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Maumee 50th Anniversary Invitational

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Ohio.

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Greetings to all Coaches!
Your team is invited to celebrate Maumee's 50th anniversary at our annual invitational on November 4, 2023!
High School Events: We will offer 3 rounds of competition for all high school Individual Events, 3 Student Congress Sessions and 4 rounds of Lincoln Douglas & Public Forum Debate. Double Entries are permitted with prior approval. We have decided to offer Impromptu in addition to the official OSDA events for students who do not yet feel ready to compete in their chosen category so that they may still get their feet wet by participating in a tournament.
Middle School Events: Middle school students will have 2 rounds of competition. Congress and Debate will be in separate flights and Interp and Oratory will be in separate flights, so if students want to try multiple categories then they are welcome to do so! Double entries for MS do not require prior approval so long as each category is in a different flight.
Registration Fees: The team base fee will be $10.00 and $5.00 per contestant regardless of event. Make checks payable to Maumee City Schools, with the memo "Speech & Debate."
Drop Deadline: Thursday, November 2nd at 11:59pm.
Judges: We ask that each team provide 1 judge for every two high school debaters and 1 judge for every 5 high school IE contestants that they bring. Judges need to have activated Speechwire accounts in order to be registered for the tournament. Please register your judges with their email address and remind them that they must provide their own computer to receive their e-ballots. All judges will be served lunch at no charge.
Topics: Lincoln/Douglas and Public Forum Topics for both High School and Middle school will be per NSDA/OSDA for the month of November.  See http://www.speechanddebate.org/topics.
The High School Congress Docket will be what is set on the OSDA website for Nov 4. Middle School Congress will be using P1-1 through P1-6 from the OSDA website.
Schedule: Doors will open at 7:30am. Extempers will need to report to the prep room by 8:25am. First round for all events starts at 9:00am. Awards are expected to begin before 3:00pm.
School location:
Maumee High School
1147 Saco St
Maumee, OH 43537
To avoid congestion, we ask for buses to be parked across the street at the elementary school.
Bus Parking:
Wayne Trail Elementary School
1147 7th St
Maumee, OH 43537
If you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible.
Sincerely, Coach Stevan Jechura
Stevan Jechura

Manager contact information

Stevan Jechura
Email address: sjechura@maumeek12.org
Phone number: 419-902-4748

Mailing address

1147 Saco St
Maumee, OH 43537

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