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Cardinal Swing

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General information

This is a College tournament in Michigan.

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Welcome to the Cardinal Swing (Asynchronous) Portion of the MISL Novice Virtual Workshop and Tournament & Cardinal Swing
SVSU and the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League would like to invite you the 2024 Cardinal Swing, hosted asynchronously.
The Cardinal Swing begin Tuesday, September 24th and will feature all 11 NFA events. There are no entry restrictions, including double entries. 
We look forward to seeing you!    
Ryan Rigda Carole Bennett
Individual Events Director MISL Director and Tournament Host
Tournament Director Oakland Community College
Saginaw Valley State cabennet@oaklandcc.edu (pref.)
rsrigda@svsu.edu Office 248-522-3692 (last resort)
Cell: (989) 737-6362 Cell- 734-709-7964
Thank you to all!
Tuesday, September 24th
5:00 PM Entries and recordings DUE to SpeechWire
**LP Prompts released Friday, September 20th.  
Wednesday, September 25h 
9:00 AM Asynchronous prelim rounds released to judges
**Prelim rounds due Friday at 12pm 
Friday, September 27th  
5:00 PM Asynchronous final rounds released to judges
Saturday, September 30th  
9:30 - 12:40 MISL Novice Tournament 
12:45 – 1:15 Brown Bag Lunch (General Round Table about Forensics that will allow students and coaches to ask questions about forensics and meet each other. Please feel free to eat your lunch during the session.  We hope you can join us in the main Zoom room.)
1:15 – 1:55 Interpretation Workshop hosted by Carole Bennett 
(Prose, DI, Poetry, POI, Duo)
2:00 – 2:40 Platform Speaking Workshop hosted by Lee Schwab
(Info, Persuasion, CA, ADS)
2:45 – 3:25 Limited Prep Workshop hosted by Ryan Rigda
(Impromptu, Extemp)
Awards from 3:30 – 3:45 Awards on Zoom
ENTRIES & JUDGES: Entries and recordings should be received by Tuesday, September 24th at 5:00 PM via Speechwire.com. Each school should provide one qualified judge for every 6 slots entered. If you cannot get a clean judge, please let us know because we may be able to work something out! 
If one doesn’t already exist, coaches will need to create a team account on Speechwire. 
If you are joining via cellphone, participants may need to download zoom app before the tournament to ensure participation in the workshops. 
Clean judges should not have taught nor coached your students in any way. Additionally, clean judges must not have competed in the last 2 years. Please let us know of any other judging conflicts. 
Judges must possess a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent or have completed four (4) years of collegiate competition. Judges who cannot judge may be asked to help w/tab, Zoom, & more. 
Cardinal Swing Fees:
Entries: $10 per IE Slot
Uncovered entries: $12 per uncovered slot
$25.00 per drop after registration (slots and judges)
Judging: 1 judge covers 6 I.E. entries
Certificates will be e-mailed to the top six persons in each event, and they will be announced at the conclusion of the event via e-mail/SpeechWire.  

Manager contact information

Ryan Rigda
Email address: rsrigda@svsu.edu
Phone number: 9897376362

Mailing address

204 Pioneer Hall
7400 Bay Road
University Center, MI 48710

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