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Rebel Invitational

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Colorado.

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You’re Invited
As the coach of Columbine, it is my honor to invite you to the Rebel Invitational on Saturday, February 15, 2025.  We will offer the following events: 
IE: Humerous Interp, Dramatic Interp, Original Oratory, Poetry, POI, Informative, Duo Interp, Extemp 
Debate: Congress, LD, CX (no JV), and PF.   
General Rules
Entry fees:
$10.00 per single competitor entry    
$15.00 for two-person entries
Entry Deadline—Feb 12 @ 11:59 pm
Students may not double enter. Any student who is double entered will be removed from all but one event. The tournament director may be the one making the decision as to which event that will be if discovered late.
Schools will be allowed a maximum of 4 entries per event at the original entry.  There may be more spots available after the entry deadline.
Please provide 1 speech judge per 6 speech entries, and one judge per 2 debate entries.  
We will use CHSAA rules for all events.  
We will be using the NSDA Jan/Feb topic for LD.
We will be using the NSDA Feb topic for Public Forum Debate.
EXTEMP TOPICS to be announced.
We will have concessions available for students (cash only).  
We are going to use speechwire.com for tournament registration and tabulation.
Email: emily.orr@jeffco.k12.co.us
Cell: 210-260-7690
Emily Orr
6201 S Pierce St, 
Littleton, CO 80123
In order for this tournament to happen effectively, we need judges to be registered into speechwire.com as well as the kids. Your judges will need to create an account on speechwire.com. Once that is done, you or they can register themselves if you give them the tournament info.
Judges need to be able to get updates, through either emails or texts, or both.  They also need a device on which to judge.  This can be a phone, a laptop, a tablet, etc. 
Thanks again, and we hope to see you here.
Emily Orr
Columbine Speech and Debate Coach


Manager contact information

Emily Orr
Email address: emily.orr@jeffco.k12.co.us
Phone number: 2102607690

Mailing address

6201 S. Pierce St.
Littleton, CO 80123

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