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Feline Frolic In Person

RegistrationGeneral informationSchematicsFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesFinal

General information

This is a College tournament in Nebraska.

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Tournament Information
The students, coaches, and alumni of the Doane University Forensics Team are excited to invite you to the Feline Frolic Swing. The first half of the swing will be held asynchronously February 11th-14th and the second half will be in person February 15th, on the Doane University Campus in Crete, NE. Both tournaments will offer all eleven AFA individual events.
While we strive to create an accessible tournament experience for all, please do not hesitate to inform us of any accommodations that you, your judges, or your students may need. For the in-person tournament, please notify us of any severe food allergies.
Students may enter as many events as they would like. There will be three rounds, no finals.
PLEASE NOTE: Speaker points WILL NOT be used in this tournament. In the unlikely situation that there is an unbreakable 3-way tie, judges may be asked to assign speaker points.
Final placings will be based on lowest cumulative rank. Ties in rank will be broken on: strength of opposition, head-to-head, and reciprocals.
If an event is small enough to only require one section, final placings will be based on predominance of 1’s, followed by lowest cumulative rank. Ties in rank will be broken on: judges’ preference, and then reciprocals.
Ties in team and individual sweepstakes will be broken on the number of finals; followed by number of 1st place finishes, 2nd place finishes, etc.; and then 1st place ballots, 2nd place ballots, etc.
Team and Individual Sweepstakes points will be awarded based on the following formula: 12 points for first, 10 points for second, 8 points for third, 6 points for fourth, 4 points for fifth, 2 points for sixth.
Students may enter 3 events per flight.
We will be using electronic ballots (e-ballots) for both halves of the swing. Please instruct all school judges to have a device with internet capabilities (phone, tablet, or laptop). Here is a video with more information regarding Speechwire’s e-ballot system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJXxeVS-KgM
PLEASE NOTE: Speaker points will not be used in this tournament. In the unlikely situation that there is an unbreakable 3-way tie, judges may be asked to assign speaker points.
Contestants will advance to finals based on lowest cumulative rank. Ties in rank will be broken on: strength of opposition, head-to-head, and reciprocals.
Placing in final rounds will be determined by predominance of 1’s, followed by lowest cumulative rank. Ties in rank will be broken on: judges’ preference, prelim ranks, and then reciprocals.
Ties in team and individual sweepstakes will be broken on the number of finals; followed by number of 1st place finishes, 2nd place finishes, etc.; and then 1st place ballots, 2nd place ballots, etc.
Team and Individual Sweepstakes points will be awarded based on the following formula: 12 points for first, 10 points for second, 8 points for third, 6 points for fourth, 4 points for fifth, 2 points for sixth, and 1 point for seventh, eighth, etc.
ASYNC:  Entries and video links are due Tuesday, February 11th by 7:00pm. Fees will be assessed by the information we have @ 7:00pm on February 11th. All entries are final after 7:00pm. 
IN-PERSON: Entries are due Tuesday, February 11th by 7:00pm. Fees will be assessed @ noon on February 12th. A $50 fee will be charged for any judge dropped after Feb. 13th @ noon.
As always, we ask that you cover as many slots as possible with usable judges. Questions for the tournament can be sent to either Nathaniel (nathaniel.wilson@doane.edu) or Jennifer (jennifer.torres@doane.edu). 
ASYNC: Each judge covers 6 slots. All judges are expected to be knowledgeable of updated AFA rules. 
$8.00 per slot. $15.00 per uncovered slot.  
Please make checks out to: 
Doane Forensics
And mail them to:
Nathaniel Wilson
1014 Boswell Ave
Crete, NE
IN-PERSON: $10.00 per slot. $15.00 per uncovered slot. Fees for both tournaments can be paid in cash or check at registration.
One video submission per student event will be used for all asynchronous rounds.  
Please upload individual events to Youtube “unlisted” and include the student’s full name and event in the “title” of the youtube video. When possible, please do not include the name of your college/university in the name of the Youtube account. Links must be provided with entries by 7:00pm on February 11th.
*The tournament reserves the right to institute and utilize team event caps based on the number of teams and number of entries at the registration deadline.
Quotations and extemp questions for the async portion will be posted to the tournament’s speechwire page at 12pm on Monday, February 10th. We trust all students and coaches to adhere to Limited Prep guidelines and honor code for preparation. Ext prep does not need to be included in the performance video. However, please include prep time in all Impromptu videos (this can make starting the video camera easier for students, and assessing time allocation possible for judges). 
All Imp judges will be reminded to allow an initial 15 seconds for competitors to read the quotations before beginning time. 
Monday, Feb. 10th @ 12pm LP Prompts posted
Tuesday, Feb. 11th @ 7pm Entries Finalized and Video Submissions due
Wed-Fri, Feb. 11th-14th              Rounds Judged
Friday, Feb. 14th @ 3pm All Ballots Due
Friday, Feb. 14th @ 5pm Awards Released
Saturday, Feb. 15th (Tentative Schedule: may collapse based on tournament size)
8:30 a.m. Registration 
8:45 a.m. Extemp Draw
9:00 a.m. 1A (EXT, DUO, PERS, POI, INFO, PRO)
10:15 a.m. 1B (IMP, ADS, CA, DI, POE)
12:00 p.m. Extemp Draw
12:15 p.m. 2A
1:30 p.m. 2B
2:45 p.m. Finals A
4:00 p.m. Finals B
ASAP Awards
It is important to us that your competitors and judges are offered adequate sustenance. Therefore, we will offer a $6 per person brunch option on Saturday for the Doane Cafeteria Brunch Buffet. When you register on Speechwire, please indicate the number of lunch tickets your team would like to pre-order. That total will be added to your entry fees to be paid at registration.
If you have any questions, please contact Nathaniel or Jennifer. We hope to see you at the “Feline Frolic!”
Nathaniel Wilson
(307) 202-1557
Jennifer Torres
(909) 518-3450


Manager contact information

Jennifer Torres
Email address: doaneforensics@doane.edu
Phone number: 9095183450

Mailing address

1014 Boswell Ave.
Crete, NE 68333

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