Windom Eagles Junior High Tournament
General information
This is a High School tournament in Minnesota. View manager contact information
If you have any questions about this invitation, please contact Elsa Estrada by email at elsaestrada@isd177.com
Read through this email to find out how to accept or reject the invitation, submit your entries online, and learn more about the tournament from the manager.
IMPORTANT! - How to submit entries for your team
This tournament is using SpeechWire Tournament Services to run online registration. In order to confirm that you are attending and submit your entries online, you need to log in to your SpeechWire head coach account. To do so, please do the following:
1. In your preferred web browser, go to http://www.SpeechWire.com and click on the 'Your account' tab at the very top of the screen.
2. Log in with your email address and account password. If you have forgotten your password, click the 'Forgot password?' button. If there is a new head coach this year, please email accounts@speechwire.com to get the email address on the head coach account changed.
3. Click the 'Tournament registration' icon and then click on Windom Junior High Tournament to submit your entries.
If you have trouble registering, please email SpeechWire account support at accounts@speechwire.com for assistance.
Please read the following message from the tournament manager:
Good evening,
Elsa, Irene, & Erin invite you to our Junior High tournament on Tuesday, March 11th at Windom Area High Schooll! Registration runs from 3:30-3:45, draws for round 1 at 4:00, discussion at 4:15, and round 1 performing at 4:30. Awards should take place at approximately 8:30.
Student entries fees are $7.00, with the online registration ending on Friday, March 7th at 2pm. Any drops after that will be allowed but not refunded. Please text changes after that to 507-407-1530. You may use trustworthy, veteran upperclassmen speech students as judges. Please add in a comment to each upperclassman stating their category that they compete. Please let me know if need judges as soon as possible.
We are planning on having a variety of options available at the concession stand. Judges/coaches will get a meal ticket good for a choice of main entree, a candy bar, and a water.
We look forward to seeing you at our tournament!
-Elsa Estrada
-Erin Sebring
IMPORTANT! - How to submit entries for your team
This tournament is using SpeechWire Tournament Services to run online registration. In order to confirm that you are attending and submit your entries online, you need to log in to your SpeechWire head coach account. To do so, please do the following:
1. In your preferred web browser, go to http://www.SpeechWire.com and click on the 'Your account' tab at the very top of the screen.
2. Log in with your email address and account password. If you have forgotten your password, click the 'Forgot password?' button. If there is a new head coach this year, please email accounts@speechwire.com to get the email address on the head coach account changed.
3. Click the 'Tournament registration' icon and then click on Windom Junior High Tournament to submit your entries.
If you have trouble registering, please email SpeechWire account support at accounts@speechwire.com for assistance.
This is an invitation to the Windom Junior High Tournament, sent via SpeechWire Tournament Services - www.SpeechWire.com
Manager contact information Elsa Estrada Email address: elsaestrada@isd177.com Phone number: 5074071530 Mailing address Windom Speech (Elsa Estrada) 1400 17th Street Windom, MN 56101