63rd Annual Denfeld High School Rotary Tournament
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Minnesota. View manager contact information Welcome to the 63rd Annual Denfeld High School Rotary Tournament! We are glad you are coming to Duluth! We offer a unique blend of AA and A schools. New programs, buidling programs and high achieving programs find this tournament to be the perfect match! Your students will find a competitive quality with a friendly atmosphere. Come and join us this season. For many of you this may be your 37th appearance at Denfeld and others this may be your first venture at heading up, over or down to our North! Many teams have made this their over-night tournament and have made it their tradition; citing the team bonding that happens when going over-night with your team. Whatever your decision we hope you'll make the Denfeld Rotary your choice this year! Date: Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024. Denfeld High School. 401 N. 44th Ave. W. 55807 Categories: We will be offering all 13 MSHSL categories. We will also offer the NSDA category Program Oral Interp (POI) Registration Deadline: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 (Initial Team Entry Deadline). Thursday, Feb. 1st at 7:00pm. Drops after this date/time will not result in a change of statement. Entry Limits: There are no team or category entry limits. In smaller events members of your team might speak with other teammates. Entry Fees: $7 per entry. Checks payable to Denfeld Speech. Entry Changes: Entry changes (drops or adds) can be made on the speechwire.com tournament site up until the end of registration, Saturday, Feb. 3, 8:00 am. We will be site scheduling all rounds of competition in order to make sure rounds are equal and fair. For this reason, registration must be completed promptly by 8:00 AM or a phone call to 218-391-4696 must be made to report your team drops and adds. Double Entering/Triple: Double entering is allowed in ALL categories, including discussion. Discussion will start 15 minutes earlier to accommodate those double entries (discussants should speak first and then report to the draw room). Draw category double entries are allowed, but students should not double enter in 2 draw. Triple entries are also allowed but speakers must not manipulate their round and must make it work as it shows on the schedule as much as possible. Judging Requirements: Teams need to bring 1 judge for every 6 entries or fraction thereof. A small number of judges will be available for hire at $80 for the day. Please email Jill Lofald if you need to hire a judge by Monday, January 29th. The earlier the better! Judging Finals: We ask that ALL judges be available to judge final and/or honors. Tournament Format: Varsity: Three preliminary rounds and a final (1-7) and honors finals (8-14)
Paperless Tournament: Minnesota State High School League Event Info: please share with your team! Extemp. Reading Prose: The Moth presents All These Wonders.Stories 1-10. Cannot repeat a cutting in pre-lim OR FInal round Extemp. Reading Poems: Taken from the book- Saving Red - cuts from pages 1-150. Cannot repeat a cutting in pre-lim OR Final round Storytelling: Stories - 1-15. Cannot repeat a story in pre-lim OR FInal Extemp. Speaking - US and Foreign in same category. No themes selected for rounds. In ALL Draw events you:1. Cannot repeat a cutting. 2. Our selection will automatically appear on the judge critique 3. Will draw for Final Round 4. Rules surrounding not talking after draws is expected. Discussion: Communication Breakdown. Areas I & II - Sub-section Team Sweepstakes: Team trophies will be available for the top 5 teams. We will also have a team SMALL SCHOOL championship trophy available for teams with 15 and under entries! Concession Stand Options: We will host a Concession Stand throughout the day. Students will find; pizza, walking tacos, veggies and dip,soda, water, candy and an assortment of other options! This is a major fundraiser for the team so encourage them to bring money and support our program. NIETOC Bid Tournament: The Denfeld Rotary Invitational is officially a bid tournament site for the National Individual Event Tournament of Champions. Students competing in Drama, Duo, Humorous, Info. POI, Extemp. Speaking or Original Oratory have the ability to earn a bid that will get them one step closer to competing at the NIETOC Tournament in Bellevue West HS, Bellevue, NE., May 10-12, 2024.. For more information visit their official website.If there are enough entries in any of the NIETOC categories, we may offer a Merit and Consolation final to offer more bids. For more information visit their official website. Manager Contact: Jill Lofald - jill.lofald@isd709.org Cell # 218-391-4696
Jill Lofald Mailing address 401 N. 44th Ave. W. SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy