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West Central Conference Speech Meet

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Minnesota.

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West Central Conference Tournament
Where:  Minnewaska Area High School
Date:  Thursday, March 20th
Format:  Three rounds
Fees:  $6/entry
Judges:  Judges are being hired by Minnewaska for the entire tournament, but paid by individual schools based on number of entries (1 judge per 6 entries). If you know a certified Judge that is currently not registered to judge, please have them email Simi at swelsch@isd2149.org to receive a preference form. Pay is $150.
Registration:  Please register both competitors by March 13th. NO DOUBLE ENTERING!
Awards:  Individual awards will be awarded to the top six finalists in each category. The top two in each category will receive "All-conference" honors, with third place receiving an honorable mention certificate.
Any questions should be directed to swelsch@isd2149.org.
Thank You!
Simi Welsch & Ann Grandy

Manager contact information

Simi Welsch
Email address: swelsch@isd2149.org
Phone number: 763-222-7977

Mailing address

25122 State Highway 28
Glenwood, MN 56334

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