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Central Conference (Nebraska)

RegistrationGeneral informationFiles for downloadTournament scheduleRegistration handbook

General information

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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Good Afternoon, Speech Coaches!
We’re happy to officially invite you to the Central Conference Speech Tournament to be held at Crete High School on Monday, February 12, 2024.
Entries for this tournament are due by 8:00 p.m. on Monday, February 5th.  After that time, you may change the names of competitors or drop competitors up until the start of the tournament, but no additions will be allowed.  We will be utilizing Speechwire for registration and tabulation of the tournament. Speechwire will be available soon for you to begin entering your students.  Reminder:  Schools may have a total of 20 entries with two entries in each event.  Competitors may only enter two events.
The tournament will be an in person event consisting of two preliminary rounds with one judge followed by one final round with two judges.  Events with 17 or more entries will be divided into 3 sections; events with 8-16 entries will be divided into 2 sections.  The top six competitors in each event will advance to the final round of competition.  If there are not sufficient entries in an event to warrant a preliminary round, a final round will only be conducted in that event.  Final round points will be awarded when calculating team scores.  All finalists will receive medals.  The champion and runner-up teams will receive plate inserts for their conference championship plaques.
Entry Fees
Entry fees will consist of contracted judges’ payments, hospitality materials, and tab room supplies.  These fees will be divided equally among the schools and paid to the host school.  I will present each coach with a bill the day of the tournament.
A hospitality room will be provided for coaches, judges, and bus drivers.  There will also be a concession stand offering a variety of options throughout the day.

Team Sweepstakes 
We will follow the NSAA guidelines for sweepstakes scoring:
Final Round Results:
First Place --------------------- 20 Points
Second Place ------------------ 18 Points
Third Place -------------------- 16 Points
Fourth Place ------------------- 14 Points
Fifth Place --------------------- 12 Points
Sixth Place -------------------- 10 Points
Breaking Ties
If a tie exists, the winner will be determined according to the current NSAA Speech Manual under “Breaking Ties”.

Extemporaneous Speaking
Clark Kolterman is the NSAA certified judge who will monitor the extemp prep room.  Students will be expected to comply with the guidelines on pages 17-18 in the NSAA judges manual.
Cancellations may require a shifting of contestants to allow a balance of competition in preliminary rounds.  Double coding will be used to avoid any possible conflicts of interest in setting up the sections.

7:45 Registration Begins
8:40 Judges/Coaches Meeting in Hospitality Room
9:00 Round 1, Flight A (HUM, INF, POE, PER, OID)
9:30 Round 1 Extemp Prep
10:30   Round 1, Flight B (ENT, SER, EXT, POI, DUET)
12:00   Round 2, Flight A (HUM, INF, POE, PER, OID)
12:30   Round 2 Extemp Prep
1:30 Round 2, Flight B (ENT, SER, EXT, POI, DUET)
3:00 Finals, Flight A (HUM, INF, POE, PER, OID)
3:15 Finals Extemp Prep
4:15 Finals, Flight B (ENT, SER, EXT, POI, DUET)
6:00 or ASAP- Awards in HS Gym

Again, entries are due by Monday, February 5th.  It would greatly help my planning, though, if you could register your projected entries as soon as possible.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.  It would also help my planning if you could, at your earliest convenience, send me an estimate of the a) the amount of students that will be traveling with you (not just competitors) and b) the amount of adults that will be traveling with you (coaches/drivers/etc.).  We look forward to hosting you in Crete!
Zach Swiec, Speech Coach
Cell: 402-418-1519

Matthew Martin, Activities Director


Manager contact information

Brian Gibson
Email address: Bgibson@ginorthwest.org
Phone number: 402-418-1519

Mailing address

1500 E 15th Street
Crete, NE 68333

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