Shark ''Meat'' XVIII
General information This is a High School tournament in Texas. View manager contact information
January 21, 2025
Dear UIL Coordinator/Sponsors:
We are planning the Eighteenth Annual Sabine Pass UIL “Shark Meat.” The meet will be held on Saturday, March 1st at Sabine Pass School. This letter should answer any questions you have about the meet, but if you need further information, you may reach Andrew Bates at any of the following number: (409)971-2321 (call) or (409)697-0304 (text) or via email at abates@sabinepass.net. We would appreciate a simple yes R.S.V.P at your earliest convenience so we can get a working number of schools. We have a very competitive meet and are generally near the limit of students in each contest so early registration is advised.
EVENTS: We are offering all UIL academic events except CX Debate. We will follow UIL rules as stated in the CONSTITUTION, and we will be using Third Party materials (TMSCA, MRC, ASW, A+) for all available contests.
TIME SCHEDULE: A Time Schedule of Events is posted. Please check this schedule carefully. The schedule has been determined by the UIL Conflict Pattern and by our facilities.
DEADLINES: Entry deadline is Monday, February 25, 2025.
FEES: Each school is limited to four (4) in all writing events (Journalism and Ready Writing) and Speech. The top scores from each school will be used to calculate team scores in team events. Entry fees will be $12.00 per event per tested student, $15 for writing events and team Computer Science, $30.00 per Speech and $40 per Debate entry. There are NO additional judging fees
DROPS: Drops after Wednesday, February 26th will forfeit the entry fee. Please advise us of any drops in Speech in advance if possible.
SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions may be made on the day of the contest. It is the responsibility of the contestant to make the director of that specific contest aware of the substitution. If contestants are added, present the contest director with your add slip indicating that you have been added to the contest.
FOOD AND SERVICES: The Senior Class will be operating a concession with snacks, drinks, and full meals for all participants to purchase. Meals for the coaches and bus drivers will be provided in the hospitality room.
FACILITIES: Contests will be held in several buildings on our campus. The cafeteria will be available for students who have finished or are in between contests.
RESULTS AND AWARDS: Results and awards will be announced in the cafeteria as they become available. We will award medals to the top six places in individual events. Plaques for 1st place Team Events and first, second, and third place sweepstakes trophies for schools earning the most points will also be awarded.
JUDGING AND GRADING: Paid judges will be provided by Sabine Pass School for all judged events including Journalism
ATTENTION: All Spelling teams MUST provide a grader. If one is not provided, that school’s papers will NOT be scored. In addition, all Computer Science programming, and Writing contestants that wish to type, must provide their own laptop computers, printers, etc.
Vandalism of any sort will result in disqualification of the entire squad.
Please keep all food and drinks in the cafeteria or concession area.
music players, radios, etc, maybe be used with headphones. We ask that you help keep the noise down in the cafeteria.
Sabine Pass ISD will not be held responsible for damage, theft, loss of property, or accidents.
Again, thank you for the interest you have shown in our meet and your support. If you need further information, please call. We look forward to seeing you on January 15th.
Andrew Bates, UIL Coordinator
and the Sabine Pass Academic Sponsors
Andrew Bates Mailing address 5641 S. Gulfway Dr. SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy