELIM 1

2:25 PM LD ELIM 2

5:20 PM LD ELIM 3

8:15 PM LD ELIM 4



NPDA Debate SATURDAY, Nov. 5, ‘22

7:45-8:10 Registration

8:15 AM Topic Announce for Rounds 1 & 2 (both rounds will use the same topic)

9:00 AM NPDA Round 1

10:10 AM NPDA Round 2

12:45 PM Topic Announce 1:10 PM NPDA Round 3

3:40 PM Topic Announce 4:05 PM NPDA Round 4

6:35 PM Topic Announce 7:00 PM NPDA Round 5


SUNDAY, Nov. 6, ‘22

9:00 AM Topic Announce 9:25 AM NPDA ELIM 1

10:45 AM Topic Announce 11:10 AM NPDA ELIM 2

1:15 PM Topic Announce 1:40 PM NPDA ELIM 3

3:00 PM Topic Announce 3:25 PM NPDA ELIM 4

4:55 PM Topic Announce 5:20 PM NPDA ELIM 5




8:00 AM Extemp Prep

8:15 AM Pattern A1/IPDA 1 10:00 AM Extemp Prep

10:15 AM Pattern A2/IPDA 2

12:30 PM Pattern B1/IPDA 3

2:15 PM Patten B2/IPDA 4 3:45 PM Extemp Prep

4:00 PM Pattern A Finals & All Semifinals/IPDA Bronze

5:45 PM Pattern B & All remaining finals/IPDA Gold/Silver




Mustang Invitational Schedule



Friday Nov. 4, 2022

(Times subject to change)


9:00 AM Registration (Mustang Room)

10:00 AM Extemp Prep Start (Prep Room in Library)

10:15 AM Round 1 (Pattern A)

11:30 AM Extemp Prep Start

11:45 AM Round 2 (Pattern A)

12:45-1:30 PM Lunch

1:45 PM Round 1 (Pattern B)

3:00 PM Round 2 (Pattern B)

4:15 PM Pattern A Finals/Extemp Prep

5:30 PM Pattern B Finals

Awards ASAP


Pattern A – Extemporaneous Speaking, Informative Speaking, After Dinner Speaking, Prose Interpretation and Poetry Interpretation.

Pattern B – Impromptu Speaking, Persuasive Speaking, Communication Analysis, Duo Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, and Programmed Oral Interpretation.


Pacific Meets the Delta Swing

University of the Pacific and San Joaquin Delta College Nov. 4-6, 2022






Pacific's COVID-19 health and safety plan is based upon the current guidance issued by the California Occupational Health and Safety Administration (Cal/OSHA), State of California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More information about Pacific’s guidelines can be accessed here: https://www.pacific.edu/covid-19-update


All Pacific students and employees are required to be up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations. This includes primary doses of vaccines, as well as any boosters that are recommended for individuals based on their eligibility.


Pacific students and employees are expected to follow all local requirements regarding facial coverings. The California Department of Public Health and the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention also recommend facial coverings and other precautions based upon COVID-19 Community Level. Facial Coverings at Pacific are optional unless you are visiting health care settings. They are mandatory for close contacts who have been exposed to COVID-19.


Beyond this, all protocols that are in place for your own school should be followed while on University of the Pacific’s campus. If you feel sick or unwell we encourage you to stay home, return home, and we will do our best to refund/not charge any fees due to Covid drops.






Tournament Rules – AFA, NFA, NPDA, & IPDA regulations will govern their respective divisions, unless specified elsewhere in this invitation. Hybrid teams and three person teams may compete (although only two debaters may speak in a given round). Only NFA L/D debaters may compete without a partner.


Competitor Eligibility - Any undergraduate in a two-year or four-year college or university carrying 6 or more units is eligible. No person who has competed for 10 or more semesters or has competed at a collegiate national tournament in 5 different years may compete. UOP and San Joaquin Delta College students may participate but will not accrue sweepstakes points.



Both tournaments will exclusively use Speechwire.com. Entries must be completed by the following deadlines: Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022 by 5:00 PM EST (MUSTANG) & 9:00 PM PST (PAUL WINTERS & PAT KENNEDY). ALL Fees (judging and entry) will accrue as of Friday at 12 noon. Both tournament directors reserve the right to refuse adds, name changes, and/or assess nuisance fees after this date and time.



  • Students may enter in NFA-LD & NPDA, NFA-LD & IEs/IPDA, or NFA-LD & NPDA.
  • Students may conditionally enter in NFA-LD, NPDA, & IEs/IPDA however if students break in NPDA, they may be dropped from IEs/IPDA due to scheduling conflicts. 
  • Students may enter in no more than 3 events per pattern of IEs OR one IE event and IPDA debate.



However, if you do not catch the mistake BEFORE 8 pm on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, the changes ARE NOT GUARANTEED. It only creates errors and delays the tournament.






Students MAY NOT enter more than THREE events per pattern. IF COMPETING IN IPDA, students may not enter more than one other IE event. It is the sole responsibility of competitors to ensure they arrive to each round on time. Failure to do so will result in a no-show score for that round. The following events will be offered in Novice and Open division:

Pattern A – Extemporaneous Speaking, Informative Speaking, After Dinner Speaking, Prose Interpretation and Poetry Interpretation.

Pattern B – Impromptu Speaking, Persuasive Speaking, Communication Analysis, Duo Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, and Programmed Oral Interpretation.



Eligibility Rules - Open Division is available to all eligible students, regardless of experience. Students are novices in individual events when they:

  1. are in their first year (defined as two semesters) of collegiate individual event competition and
  2. have not placed third or higher in a similar event two or more times in any division.
  3. have limited high school experience. Directors should use discretion regarding appropriate division


Novice division student whose success at the Mustang Invitational causes them to meet Open division standards do not lose their novice eligibility for the Paul Winters Invitational.


Collapsing Divisions – Every effort will be made to protect novice competitors. However, if there are fewer than seven (7) entries in an event, it may be collapsed into the next highest division. If this occurs, top novices will be recognized at the Awards Ceremony.



Criteria for Elimination Round - Any event with less than 7 contestants will not have a final round (we will attempt provide three judges however, it may be as a third preliminary round or it may be as an extra judge in one of the two preliminary rounds). For events with 7 to 29 competitors competing in all preliminary rounds, a final round will be held. In events where more than 30 students compete in all preliminary rounds, semifinals will be offered. This rule is NOT applied to the Mustang Invitational. Events that break to an elimination round at the Mustang Invitational will go directly to finals.


Advancement to Elimination Rounds – No more than half of the field will be advanced to finals. Students will be rank ordered first by lowest cumulative rankings, then by the highest reciprocal score (a.k.a. decimal conversion) and finally by the highest cumulative ratings. In larger events, preference will be given to clean breaks versus larger numbers in elims.


Placement/Advancement in Elimination Rounds - Students will be rank ordered first by lowest cumulative rankings, then by judge’s preference, followed by the highest reciprocal score (a.k.a. decimal conversion) and finally by the highest cumulative ratings.




Paradigm – NFA L/D Debate is a communication event that is debated in a stock issues paradigm. In deference to the intent of the event, we ask that all competitors and critics are mindful of these rules. Complete rules can be found on the NFA webpage (http://www.nationalforensics.org).


Disclosure - Please help us keep on schedule. Following the return of the ballot, critics may disclose as much information as they see fit. Delays caused by coaches/judges may, at the tournament director’s discretion, result in penalties to that school’s teams including removal from the tournament.


Philosophies & Strikes: When possible, strikes will be allotted but it will be determined based on the size of the judge pool and not necessarily guaranteed. Judging Philosophies need to be submitted to sfarias@pacific.edu no later than Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022 by 9:00 PM (Links will suffice in the email if you cannot copy and paste). Schools not turning in philosophies by that time will not be allowed to enter strikes. Strikes for OPEN DIVISION TEAMS ONLY will be due no later than Thursday, November 5, at 9:00 pm. Strikes will be entered electronically. Philosophies should not be entered with the conflicts/availability information. LD competitors will be provided with 2 strikes per student.



Preliminary Rounds - The computer will randomly match Round 1& 2. Rounds 3, 4 and 5 will be paired high-low within win-loss brackets based upon the results of all previous rounds. Lag powering may be employed, if necessary, to keep the tournament on schedule.


Elimination Rounds - Seeding in elimination rounds will be based first upon wins, followed by opposition record, then by total speaker points, then adjusted speaker points (dropping simply the lows), and finally judge variance (Z-Score). In elimination rounds, brackets will NOT be broken (as per NFA practice). A partial elimination round will be held, as necessary.


Forfeit Rule – Debaters will be forfeited if they fail to arrive at their competition room more than 10 minutes after the round was scheduled to start.






Five preliminary rounds of parliamentary debate will be offered followed by necessary elimination rounds in all divisions. Competition will be administered according to the NPDA rules of Judging and Debating.



Provided that there are at least 18 entrants per division, Novice, Junior and Senior divisions will be offered. Division rules will follow NPDA guidelines. Eligibility is determined based upon the most experienced partner. For collegiate eligibility:


To be eligible for Novice: The student should have no more than two semesters of high school debate experience. The student should be in the first two semesters of collegiate debate. Once the student has won six elimination rounds (including byes), they are no longer eligible for the Novice division.


To be eligible in Junior: The student should be in the first four semesters of intercollegiate debate. Once the student has won six elimination rounds (including byes) in Junior or Open, they are no longer eligible for the Junior division.


Eligibility violations will result in the removal of the team from the tournament and forfeit wins awarded to any opponents in rounds taking place prior to the removal of the team. In the event of conflict, the resolution AS ANNOUNCED BY THE TD takes precedence over anything posted electronically.



Topic Areas: At this year’s NPDA tournament, there will be a topic area from which all potential resolutions will be crafted. A more detailed set of information will be provided NO LATER than two weeks prior to the tournament start. This year’s topic area shall be- Foreign Policy and the Age of Uncertainty. For more information, you can look to the September/October 2022 issue of Foreign Affairs Magazine. Find it here: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/issues/2022/101/5


Philosophies & Strikes: When possible, strikes will be allotted but it will be determined based on the size of the judge pool and not necessarily guaranteed. Judging Philosophies need to be submitted to sfarias@pacific.edu no later than Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022 (Links will suffice in the email if you cannot copy and paste). Schools not turning in philosophies by that time will not be allowed to enter strikes. Strikes for OPEN DIVISION TEAMS ONLY will be due no later than Friday, November 4, at 6:00 pm. Strikes will be entered electronically. Philosophies should not be entered with the conflicts/availability information.


Disclosure - Please help us keep on schedule. Following the return of the ELECTRONIC ballot, critics may disclose as much information as they see fit. Delays attributed to coach/judges may, at the tournament director’s discretion, result in penalties to that school’s teams including removal from the tournament.


Preliminary Rounds – Power-matching for all preliminary rounds will be high-low in win-loss brackets. The computer will randomly match Rounds 1 and 2 which will debate THE SAME TOPIC BACK TO BACK. Rounds 3 through 5 will be power-matched (high-low within win-loss brackets) based upon the results of all previous rounds. The tournament, in extreme cases, reserves the right to lag power.


Elimination Rounds - Advancement to and seeding in elimination rounds will be first based upon wins, followed opposition record, next adjusted speaker points (drop low), then total speaker points, and finally by judge variance. In elimination rounds, brackets WILL be broken. Partial elimination rounds will be held, as necessary. The number of teams advancing to elimination rounds will be dictated by NPDA’s guidelines regarding appropriate breaks.



timing schedule includes potential issues not being able to locate buildings, walking, and any other issues. More guidelines are listed below about issues with technology. It is the responsibility of each team to arrive in the room on-time.


PENALTIES FOR LATENESS – At the expiration of preparation time, the judge will begin a timer. The team(s) who is/are not present will have the total of that time deducted from the speaking time of their first speech. If the late team(s) is/are not present by the expiration of their first speech’s total time, they will receive a forfeit with zero speaker points. If neither team is present by 8:00 after prep time has expired, both shall be forfeited and both teams shall receive 0 speaker points.


Refusal by a judge to do this will result in the removal of the judge from the judging pool and an uncovered judge fee will be assessed to the team who the judge is representing. NOTE: The judge does NOT have discretion about whether to enforce this rule and their decision may be overturned by the Tournament Director if they refuse to enforce it. If a judge refuses to enforce this rule, the affected team should contact the tab room immediately. Furthermore, judges are also bound by the prep clock and must arrive at their debates on time. This means that judges must also walk during prep time and must NOT continue to prep until the end of prep time and then walk to their round. Debaters shall be afforded the opportunity to inform the tab room of judges who are late to their rounds. The Tournament Director shall have the discretion of imposing penalties, equivalent to those imposed for a missed round, for lateness





Eligibility Differences


IPDA Debaters must meet the IPDA eligibility standards published on their homepage for the

various divisions. Novices are allowed to be in 8 or fewer tournaments including this one and also including their high school experience. Juniors may have competed in up to 16 tournaments including this one and high school competition. Senior division are for those with a desire to go senior, or who must move up due to 16 prior tournaments. This means all formats of debate, not just IPDA. And any college student enrolled in a degree may compete.


Judging Differences


IPDA could be judged by any critic regardless of experience or credential. Some IPDA critics may have little to no experience, so debaters should thoroughly explain concepts and weigh impacts in the round.


Stylistic Differences

Cleaner, clearer speaking styles seem to work better than quicker, tech or higher speed styles for many IPDA judges. Avoid gamey, techy tactics. Kritiks, Topical Counterplans, etc. . . are frowned on by the IPDA community, and some regulations. Please review their homepage.


Time differences

No additional prep time is allocated beyond the 30 minutes of prep following reading of the topic, which by the way is negotiated by the debaters as each can strike two of the

five resolutions provided per round. Judges should factor time violations into their decision calculations.


IPDA Times shown below:
  1. minute First Affirmative 2 Cross Examination
  2. minute First Negative 2 Cross Examination

3 minute Affirmative Rebuttal 5 minute Negative Rebuttal

3 minute Affirmative Summary.







You must have TWO checks (or online payments)—one payment for the Mustang Invitational made out to San Joaquin Delta College and one payment for the Paul Winters & Pat Kennedy Inivational made out to Pacific Forensics. Fees will be assessed at noon on Thursday, Nov 5, 2020. Because we need to finalize our trophy order, we cannot accommodate last minute reductions in fees. The following fees will be assessed:


Mustang Invitational

•           $30 per institution (for administrative costs)

•           $10.00/Individual Events slot


Paul Winters Invitational

•           $30 per institution (for administrative costs)

•           $10.00/Individual Events slot

•           $25.00/NFA LD & IPDA Debate slot.

•           $50.00/ NPDA debate teamm


Uncovered judge fees will be assessed on the following basis (on top of standard fees):

•           $20.00 per I.E. slot.

•           $50 per IPDA Slot

•           $100.00 per L/D Debate slot.

•           $150.00 per Debate team



Teams expecting that fees may result in a financial hardship to their team should email tournament directors to discuss fee waivers. Waivers between 50-100% will be made available where possible and necessary to ensure equitable access.



Payment should be completed no later than the end of competition on the first day of YOUR involvement in the tournament (e.g., if your school is competing in LD or at the Mustang Invitational, payment is due no later than the end of Friday. If you are competing in NPDA, then your payment is due no later than the end of Saturday. If only in IEs on Sunday, then by end of Sunday). We will accept payment all the way until Sunday and past the tournament with advanced notice.

Unfortunately, we cannot bill you. Purchase orders are NOT acceptable. WE CAN accept payment via credit card and before the tournament via a stable link that will be posted on Speechwire.com



Commitment –

IEs- One judge can cover up to six IE slots.

IEs/IPDA- One judge can cover up to 6 IE spots or IPDA in a pattern

Debate- One judge covers 2 entries in debate. Judges can cover BOTH LD and NPDA. However, NPDA judges cover half commitments in IEs/NPDA.


Because of the nature of a tournament, we will attempt to honor half-commitments, but cannot guarantee it; especially when schools bring novice/junior only judges.


Debate judges are needed through the first TWO elimination rounds and one round beyond their team’s/debater’s elimination. An I.E. judge is committed through finals. Meeting this commitment is essential for this tournament.


Available Judges – We will be working with Hired Judge and can work to charge your school for full time judges for the days we will need judges. We will pay $125 per day to hired judges and no more than $425 for the entire weekend (meaning your judge is available to judge IEs on Friday, LD Debate, NPDA Debates, and IE/IPDA events).






Individual Events – First through third place receive handsome trophies while all other finalists receive finalist award paperweights. NFA L/D debaters advancing to an elimination round will receive awards and we will recognize the top 5 speakers in each division of debate.


NPDA Debate – Each debate team advancing to an elimination round will receive an award. In NPDA debate, the top ten speakers in each division will receive speaker awards. Speaker awards will be determined by: 1. Adjusted points (drop low), 2. total points; 3. Twice adjusted points (drop hi-lo); 4. judge variance (Z-score); 5. Random



Individual Events - Sweepstakes points will be issued to all participants in semifinals and finals based on the following scale. No points will be given for preliminary rounds.


1st Place         2nd Place        3rd Place         Finalist             Semifinalist

10 points          7 points            5 points            3 points            1 point


Parliamentary and L/D

•           3 points will be given for each preliminary round win IF the team has a 50% or better preliminary round win/loss record. Teams with less than a 50% record will receive no preliminary round points.

•           3 points will be given to each team/individual that reaches the elimination rounds.

•           1 point will be given to each team/individual who wins a debate in a full-elimination round




Small School Status - Team entries are aggregated with an NPDA team being the equivalent of 2 IE slots, and an NFA-LD entry being the equivalent of 1.5 IE slots. After ranking the entries of the teams entered in the pool, the bottom 1/3 of entries are classified as small schools.


Individual Competitor Sweepstakes - Awards will be presented to the top four open division individual competitors ACROSS THE SWING. Competitors must be competing in at least five events ACROSS THE SWING. The school formula noted above will be used for the allocation of points. For the purposes of this award, Open Lincoln-Douglas will count as 2 events.


Tournament School Awards –Tournament School Awards –The top three 4-year and the top three 2-year schools for overall tournament sweepstakes awards will be presented for the Mustang Invitational and Paul Winters Invitational. Additionally, we will recognize the top three small schools in overall sweepstakes at the Paul Winters Invitational.


Swing School Awards –Each school’s points will be calculated. The total scores for both halves will be added together to determine rankings for each school. Awards will be presented to the top three two-year and four-year school, respectively as well as three Small School sweepstakes awards. Schools who are the in the lower 1/3 of aggregate entries are considered small schools. An NPDA debate team will count as 2 IE slots and an NFA L/D debater counts for 1.5 slots.


Manager contact information

Steven Kalani Farias
Email address: sfarias@pacific.edu
Phone number: 2094716470

Mailing address

3601 Pacific Ave
Communication Department
Stockton, CA 95211

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