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Sutherland Invitational

RegistrationGeneral informationFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesRegistration handbook

General information

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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Dear Speech Director, 
It's that time again! On February 8th, 2024, Sutherland High School will be hosting the Sutherland Speech Invitational. Registration will begin at 7:15 A.M CT with a brief coaches meeting at 7:45 in the hospitality room.  Rounds will begin at 8:30 A.M. CT.  To keep things moving, we will start extemp draw at 8:00 A.M. CT.
We will be using Speechwire to schedule our meet.  Please submit your entries by Monday, February 3rd.  You may continue to make changes through Thursday, February 6th at noon, at which time we will send out invoices to each team.  On the day of the meet, please email Nicole.Weiss@spssailors.org or text (720)879-7094 with all of your drops and changes as soon as you have them so that the electronic schedule can be updated as soon as possible.
Entry fees are $7.00 for each event. Please bring one judge for each six entries (or part thereof).  The charge will be $75 dollars for each missing judge.  Please let judges know that we will be utilizing electronic ballots for this meet.  They can use their own device (laptop, tablet, or smartphone). Unfortunately, we do not have extras.
Medals will be awarded to the top six places and plaques for the top two schools. Students may double or triple enter, but they are responsible for making it to their events in a timely manner.  The flights will tentatively be as follows (changes may be made due to section numbers and room availability):
Flight A Events:  Humorous Prose, Persuasive, Poetry, OID, Extemp Prep, POI 
Flight B Events: Serious Prose, Informative, Extemp, Duet, Entertainment 
Please enter the school through the main doors on the day of the contest. The North Gym will be the designated “hang out” spot for students throughout the day.  Extemp prep will be in the library.  The concession stand will be open from 11-2 in the commons area. 
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact either Brandy Jamerman (the coach) or Nicole Weiss (the tournament manager) through text or email as listed below.  We look forward to seeing you on February 8th!
Brandy Jamerman (SPS Speech Coach) and Nicole Weiss (Tournament Manager)
Contact info:
Brandy Jamerman
Email: brandy.jamerman@spssailors.org
Cell: (308)520-9032.
Nicole Weiss
Email: nicole.weiss@spssailors.org
Cell: (720)879-7094  

Manager contact information

Nicole Weiss
Email address: nicole.weiss@spssailors.org
Phone number: 308-520-9032

Mailing address

401 Walnut St.
Sutherland, NE 69165

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