Noel in the OL
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Illinois. View manager contact information
Dear Friends and Fellow Coaches,
The Noel in the O-L Holiday Tournament will be held on Saturday, December 9th, 2023
Please review the following:
Extemporaneous Speaking: Contestants will have one 30-minute prep period. That speech will be used for all three preliminary rounds. Finalists will prep for a second time. Radio Speaking: Contestants will have one 45-minute prep period. That script will be used for all three preliminary rounds. Finalists will prep for a second time. Judging: Each team will need to provide the following number of judges based on individual entries: 1 – 6 Entries: 1 judge 7 – 12 Entries: 2 judges 13 – 18 Entries: 3 judges 19 – 24 Entries: 4 judges 25 – 30 Entries: 5 judges 31 – 36 Entries: 6 judges 37 – 42 Entries: 7 judges 42- 47 entries 8 judges 47+ Entries 9 judges Each team will be responsible for the number of judges based on your original entry number. Contestant drops on tournament will not decrease your number of required judging assignments. Also, to assure proper coverage, please advise all judges that they must stay the entire day regardless of how many contestants if any from your team qualifies for the Final Round. *Please supply your judges with stopwatches for Impromptu Speaking Fees: 1-14 Entries - $150 15-28 Entries - $175 29-42 Entries - $225 43 + Entries - $275 Any questions? Please contact the tournament manager, Matt Capriola mcapriola@olchs.org
Checks can either be mailed to the school (Check payable to Oak Lawn Community High School Speech Team) or turned in on the day of the tournament.
We encourage you and your teams to purchase the food provided in our cafeteria. Plus we will have Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, a very detailed bake sale and making a return is the Cream of Chicken soup. We accept debit card payments!
Matt Capriola and Mike Olsson
Matt Capriola and Mike Olsson Mailing address 9400 Southwest Highway SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy