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Nighthawk Knockout JV

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This is a Middle School tournament in Minnesota.

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Nighthawk Knockout JV Invitational 

a Junior High Invitational in Minnesota

WHEN: Tuseday, February 18, 2025

WHERE: Northeast Range School, 30 South Drive, Babbitt MN 55706

WHO: This meet is restricted to students in grades 6-9 and all first year speakers

WHAT: 3 rounds of competition beginning at 4:00 (no finals)

EVENTS: All Minnesota State High School League speech

COST: $5 per entry (duo teams count as one entry) – Make checks payable to Northeast Range School

JUDGES: Teams must provide one judge for every 6 students or division thereof. 

AWARDS: 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in each category and honorable mentions.Team awards for top two teams.

DOUBLE ENTRIES: Yes, in all categories EXCEPT Discussion and Draws due to the preprep for first round (see preprep document for more details)

DEADLINE: All registrations should be submitted end of the day Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - LATE registrations accepted until 3:30 pm on Friday, February 14, 2025 


  • 3:20 pm: Registration in front hall of school (please do not arrive before 3:15 pm)
  • 3:45 pm: Draw meeting Library/Media Center
  • 3:45 pm: Judge's Meeting in Foods Lab
  • All Rounds start at 4:00 pm


This event provides an opportunity for speakers to work with their coaches to prepare, and grow as individuals and speakers.

DRAW CATEGORIES: For the first round, we are asking all speakers (in draw categories) to prepare
for the first round prior to arrival. All draw speakers are encouraged to watch first round.
Storytelling - select your favorite story and prepare to perform that for the first round
Extemp Reading - select your favorite cutting and prepare to perform that for your first round
Extemp speaking - prepare your speech for the first round based on your favorite topic/question (one note
card rule still applies)
DISCUSSION: For the first round, we are releasing the discussion task ahead of time, in hopes that
coaches will use this opportunity to help their discussants review the task and prepare for the first
round. Discussion Task will be emailed to all coaches.
1. come prepared for the first round, there will be no time allotted to prep for the first round
2. discussants will follow MSHSL rules
3. round 2 and 3 will follow the standard meet format

Manager contact information

Jennifer Kaufenberg
Email address: jkaufenberg@isd2142.k12.mn.us
Phone number: 218-235-6123

Mailing address

30 South Dr
Babbitt, MN 55706

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