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DebateBroward N EAST #2

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General information

This is a Elementary School tournament in Florida.

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It’s time for our second NEAST tournament!  We are excited to see your teams!

Tournament is for elementary schools designated in the North area (Zones 1 and 4).  Tournament date is Thursday November 7, 2024 (PSD Day for High Schools).

LOCATION:  Coral Glades High School, 2700 Sportsplex Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33065


Registration for NEW ENTRIES opens MONDAY OCTOBER 21, 2024, and closes on MONDAY NOVEMBER 4th, at 5 pm. Changes (drops or name changes) can be made until 12 pm on Thursday November 7th, 2024, at 12 noon. If you have changes after that, please email me at Jacqueline.Singletary@Browardschools.com  with your school’s name, student who is dropping, and their event, or at check in at tournament

ENTRY CAPS:  Remember, each school may only initially enter TEN students in all events.  Any entries over that number will go on the waitlist, which will be cleared pending available space at Coral Glades High and sufficient judge numbers.  No double or cross entries are allowed.


Bus Requests forms have been emailed out, and a copy is posted on Canvas Debate Broward Coach Corner.  Bus request form will close on Monday October 21st, 2024, at 5 pm.  Bus assignments will be sent in an email confirmation after that date.  

We strongly advise that you pre-order pizza for your team.  Whole pies with 8 slices are $16 each and includes 4 bottles of water with each pie order.  PIZZA PREORDER SALES OPENS WITH SPEECHWIRE TODAY AND CLOSES ON THURSDAY OCTOBER 31st, AT NOON.  The host school will have some pizza and additional concession items for sales throughout the tournament (CASH ONLY).

-Add pre-ordered pizza pies in Speechwire by clicking “Tournament home” on the left column, then click “Update your meal order” in the middle of the screen.

-Print your final invoice to request a check from your school under “Current Invoice” on the left column of Speechwire. Make checks payable to “Coral Glades Debate”.


Arrival for the tournament is between 12 noon and 12:30 pm.  This is a PSD Day for high schools.  Your judges who are not riding on the bus should arrive no later than 1 pm to be able to judge in Round 1.  Judges arriving after the start of Round 1 will be Prioritized in Round 2.  Once we have enough judges checked in, we can start. 

Remember that students are to always remain in their designated areas with an adult chaperone.

Upon arrival, you will be escorted to the cafeteria.  Tables will be labels for each school.  You will be able to pick up your pre-ordered pizzas, and the concession stand will be open for CASH ONLY purchases. 

Check in with Debate Broward Staff upon your arrival.  Please let us know if you have any last drops and changes at that time.

IMPORTANT - Everyone will stay in the cafeteria until Coral Glades allows us to move to the event rooms.  Please keep all students in the cafeteria until rounds start (hopefully around 1:30 PM)

Coaches will be responsible for identifying the room each student will compete in, and for directing their students to assigned room, by reviewing the Schematic tab in Speechwire.  There will also be a QR Code with a link to this information on the tables in the cafeteria.  A list will pop up when each round is ready to go.


  • Standard field trip procedures of 1 adult chaperone to every 10 students. 
  • Teachers/Coaches please chaperone your students.  At least one chaperone must always be with the students in the cafeteria. Chaperones may double as judges.
  • JUDGES: Judges are required for any tournament to run, and schools are required to cover their entries. (1 judge covers 10 debate entries, or 1 judge covers any combination of 10 speech/congress entries.) Please make sure you do not bring more students than you have judges to cover. Reach out to competitors' family members, teachers, and mentors for judge help. Coaches can judge too.
  • Varsity debaters with at least 150 NSDA points, currently enrolled and competing in debate, and who are not in their first year of high school debate are welcome to attend and judge.  Please use the Varsity Judge Request form to request additional judges.  You must have met a minimum requirement of 50% of your judges with Adult Judges.  Please remember that this is a Pilot program and the judges’ pool is very small.
  • Here is the link to the Formshttps://forms.office.com/r/BnK0x3jY2f

              ***If you have varsity debaters who can judge and/or P.O. for Congressional Debate, please refer them to me by using my email Jacqueline.Singletary@browardschools.com.


  • If your judge is not riding on the school bus with you, arrival time should be no later than 1:00 PM or you may forfeit first round.  Please use the Teacher’s Parking Lot.  Judges will check in at the school’s Single Point entry and will need identification. 
  • Everyone should be wearing their IDs – Staff, Judges and Students.  If you have not received your school’s IDs, go to the front office for a temporary pass.  Adults who check in at your school may wear the pass issued there.
  • All judges will report to the media center once we are dismissed from the cafeteria. 
  • All adult judges should have at a least level one clearance with the district.  Have parents/adults use the link to register as a volunteer - https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NDgyMDplbi1VUw==   or go to the Get Involved with BCPS / Volunteer Services website.
  • In order to have a smoother start to the tournament, it is a huge help for all judges to have logged into live.speechwire.com prior to coming to the tournament. If for whatever reason they cannot initially log in, click "forgot password" but use the same email you entered.
  • Judge Check-In: The Media Center OR Judges Room
  • ELECTRONIC DEVICE: All ballots are electronic, so judges will need to bring a working, charged, smart phone, tablet, or laptop (preferably with a keyboard) to complete the eballots.


  • Click "Start Round" after they confirm the correct competitors are in the room with them.
  • Type comments while students are speaking, which will expedite the tournament. Comments are open for editing overnight.
  • Save/submit ranks, points, and decisions when the round is finished. ***We cannot move on to the next round or close the tournament until all ballots are submitted. You will have access to edit the comments/feedback, but we need the scores, ranks, and decisions asap.
  • Speechwire Tutorial for Judges: https://youtu.be/9VmiTHH2bJ0
  • Judge training videos: https://www.speechanddebate.org/judge-training/ and manateedistrict.org


Public Forum – The resolution will be the same for the first and second tournaments:

  • Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially expand its surveillance infrastructure along its southern border.

Congress legislation is available in the Elementary Debate Canvas Course. Per usual, chambers might not debate both bills if time does not allow.  The titles for Semester 1 are:

  • A Bill to Prohibit Using Children to Create or Participate in Content for Profit
  • A Resolution to Phase Out Asphalt and Establish Sustainable Alternatives to Combat Urban Heat Islands.

Piece Registration:  Interpretation (DI, DUO) and Declamation (DEC)

Once you have updated your entries, go to the left column on Speechwire called “Piece Registration”. For DI, DUO and/or DEC entry, you are required to include the title, the author and the ISBN number.  If the ISBN number is not available (movies, plays, etc.) use the URL from the website of the selection. 

Please let your mentor or I know if you have any questions. Good luck and see you at the tournament! 



Manager contact information

Jacqueline Singletary
Email address: jacqueline.singletary@browardschools.com
Phone number: 754-321-1844

Mailing address

Coral Glades High School
2700 Sportsplex Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33065

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