Cougar Classic
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a College tournament in Tennessee. View manager contact information Cleveland State Community College proudly invites you to attend the 4th annual Cleveland State Cougar Classic Speech and Debate Tournament on October 20th & 21st, 2023. The tournament will feature competition in 11 AFA individual events plus radio broadcasting, IPDA, and NPDA. The debate will offer novice and open divisions with four preliminary rounds and an appropriate number of elimination rounds. We have also reserved a block of hotel rooms at a discounted price. Please use this link for the Fairfield Inn reserved rooms:
Book your group rate for Cougar Classic 2023 Important tournament rooms Extemp/Radio Prep - H-107 Laurie Ann Rowland Mailing address 3535 Adkisson Drive NW SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy