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Oxbow Invitational

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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The Ashland – Greenwood Speech Team invites you to the annual Oxbow Speech Invitational on March 8, 2025.


Contest Specifics:

  1. We will be running both Varsity and Novice competition. Varsity will medal 6 places, and Novice will medal 4. Novice sweepstakes will count for half of the sweepstake points. The will be no novice Duet Acting or OID.

  2. Students may be double entered in each flight. If they are in Extemporaneous, please make sure they make it to their other event.

  3. Please provide one judge for every 5 entries.

  4. Fees:  $ 8 per entry.  

  5. Schools may enter three competitors per event at each level for individual events; two entries per school are allowed for Duet Acting and OID.

  6. Registration closes and fees are set as of Wednesday, January 10, 2024. However please contact Jordyn Sheil (402) 366-1821 with drops or changes during the week of the contest.

  7. The tournament will be limited to the first 20 schools that register.

  8. For further information refer to: www.speechwire.com

  9. We will be in the NEW Middle School Building this year. This is located behind the high school!


Please make checks payable to: Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools

                                                            1842 Furnas St.

                                                            Ashland NE 68003 

Manager contact information

Jordyn Sheil
Email address: jordyn.sheil@agps.org
Phone number: 402.430.7956

Mailing address

1842 Furnas St.
Ashland, NE 68003

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