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DebateBroward HS AST #8
General information This is a High School tournament in Florida. View manager contact information Welcome to our 8th AST Novice High School Tournament on Thursday, April 24th at Fort Lauderdale High School.
LOCATION: Fort Lauderdale High School 1600 NE 4th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305
ARRIVAL: -You MUST arrive for the tournament between 1:15pm and 2:15pm. If you arrive after 2:15 you will get caught in Fort Lauderdale's dismissal traffic and could miss/forfeit the first round. -Please see the Metal Detector and ID video in the Tournament Procedures section of the Canvas Coach Corner. *Students cannot be allowed onto FLHS Campus prior to 1:15pm. They also must go directly to the cafeteria as soon as they are allowed onto the property as several students were “exploring” the campus which cannot be allowed. Students must remain in the cafeteria when they are not in round and keep their area clean.
COMPETITORS: ASTs are for NOVICE debaters in their first year of high school debate (9-12).
REGISTERING ENTRIES: ENTRY CAPS: -Remember, each school may only initially enter FIVE students in all events except Congress, in which you can enter TEN. Any entries over that number will go on the waitlist, which will be cleared pending available space at Fort Lauderdale High and sufficient judge numbers. -No double or cross entries are allowed.
DEADLINES: -Student lunch pizza pie pre-orders close on MONDAY, April 21st. -Registration for NEW ENTRIES close on TUESDAY, April 22nd. At that time, we will begin releasing competitors off the waitlist if team judge numbers and room space allow. -Competitor changes (drops or name changes only) and judge drops/name changes/adds can be made until the day of the tournament. ***NO LATE ADDS. Do not bring competitors who are not registered to the tournament.***
JUDGES: -Judges are required for any tournament to run, and schools are required to cover their entries. (1 judge covers 2 debate entries, or 1 judge covers any combination of 5 speech/congress entries.) -Please make sure you do not bring more students than you have judges to cover. Reach out to competitors' family members, teachers, and mentors for judge help. Coaches can judge too. -NEW - Novice coaches (0-3yrs) are required to judge at least one round.
Judge Check-In: 2nd Floor of the Cafeteria, Arrival is between 1:15-2:15. -First-time judge: You should have received an email from Speechwire to follow and create an account. -Judged before: It is important to make sure you have logged into live.speechwire.com and are able to sign in with the same email address you used previously. Once signed in, please make sure the cell number is correct/added to your account. -In order to have a smoother start to the tournament, it is a huge help for all judges to arrive on time, have checked-in, and have logged into live.speechwire.com prior to coming to the tournament. If for whatever reason you cannot initially log in, click "Forgot Password" but use the same email you entered. -Electronic Device: All ballots are electronic, so judges will need to bring a working, charged, smart phone, tablet, or laptop (preferably with a keyboard) to complete the eballots.
Judge During Round: -Click "Start Round" after they confirm the correct competitors are in the room with them. -Type comments while students are speaking, which will expedite the tournament. Comments are open for editing overnight, but results must be submitted asap. -Save/submit ranks, points, and decisions when the round is finished. We cannot move on to the next round or close the tournament until all ballots are submitted.
PRE-ORDERED MEALS: (NEW!) School Issued Checks Only! -NO OUTSIDE FOOD DELIVERIES (DoorDash/UberEats). -Lunch Pizza Pie Pre-Orders closes on Monday, April 21st. -Pre-order pizza pies for student lunch are 1 pie at $16 per every 4 kids (2 slices and a bottle of water per kid). -Pizza is not sold by the slice at concessions. -Concession prices vary due to the concessions being a fundraiser for the host school’s program. -We will not hold the tournament rounds from starting if the concession lines are long. -Add pre-ordered pizza pies by clicking “Tournament home” on the left column, then click “Update your meal order” in the middle of the screen. -Print your final invoice to request a check from your school under “Current Invoice” on the left column of Speechwire. Make school checks payable to “Fort Lauderdale Debate”.
TOPICS: Public Forum (PF) Debate – 2025 April Topic: "Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its investment in domestic nuclear energy."
Lincoln Douglas (LD) Debate - 2025 March/April Topic: “Resolved: The development of Artificial General Intelligence is immoral.” As stated in the beginning of the year, starting Nov./Dec. AST LD Topic will follow the varsity/NSDA topics for the rest of the year.
Policy Debate, the 2024-25 Topic: “Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.” In addition, at the ASTs all teams MUST use the Novice Policy Packet but are not limited to it. The Novice Policy Packet can be accessed at the NDCA website: http://www.debatecoaches.org/ and click on the Google Drive.”
Extemp topic areas will be "U.S. Legal & Constitutional Issues” and “International Conflict & Civil Unrest” -Competitors move to the Extemp. Prep. Room 506 at 2:50pm for round one draw. -Competitors return to the Extemp. Prep. Room 506 after round one to draw for round two. -Students may use the provided index card (they may not use their own or paper) during their speech, but should not be reading directly from it. -Students must remain in Room 302 for prep. They are not allowed to draw and go prepare anywhere else.
Impromptu topic areas will be released at the tournament.
Congress: Congress legislation for the entire second semester was sent in email updates and is posted in the BCPS Coach Corner Canvas course. It is also accessible electronically here in Speechwire under the "Files for Download" section. Per usual, chambers might not debate all 4 bills if time does not allow.
(NEW!) Interpretation (DI, DUO, HI, POI) and Declamation (DEC): Once you have updated your entries, go to the left column on Speechwire called “Piece Registration”. For each INTERP and/or DEC entry, you are required to include the Entry Title in the “title” section and the website or ISBN number in the “author” section.
More information may be sent out as the tournament approaches. Please let your mentor know if you have any questions.
Sarah Beauchamp Mailing address Fort Lauderdale High School SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy