Del Nelson Memorial Tournament
General information This is a High School tournament in Indiana. View manager contact information
Greetings Coaches,
I am pleased to invite you and your team to Bishop Dwenger's annual Del Nelson Memorial Tournament on February 8th. Space is limited, sign up early!
Times and Contact: Extemp Draw will be at 8 am. All events start at 8:30 am. Please arrive by 7:30 am. If you are running late, please contact me at 260.494.7615.
Entries: Entries are due by MONDAY, February 3rd at 6:00 P.M. After that, only name changes and drops will be accepted. All registration will be done through Speechwire.com. You may e-mail me with late adds which I will only honor if it does not require the addition of another room. Please text last minute drops to me ASAP at 260.494.7615.
Doubling: Discussion may not double. Extempers may double in all events other than discussion and the alternate extemp. Otherwise, all ISSDA rules apply. Triple entry permitted for Improv Duo & Storytelling (i.e. legal doubling plus one/both of these two events). We will run these events if space and interest permits.
Judges: Please bring one judge for every five entries or fraction thereof (6 entries = 2 judges).
Parking: Please park buses off of Washington Center Road behind the football field. Please arrive by 7:30 am.
Food: PLEASE NO OUTSIDE FOOD. We will provide concessions and a generous judge's lounge. Teams found violating this rule risk expulsion from tournament.
Rounds: All events will have three preliminary rounds and a final. We will try to have two judges in final rounds if possible. Improv Duo & Storytelling will only have one judge in final.
Divisions: Only Varsity will be offered at this tournament.
Caps: Each team is permitted 6 entries per main events, the cap is 4 for Storytelling and Improv Duo Each team is also limited to a maximum of 40 entries overall. Please contact me personally if you are interested in fielding a B Team. After we have reached our maximum capacity we will no longer be able to accept entries. Our entry restriction is smaller than usual as we are also hosting the NE IN BQD Qualifier. Extra non-sweeps entries will be permitted as space allows.
More information about broadcasting will be provided the Monday evening prior to the tournament.
Round 1 = News Program
Round 2 = Editorial
Round 3 = Breaking News
FINAL = News Program
Subtopics and questions for each round will be given prior to each round in the ISSDA Discussion format. A general topic will be posted on the Monday evening prior to the tournament. Extemp will draw at 8:00 am
Impromptu Topics:
ISSDA Rules will be in effect and used by all judges. Students will have 7 minutes flex speaking time. They may prep and speak for as long as they wish within their 7 minutes.
Round One: Word
Round Two: Quote
Round Three: Current Event
Round Four: Object (which may be used as prop)
Students will draw before 1st and 3rd round.
We will have a final round for the top 6 competitors in each event. Cumulative scoring will be used at this meet.
Awards: Awards will be given to the top 5 teams. Sweepstakes points will be awarded on the 6-5-4-3-2-1 basis. Because our school does not have an auditorium, the awards ceremony will take place in the cafeteria.
We look forward to seeing you on February 8th!
Chad Chenowith Mailing address 1300 Washington Center Road SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy