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Neenah Tournament

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Wisconsin.

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The Neenah Forensics Team invites you to the Neenah Invitational on Saturday, March 9th, 2024. 


We are offering all standard WFCA events. If sufficient entries warrant, we will offer Novice Prose and Poetry competitions.  We are going to try to hold a power round in all categories as well.

We are providing awards this year- as long as shipping isn't delayed you will be able to take them home with you on the tournament date!  We will award plaques to the top three teams in three divisions.  We will determine divisions based on entries the week of the tournament.  

We are running a WFCA tournament, but we invite both WFCA and WHSFA schools to attend. If you are a WHSFA school and need a low-down on rules differences, just let me know.  

ENTRIES:  Teams may enter as many entries as they would like with up to the top 25 counting toward the team score.  We welcome triple-entries and in any category, but we ask that no students cross enter in extemp and radio, simply because it requires too much time during a round and will put us behind.  Note: Novice Prose/Poetry are only open to students competing in their first year of high school forensics; not their first year in the category.    

RULESWFCA rules will apply in all events.  To accommodate the category differences between WFCA and WHSFA, Public Address competitors may enter as Oratory entries.  We will advise judges not to penalize speeches in Oratory that resemble WHSFA Public Address speeches.  But please note, no chairs in Group Interpretation or the solo acting categories are allowed.  We will also be observing the 10-minute time limit for Group Interpretation and Play Acting.  

JUDGES:  Please provide one qualified (and preferably technology-capable) judge for every five entries or fraction thereof.  If you are short on judges, you may hire one of our independent extra judges at a rate of $150/judge- keep in mind we have a very limited number of extras and might not be able to accomodate a late request.  You must provide the number of judges you indicate on your original entry.  Judges must meet all ballot submissions deadlines or your team will be assessed a nuisance fee.  

REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  Thursday, March 7, 2024 via Speechwire.com 

FEES:  $9 per individual entry and $15 for each group entry (Duo, Group Interpretation, and Play Acting) as of your team’s registration on Speechwire through 6:00 P.M. on Thursday.  Please make checks payable to Neenah Speech and Debate.  

QUESTIONS?: Contact Andie Peterson (920)655-8048 or at andrea.peterson-long@neenah.k12.wi.us Please note that I may not be able to field calls or emails during the school day.


Thursday, March 7, – All entries must be in Speechwire by 6:00 P.M.

Saturday, March 9, 7:30-8:15 A.M. – School Check in- Please call/text your changes to Andie by 8:00 if possible!  If you don’t get a response, please assume I did not get the message and try again.

Saturday March 9, 9:00 A.M - NOTE: draw will begin at 8:30

Saturday, March 9 1:15 P.M (or earlier if possible). Assignment of Power Rounds/Ballot Distribution to Judges.  Judges must go to final rounds immediately after release and submit within 90 minutes.  Power Rounds also posted on Speechwire.

Saturday, March 9, 2:30 P.M. – Awards.  We plan to hold them in our auditorium and live stream them if possible.

We look forward to working with you to create this opportunity for all of our students and making this day a success.


Andie Peterson-Longmore

Forensics Coordinator


Important tournament rooms

Quiet Room - 750
Judges Lounge - 758
Tab Room - 758A
Student Gathering Area - Atrium
Extemp/Radio Prep - Media Center

Manager contact information

Andie Peterson
Email address: andrea.peterson-longmore@neenah.k12.wi.us
Phone number: 9206558048

Mailing address

500 Rocket Way
Neenah, WI 54956

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