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Benton High School Rhetoric Rumble

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Missouri.

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Dear Speech and Debate Coaches and Teams:


The Benton High School Chapter of the National Speech and Debate Association cordially invite you to our first annual 2024 BHS RHETORIC RUMBLE OPEN to be held on November 1st and 2nd. This year, we offer:

  1. A competitive tournament with multiple events not often offered at a Varsity Tournament
  2. Custom, hand-made medals.
  3. Sweeps Trophies for: IEs, Debate, and Overall Champions.
  4. We will have NIETOC Bids


Events at the Varsity tournament will include:

Lincoln-Douglas Debate       Public Forum Debate                       Policy Debate

Student Congress                  US Extemporaneous Speaking        International Extemporaneous Speaking Humorous Interpretation            Dramatic Interpretation                  Duo Interpretation               

Original Oratory                   Program Oral Interpretation          Informative Speaking                                  

LIVE RADIO SPEAKING  Poetry                                                 Prose                                       Storytelling


Policy Debate:           Resolved:        The United States federal government should significantly strengthen

its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.


Lincoln-Douglas:       Resolved:        November/December Topic


Public Forum:           Resolved:        November/December Topic


Student Congress:     October Legislation


We will guarantee 2 entries in each event and then all other entries will be waitlisted upon entry. Extra entries will be awarded as available. Entry fees will be $8.00/entry, $10/partner entry.


Submit entries on SpeechWire:

Benton High School Rhetoric Rumble

The deadline for entries is Wednesday, October 28th, 3 pm.




Please note:  Though BHS is not completely inaccessible, it is not particularly wheelchair-friendly. If you have a student(s) who is wheelchair-bound and/or struggles with stairs, please let me know who and in what event(s) he/she will compete in, so that I may reassign rooms to better accommodate him/her.




Main Tournament Contact: Dr. Shane Heard    BHS S/D Coach    shaneheard@sjsd.k12.mo.us    816.261.3358 


Additional Contacts:

Chris Thomas              BHS S/D Coach          christhomas@sjsd.k12.mo.us              816.279.1136

Emily Koehler             BHS S/D Coach          emilykoehler@sjsd.k12.mo.us            706.936.8743






Friday, November 1st (Individual Events)

12:30-1:30:         Registration

1:30:                   Round 1 Extemp Draw

2:00:                   Round 1 Individual Events

3:00:                   Round 2 Extemp Draw

3:30:                   Round 2 Individual Events

4:30:                   Round 3 Extemp Draw

5:00                     Round 3 Individual Events *

6:30                     Finals Extemp Draw

7:00                     Finals

ASAP                  Awards: IE Awards, Overall Speech Sweeps Award

*If event entry numbers allow for NIETOC SEMS qualification, a SEMS round will

replace Round 3 for that event and that event only.


Saturday, November 2nd (Debate) 

8:00:                   Round 1 Debate

9:45:                   Round 2 Debate

11:30:                 Round 3 Debate

1:15:                   Round 4 Debate

ASAP                  Awards: Debate Awards, Overall Debate Sweeps Award and Overall Team Sweeps Award

ASAP:                Debate Sems Finals

ASAP:                Debate Finals




NIETOC:           We anticipate having NIETOC bids in each of the events. Based on previous years numbers, we hope to qualify 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place NIETOC Bids. If number are a bit stronger than predicted, we may be able to Final or even Semi Final Round Bids.   




General Information and Rules


  • NOTE: BHS students MAY be allowed to compete in the tournament, only in order to reach NIETOC bid numbers. Due to the fact that BHS students “may if needed” compete in some events, a grievance committee has been established in case there is an issue with judging  (though, of course, all judges will be screened and conflicts will be removed).
  • We do not have school on November 1st.  
  • ARRIVAL: FRIDAY: Please arrive from 12:30-1:30pm. SATURDAY: Please arrive 6:30-7:30 am.
  • Drop off in front of the school (see map). Busses park in the parking lot in front of BHS (West), or in Junior Parking Lot South of BHS, or in the Football Parking Lot against the wall East of BHS (see map).
  • Registration will be in main hallway.  
  • Tabulation Room: Tab will be open throughout the tournament in the Library Media Center.
  • Facilities and Concessions:
    1. Students should remain in the common area (Cafeteria), or Alternative Commons Area if assigned, between rounds.
    2. All postings will be made public in the hallway outside of the Cafeteria.
    3. A concession stand will be available in the Cafeteria.
    4. Benton High School is a non-smoking campus.


  • Coaches, Judges, and Bus Drivers:
    1. A hospitality room will be provided for judges, bus drivers, and coaches in Room 106.
    2. Busses need to park unload in front of the school and then park in the Junior Lot (See Map Below).


Manager contact information

Dr. M. Shane Heard
Email address: shaneheard@sjsd.k12.mo.us
Phone number: 816-261-3358

Mailing address

5655 S 4th Street
Saint Joseph, MO 64504

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