General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a College tournament in Illinois. View manager contact information Hello MAFL Friends!
We are excited to continue our spring semester with MAFL 7 & 8 at Illinois State in Normal, IL on Feburary 24, 2024, and at Bradley University in Peroria, IL on Feburary 25, 2024. Thanks in advance to Megan Koch and Andrew Eilola and the ISU & Bradley Forensics teams for their hospitality. We will be HYBRID!
The Mid-America Forensic League is committed to inclusiveness and welcomes students and coaches from all identities and social roles. In light of ongoing harassment and discrimination, MAFL stands in solidarity with and will continue to offer a safe, educational space for our most vulnerable members.
Novices MAFL 7: Novice Tournament, please denote anyone in their first two years of college forensics competition. Top novices will be recognized at awards. Novices will still compete in Open. MAFL Spring Meeting: The Spring MAFL meeting will be heald durring MAFL 7, SATURDAY at lunch. Want to Host MAFL next year?: Please email Brian Schanen at SchanenBH13@uww, with your schools interest. Entries: Each school may enter 6 students per event. Each student may enter up to 4 events. Because of the 1 hour and 15-minute time limit for each round, it is strongly recommended that students are only double-entered and not triple-entered in a pattern. It is the responsibility of the student to make it to their rounds on time. Judges cannot wait past the time allotted for the round. Students may not enter all 4 events in one pattern. *Entries are due Tuesday, Feburary 20 by 5:00 pm CDT. After this point, no new entries will be accepted, however, changes and drops may be made on the SpeechWire website until Wednesday, Feburary 21 at 12:00 pm.*
Fees: Please remember that at the first MAFL you attend, you will be required to submit your yearly membership dues of $300.00. This payment entitles your school to attend all of the remaining 2023-24 MAFLs. A non-member school may attend 1 MAFL weekend per season without paying membership dues, but instead, pay $8 per entered slot and uncovered judge fees. Beyond your one-time membership dues, the only fees you will pay at each tournament are for uncovered or dropped slots. Each full-time judge covers 6 slots, and uncovered slots are $15 each. If you bring more than 20+ uncovered slots, the fee will be increased to $25 for each slot beyond 19.
Please do not hesitate to contact me (SchanenBH13@uww.edu or 262.689.2335) if you have any questions about MAFL tournaments or using SpeechWire. Your MAFL Executive Committee is looking forward to a fantastic year. Best,
Brian Schanen MAFL Tournament Director Brian Schanen Mailing address 441 S Buckingham Blvd SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy