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JWP Bulldog Speech Meet

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Minnesota.

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Dear Speech Coach,
We want to welcome you once again to our annual tournament. We are planning on an IN PERSON tournament. We hope to see your team in attendance on Saturday, March 18!
Registration: Please register by Wednesday, March 15 on SpeechWire. At that time, Speechwire will close for adds. However, Speechwire will remain open for any last minute drops. Please have your changes made by Saturday morning @ 7:45AM. If you do not have Internet access the morning of competition, please send a text ASAP with your changes. (507-420-4084).
Categories and Format:  Three rounds and Varsity finals in all thirteen MSHSL speech events. Novice finals will be held in any rounds that have a qualifying number of participants to do so. Novice competitors are those in grades 7-9 OR any brand-new competitors. Please mark your competitors as NOVICE or VARSITY upon registration. Double entry will be allowed in all categories except Discussion.
Draws:  All stories will be used in draws for Storytellers & Ex Readers. Storytellers, Ex Speakers and Ex Readers will draw for all rounds.  Clean draw for Final Rounds. We are using virtual draws (a physical draw room, but no paper draw envelopes). As such Ex Readers, Storytellers and Ex Speakers need to bring a device to use for draws.
Fees: $7.00 per entry ($14.00 per duo).
Judges: Please provide one judge for every 6 participants or fraction thereof. Please mark your judges as PA, Interp or either. When you are registering your judges, please take care to enter your judges' emails correctly, as we will be using e-ballots & e-critiques, therefore all judges must bring their own device to use for the tournament. JWP will not supply devices for judges. Please ensure that your judges are also familiar with e-ballots and e-critiques before arriving at the tournament. Uncovered judges will be assessed a fee of $85.00.
Awards: Trophies, medals, ribbon will be awarded to all finalists.
Food: Concessions will be available for all participants. A light lunch will be provided for judges.
        7:00 Registration Opens
8:30 Draws for Round 1
9:00 Round 1
        10:00   Draws for Round 2
10:30 Round 2
12:00   Round 3
1:45    Finals
3:15    Awards
Jessie Oelke 
JWP Speech Coach
110 E 3rd St., P.O. Box 389
Janesville, MN 56048

Manager contact information

Jessie Oelke
Email address: joelke@isd2835.org
Phone number: 507-420-4084

Mailing address

110 East 3rd St.
Janesville, MN 56048

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