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53rd Annual Chuck Beckman Memorial Tournament

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This is a High School tournament in Minnesota.

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Walker Fifty-Third Annual Speech Invitational
Dear Speech Coach:
The CHUCK BECKMAN MEMORIAL Fifty-Third Annual Walker Speech Invitational will be held on Saturday, March 1st, 2025.  TEAMS - Please update registration by 7:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. 
1. This tournament will consist of three rounds, HONORS FINAL and a FINAL. Double entering is allowed in all events, but discouraged in two draw events. Discussion rounds take precedence over other events. No double entering in discussion and a draw event. Triple entering is allowed if POI is a category, otherwise Triple entering is not allowed.
2. Drawings for Round 1 will begin at 8:45 a.m. sharp!  Speaking will begin at 9:15 a.m.  All competitors should be in their respective virtual draw room 15 minutes prior to round start time. It is imperative that everyone be registered and ready to speak at this time.  Discussion begins 15 minutes later each round to allow double-entering.
3. Medals for 1st through 6th place and Honor Round Champion. Blue ribbons to Honor Finalists. Red Ribbons to those exhibiting excellence in ranks yet missing finals. Instead of team trophies - the top three teams will be able to designate a charity to receive a donation ($300 - 1st place, $150 - 2nd place, and $75 - 3rd place). 
4. You may enter as many contestants per category as you wish; however, be aware that excessive enrollment in a category will lead to intra-school competition.
5. Concessions will be open. Food for coaches/judges will be provided. 
6. The registration fee is $7.00 per entrant.  Note: a duo team counts as one entry. 
7. Discussion will follow state guidelines and has a staggered time to allow double entering. Storytelling and Extemp. Reading selections will be created from the list provided by the MSHSL. (Specific tasks and cuttings will be included in an email update closer to the tournament). 
8. You must supply ONE judge for every SIX students entered or portion thereof.  Be sure you select your judges carefully and have them study pertinent sections of the MSHSL handbook. For each round, all unassigned judges need to be in the judge lounge until the round begins with all judges present.
9. Registration is online with www.speechwire.com. Follow their instructions for registration.
10. We would have a limited number of judges available for $80 if you have trouble getting judges.
11. Registration closes Thursday, February 27th. 
Be on the lookout for an email with tournament-day logistics during the week prior to the tournament.  Please join us on March 1st, 2025 for what will be a rewarding and educational experience!
Cordially Yours, 
Ben Offerman
Katelin DeLorenzo
Tia Miles
Email: benofferman@whaschools.org
Cell: 763-355-4655


Manager contact information

Ben Offerman
Email address: benofferman@whaschools.org
Phone number: 763-355-4655

Mailing address

301 4th Street
PO Box 4000
Walker, MN 56484

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