Raptor Rumble
General information This is a High School tournament in Colorado. View manager contact information AS OF 11/12/2024, the Raptor Rumble is CANCELED due to McCulloch's unexpectedly broken ankle and surgery recovery. We are looking to see if we can host you later in the season, but that is pending building availability at Eaglecrest. Feel free to drop your entries or not -- if we can host later in the year, we will be in touch and can handle re-registration at that time!
11/5/2024 @ 2:30pm:
WE ARE FULL, given current entry numbers. We will continue to add entries as drops come in -- make any drops by the registration deadline of 11:59pm on Monday, November 18, as fees will be set at that time. Drops made after the registration deadline will not result in a reduction of entry fees. No school has been given more than their 4 entries per event at point, with the exception of Congress. Since Congress runs on Friday only, we have more flexibility with space and can accommodate more than 10 Congress entries per school at this point.
Current entry numbers:
**Raptor Rumble November 2024** Dear Speech and Debate Coach: You are cordially invited to participate in the 11th Annual Raptor Rumble Speech and Debate Tournament at Eaglecrest High School on November 22-23, 2024. Events: The following events will be offered: CX Debate*, JV CX Debate, LD Debate, Public Forum Debate, National Extemp, International Extemp, Drama, Humor, Poetry, Duo, Original Oratory, Informative, POI, and Student Congress. Three rounds and finals will be held in all events. * Depending on the number of entries, we may combine the JV CX and CX pools. If this looks like it will happen, I will email all coaches with JV CX and CX entries for input on how we will handle JV case limits.
FRIDAY: Congress only (4:00 - 8:00 PM) - Pizza will be provided for Congress competitors
SATURDAY: All other events Events on Saturday will be waved to best utilize space and judges. When entry numbers are more set, waves will be established and the schedule will be updated on SpeechWire to reflect the structure of the tournament--THE CURRENT SCHEDULE ON SPEECHWIRE IS A PLACEHOLDER AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE! Entries: A maximum of four (4) entries per school will be allowed in each event, except Congress, which will be limited to 10 entries per school. Additional entries can be placed on the waitlist and we will work to accommodate those entries if space is available. Registration: All registration will occur at www.speechwire.com. Pre-registration will close at 11:59 PM on Monday, November 18, or earlier if the tournament fills. Registrations are handled on a first-come, first-served basis. As always, we would appreciate knowing of any drops in advance of the tournament, in order to help with the scheduling of rounds.
General Rules:
Doubling Rules:
Debate Topics: We will use all current November 2024 NSDA topics in each of the debates:
JV/Varsity CX Rules:
Fees and Payment: The entry fee will be $10.00 per student in events—$20 per team (PF, CX, JVCX, Duo)—and $9 per entry in Congress based upon the pre-registration numbers on Monday, November 18. Changes in pre-registration will be reflected in the final entry fees if made via the web site by 11:59 PM on November 18. After that time, net increases in entries will result in increases in final entry fees, while net decreases in entries will not reduce your final entry fees. Please wait to request payment until AFTER the tournament, as we will be finalizing any incurred judge fees after the tournament.
Eaglecrest High School Speech & Debate Judging: Each school is responsible for providing judges to cover their entries.
Inclusion & Equity Statement: At Eaglecrest Speech & Debate Tournaments, we embrace and support the mission of our school district, the vision of our school, the CHSAA Speech and Debate Inclusion Statement, and the NSDA Harassment and Discrimination Policy. Please review additional information on these statements here.
The Eaglecrest Speech & Debate program is committed to further developing equity, diversity, and inclusion in this activity. To that end, we have tried to remove some of the economic barriers that prevent teams from competing at tournaments, as well as taking steps to provide a more inclusive competition environment. Below are recent steps we are committed to taking to increase access and affordability, as well as inclusiveness:
Awards: Trophies and medals will be awarded to all finalists during our awards ceremony. Numerous superior and excellent ribbons will be given as awards with ballots. Trophies, gavels, and ribbons will be awarded in Congress in-room on Friday evening, with recognition at the awards ceremony on Saturday. Final Registration: Friday Congress check in will begin at 4:00 PM. Final registration on Saturday will be from 7:00 to 7:30 AM, with rounds beginning at 8:00 AM. Please plan to arrive at registration early. Schools not registered by 7:30 AM may be dropped from the tournament. If you are running late, please call 303-884-6188 so we can finalize first rounds as quickly as possible. Awards are scheduled for 6:30 PM or sooner. Congressional Debate: Please submit bills and resolutions by Tuesday, November 5 by email to amcculloch2@cherrycreekschools.org in PDF format or Word format. The docket will be available on SpeechWire on or before Friday, November 8. If there are not enough pieces of legislation submitted, we will supplement the docket with legislation from the NSDA. Food: Lunch and snacks will be served to coaches and judges. Concessions will be available for students to purchase throughout the day. Miscellaneous Details: Please note that a responsible coach must be present on site with students at all times. Please also note that Cherry Creek Public Schools bans all use of tobacco by students and adults in or on all school grounds and facilities. Location: The tournament will be located at:
Eaglecrest High School Saturday morning registration will be in the hallway in front of the cafeteria. From Picadilly St., turn into the west parking lot via Raptor Way—the cafeteria is on the south side of the building. Questions, Comments, Ideas: Please feel free to contact Ashley McCulloch at Eaglecrest High School at 720-886-1283 (McCulloch's school office), 303-884-6188 (cell), or amcculloch2@cherrycreekschools.org. We look forward to hosting this tournament and hope you will be able to join us! Sincerely,
Ashley McCulloch (she / her / hers) Ashley McCulloch Mailing address Attn: Ashley McCulloch SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy