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MSHSL Section 2A Tournament

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Minnesota.

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Section 2-A Speech Coaches
Welcome to the 2025 Section 2A Speech Contest that will be held at JWP High School on Friday, April 11, 2025.
Registration fee is $20.00 per student (Duo - $40.00).  Checks should be made payable to JWP High Schools.  Coaches are to turn in copies of scripts and complete the Final Round Qualifier google forms before the tournament begins.
Draws for Round 1 will begin at 3:15 P.M. in the Media Center.  All rounds will begin at 3:45 P.M.
Schools will be assigned workers needed to run the tournament, this includes timers, readers and office staff.
Please DO NOT SEND on students who are unable to compete at State.
Please be sure to check the Section 2A Speech website for coaches' responsibilities. A program containing more information will be sent to all teams as we approach the tournament date.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Jessie Oelke
cell: 507-420-4084
email: joelke@isd2835.org

Manager contact information

Jessie Oelke
Email address: joelke@isd2835.org
Phone number: 507-420-4084

Mailing address

None provided

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