Cotter Speech Meet
General information
This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Minnesota. View manager contact information
Unique things for our 2024 meet:
Time cards will be used in one preliminary round and all final rounds to prepare kids for MSHSL subs/sections/state.
We are a NIETOC Nationals Bid Tournament.
Along with 13 MSHSL categories we will offer POI and Impromptu.
Double entries allowed, triple entries only if in Impromptu.
Sweepstakes trophies for large school, small school, AND quality team (described below) as well as a 9x13 Bloedows Party donut.
Tournament Format:
There will be three preliminary rounds of competition followed by a Final consisting of students who ranked 1-6 in prelims.
Due to size of tournament, we are anticipating some categories will have a Next-In Final (ranks 7-12).
Entry Fees:
$7.00 per entry (Duos count as one entry).
Checks are payable to "Cotter Schools", with "Speech Meet" in the memo line.
Registration Deadline:
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 10:00pm.
To help better plan the rooms, please have all preliminary entries in Speechwire by Friday, March 1, 2024 at 10pm.
Judging Requirements:
Teams are required to bring one judge for every six entries.
Additional judges will be available to hire for $90.00 if teams cannot meet this requirement. Please contact Amy French as soon as possible if you anticipate you will need to hire a judge.
Make all necessary drops to your registration on Speechwire by March 24 at 8am.
There will be team sweepstakes awarded to the large and small school winners.
Individual awards will also be given for the Finalists and Next-In Finalist (if held) in each category.
We will also be awarding a Quality Team Champion.
To be considered for this award, a school must have a minimum of five category entries (not quantity of students).
Calculations will be based on a school's sum of preliminary round results (1st = 6 pts, 2nd = 5 pts, etc) divided by number of team's entries into the categories.
For example if Hogwarts has 27 entries and score 315 pts, their Quality score would be 315/27 = 11.67.
This is being done to balance the Quality of the speaker vs. the Quantity of the entries brought to a tournament.
Please contact Amy (507-450-2690) or Bob if you have any questions. We look forward to a great tournament!
Manager contact information Amy French Email address: amyjfrench516@gmail.com Phone number: 507-450-2690 Mailing address Cotter High School Speech Team 1115 W. Broadway Winona, MN 55987