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Gordon-Rushville Invitational

RegistrationGeneral informationFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesRegistration handbook

General information

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

View manager contact information

Please be sure to have all preliminary entries in by Tuesday, February 4th in order for us to start making arrangements for the final numbers. At that point, I will close the the website for any additional adds however, you will still be able to drop an entry through Friday at noon. Also, this year we are trying to have a small middle school speech meet so if you have an middle school speeches, please e-mail me their name and event(s) directly.

Manager contact information

Esther Wilson
Email address: esther.wilson@grmustangs.org
Phone number: 308-250-1223

Mailing address

Gordon-Rushville High School
PO Box 530
Gordon, NE 69343

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