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This is a College tournament in Illinois.

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Hi Hello MAFL Friends!
Welcome to MAFL #8! We are super excited to host all of you on Zoom for our final tournament of the year on Saturday February 15, 2025!

Zoom: Due to MAFL #8’s synchronous nature, we will be running the tournament through Zoom and Speechwire. We kindly ask that coaches work with their students before the tournament to set up speechwire accounts, so that students can access LP prompts. The zoom link will be sent out Friday night!

Schedule: We will attempt to collapse finals if the judging pool permits. I would very much appreciate it if you could bring as many judges as possible in order to make this possible! We may be able to move to a single flight format if we receive enough judges. Also, please note that we will be holding our spring business meeting during the lunch break. We encourage all coaches to attend!

Entries: Each school may enter 6 students per event. Each student may enter up to 4 events. This is also our novice MAFL. Please make sure to specify your novices on your entry. This allows us to give novices the recognition they deserve!!!!!
*Entries are due Tuesday, Feburary 11th by 5:00 pm CDT. After this point, no new entries will be accepted. however, changes and drops may be made on the SpeechWire website until Wednesday, Feburary 12th at 12:00 pm.*

Fees: Please remember that at the first MAFL you attend, you will be required to submit your yearly membership dues of $300.00. This payment entitles your school to attend all of the remaining 2023-24 MAFLs. A non-member school may attend 1 MAFL weekend per season without paying membership dues, but instead, pay $8 per entered slot and uncovered judge fees. Beyond your one-time membership dues, the only fees you will pay at each tournament are for uncovered or dropped slots. Each full-time judge covers 6 slots, and uncovered slots are $15 each. If you bring more than 20+ uncovered slots, the fee will be increased to $25 for each slot beyond 19. There will be a $10 charge for each dropped slot.
    Please do not hesitate to contact me (nsteinm@ilstu.edu or 954-261-6532) if you have any questions about MAFL tournaments or using SpeechWire. Your MAFL Executive Committee is looking forward to a fantastic finale!

Nick Steinmetz
MAFL Tournament Director

Manager contact information

Nick Steinmetz
Email address: nicksteinmetz100@gmail.com
Phone number: 9542616532

Mailing address

Campus Box 4480
Normal, IL 61790

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