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DGS Novice

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This is a High School tournament in Illinois.

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Welcome Coaches


PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST MAKE CHECKS OUT TO "Downers Grove South High School Speech". This is a new policy this year. WE cannot accept your check unless it's made out to Downers Grove South High School Speech. So please double-check with your bookkeeper.


Speech season is here!  This year, on a leap year schedule!!! DGS will host its annual novice tournament this year on Saturday, November 9th! We are excited to see all your future champions!  Let’s dive into the details!

ENTRY:  You may enter two competitors in each event for a total of 28 entries.  Students can enter 1 or 2 events.  No student is allowed to be triple entered. You may request extra entries, but they will only be admitted if space permits.  Preference will be given to those schools that make the same available to us.  Schools with extra entries will need to pay an extra fee and will need additional judges.


One (1) judge for each five (5) entries or fraction thereof (maximum of 6).  If you have extra entries, you will need an additional judge (7).  Based on your original entry on Monday, November 11th, you are responsible for the number of judges needed.



7:15AM Registration

7:45 Extemp Draw Round I

8:30 Round I All Events

9:30 Extemp Draw Round II

10:00 Round II All Events

11:00 Extemp Draw Round III

11:30 Round III All Events

1:30 (or sooner) Awards - TBD


Entry fee of $175.00 per school for up to two entries; if you receive a third entry (even in only 1 event), the fee will be $250.   Please make the checks out to "Downers Grove South High School Speech"


  • RADIO: Students should write a script with news no older than 24 hours old.

  • EXTEMP: Students will prep once using the internet!  Also because this is a novice only tournament, prep will be 45 minutes long!


As of now, we plan on having judges use e-ballots and electronic critiques for judging. It worked seamlessly in the past. However, I will have some paper critiques available to judges if they’d instead fill out feedback the old-fashioned way, but the ballots will still be through speechwire.


Individual awards will be given to first, second and third-place finishers. (Maybe 4th-6th if we have enough prizes!) No ties will be broken and there will be no team trophies. 

I look forward to another season.  I've noticed that this group of 9th graders have been more involved and engaged than in years past...So, I'm excited for what the year will bring!!!

Sincerely, Justin Matkovich and the DGS Staff



Manager contact information

Justin Matkovich
Email address: jmatkovich@csd99.org
Phone number: 6303347238

Mailing address

1436 Norfolk St.
Downers Grove, IL 60516

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