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Logan View Speech of Cake Invite

RegistrationGeneral informationFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesRegistration handbook

General information

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

View manager contact information

Welcome to our brand new Speech of Cake tournament! 
My name is Elizabeth Lafleur, Logan View coach and meet-runner. I'm grateful to be hosting our invite! We are looking forward to hosting your team Saturday, Mar. 8! 
I have chosen to host this invite because there are not other meets in the area, I want my speakers to get in one more meet and so do other coaches in our area.  That said, we've been at this a while by March and we're tired, the kids are tired, and to be honest, the changes to be made are small (either because that's all that's needed or because there just isn't enough time to make sweeping changes).
Therefore, this is a bit less traditional. The invite will run 1 round and finals. Varsity/district entries only (so a max. of 2 entries per event; speakers can be triple entered). Attire will be jeans and speech/school shirts for the speakers. The sweeps winners will be awarded a sheet cake, the event champs will win cupcakes with their ribbons. 
Entries and Judges are due by Wednesday, March 5 at 5:00pm
Here is the Schedule for the Meet:
7am - Registration
    (Food Stuffs & Drop Meeting will be in the FCS classroom as soon as teams have checked in)
7:45 - Extemp Check in High School Library
8:00 - Round 1 Flight A - Humorous, Info, OID, Persuasive, POI
8:45 - Round 1 Extemp Draw
9:45 - Round 1 Flight B - Duet, Entertainment, Extemp, Poetry, Serious
11:15 - Finals Flight A
Noon - Finals Extemp Draw
1:00 - Finals Flight B
2:30/ASAP - Awards
Nitty Gritty Details:
Logan View Speech of Cake Invite
SATURDAY, March 8, 2025
We will be accepting online registrations at SpeechWire. Results will be available online throughout the meet and after on SpeechWire’s website.
The deadline for entries will be Wednesday, Mar. 5 at 5:00pm. All competitors and judges need to be entered by the deadline. You can update and change your entries as many times as you want up until that time, but no additions after this time. 
DROPS:  If you drop a student after Mar. 5 at 5pm through the day of the event, you are still responsible for entry & judge fees.  Why? I've already got the judges hired, food ordered, rooms arranged, etc.  As everyone knows, drops don't make meet management easier by any stretch. I will enclose the SpeechWire invoice with your team folders (it is always available on SpeechWire).
Tournament competition will consist of 1 preliminary round with one judge followed by one final round with two judges for finals.  The top six competitors will advance to the final round competition.  All finalists will receive ribbons; champs will also win a cupcake. In place of sweepstakes trophies, the winning team will be awarded a sheetcake, napkins, plates, and forks.
Double Entries and Triple Entries are accepted. Please make sure your extempers understand that they MUST be on time for extemp. There is a team maximum of two entries per event.
Flight A events:
Flight B events:
I am unsure at this time if concessions will be available.
Registration will be at the main/west entrance.   Homeroom will be in the lecture hall/auditorium and awards will also be there.  All announcements, including finalists, will be posted in the entry area and near the tab room.
JUDGES will need to be provided for every 6 ENTRIES.  Uncovered judging slots will be charged $10 per uncovered entry.  Please, arm your judges with stopwatches.  ALL JUDGES WILL NEED TO BE ON CALL FOR FINALS.  A hospitality room for all coaches, judges, and bus drivers will be in the FCS room. 
Fees are $8.00 per entry, individual or group; THERE WILL BE AN ADDITIONAL $40 FEE for teams with fewer than 5 entries.  
Why? Because as teams get smaller, we lost money by hosting our regular-season meet last year via hospitality room and judges for uncovered events and awards. Here's what happening: the old fee structure assumed fuller teams balances out to 6 in a round. When rounds aren't full, and judges aren't hired but are covered by fees, it creates a gap when a lot of small teams attend. My team is absolutely not an exception to this modern challenge. However, I was requested by my AD to try to ameliorate the problem as much as we are able. If you have fewer than 4 entries but bring a hired judge/choose to judge yourself, I will waive this fee for your team.
We look forward to seeing you at our Speech of Cake invite!  We will try to keep everything running as smoothly as possible throughout the day. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
See you on Mar. 8!
Elizabeth Lafleur
402-719-1509 (cell)
402-654-3317 (school)  - don't leave a voicemail here b/c I don't check it

Manager contact information

Elizabeth Lafleur
Email address: elafleur@loganview.org
Phone number: 402-719-1509

Mailing address

2163 County Rd G
Hooper, NE 68031

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