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St. Ignatius Tournament

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Ohio.

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Saint Ignatius High School is pleased to invite you to the J.J. Miday, S.J., John Libens, S.J., Robert J. Welsh, S.J. Jesuit  PDQ.  This tournament is to honor the commitment to excellence these men made in education and debate competition promoting critical thinking and oratory. Fr. John Miday, S.J. is a member of the Ohio High School Speech and Debate coaches' hall of fame and was recently inducted posthumously into the National Forensic League coaches' hall of fame.  Father Welsh, S.J. and Father John Libens, S.J. were both debaters and supporters of policy debate and rhetoric and guided my stewardship throughout the years, men who modeled the living MAGIS.  

Donations will be made to the charity or charities chosen by teams advancing to the break rounds and the top two speakers.  Please let me know as soon as possible your school choice of charity or charities.

Tournament Dates: Friday, October 11, Saturday, October 12, 2024

Registration Opens: September 18, 2024

Entry Fees Policy Debate:  Each team $25.  Make all checks payable to Saint Ignatius High School

Entry Deadline: Tuesday, October 9, 2024

We will continue to accept entries beyond this date, however we plan to accept all teams on the waiting list as remaining room space allows.  Please plan to register teams prior to this deadline in order to avoid disappointment!

Judge Entry Deadline: Monday, October 15, 2023

By this date, we MUST know if you plan to cover each entry's judging requirement via paying the judge fee or by providing a qualified judge.  We can't guarantee our ability to fulfill any requests to hire judges after this deadline.  Any available judges will have a fee of  $125.

Registration: Friday, October 20th, 2023 online from 3:00PM – 3:45PM.

Competition Schedule:

It is our goal to leave plenty of time for oral critiques after rounds.

•    Round 1 (pre-set) Friday, 4pm Virtual

•    Round 2 (pre-set): Friday, 6pm Virtual

•    Round 3 (powered): Friday, 8pm Virtual

•    Round 4 (powered): Saturday, 8am

•    Round 5 (powered): Saturday, 10am

•    Awards Ceremony, 12pm  (Top 10 speakers, break-round teams)

•    Quarter-Finals: 1pm

•    Semi-Finals: 3pm

•    Finals: 5pm until

Events Offered: Varsity Policy. As an open tournament you can send your novice.

For Ohio schools, this is an opportunity to receive a pre-bid for OSDA finals in March 2024 per OSDA rules.  

Reminder that:

From the OSDA manual

At least sixteen (16) OSDA policy teams yield four (4) PDQ slots (semi-finalists) and at

least twenty-four (24) OSDA policy teams yield eight (8) PDQ slots (quarter-finalists)

with no minimum number of schools required.

Also from the manual:

The tournament must feature at least five preliminary rounds. Rounds I and II should be

preset with geographical restraints. Rounds III, IV, and V shall be paired high-low within

the brackets or in a manner acceptable to the OSDA official

 Schools from Ohio must be confirmed by the Executive Director as registered and paid with the OSDA for the particular season in order to be eligible to participate in Bid Tournaments that season. If an eligible team participates in a Bid Tournament, that team forfeits the opportunity to earn bids at the impacted tournament. Any such bids will not be reinstated once the team completes its registration and payment process with the OSDA


To be the “coach in charge” of a team at an OSDA tournament or event, an adult must be available for the duration of the tournament, must have completed high school, must check in with the tournament staff, and must satisfy either: 

1. included on the team’s OSDA registration as an administratively approved coach 

2. A letter/email must be provided to the Executive Director and/or tournament staff prior to the day of the tournament directly from the school’s administration indicating that the individual is the approved adult to serve as the team’s “coach in charge”.

Login to Speechwire to register your school for the tournament and OSDA membership  SpeechWire

AWARDS: Coaches please email jbuzzelli@ignatius.edu with the name and address of the charity you wish to have a donation sent.  Rather than trophies and plaques, your school will receive a notification of the donation to your requested charity.

Varsity Policy: Awards for the Top Eight Teams

Varsity Debate Speaker Awards: The Top Ten individuals will be acknowledged.

Questions about the 2024 Saint Ignatius High School Debate Tournament should be directed to tournament director Joseph Buzzelli jbuzzelli@ignatius.edu

We view this tournament as an opportunity to provide the high school debate community the opportunity for early season competition. 


Questions or concerns? Contact Joe Buzzelli at jbuzzelli@ignatius.edu

Joseph Anthony Buzzelli Hon. '19, M.A., Master Teacher

ODE Lead Professional License

Ohio Credentialed Teacher Evaluator

LPDC #19 Chairman

Director of Forensics


Manager contact information

Carrie Cofer

Email address: cgrcofer@gmail.com

Phone number: 216-702-6488


Manager contact information

Joseph Anthony Buzzelli
Email address: jbuzzelli@ignatius.edu
Phone number: 216-702-6488

Mailing address

1911 West 30th Street
Cleveland, OH 44113

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