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Pipestone Arrow Tournament

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Minnesota.

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Dear Speech Coaches,
You and your team are invited to attend the Pipestone Arrow Speech Tournament on Saturday, March 22. Our team is incredibly excited to be hosting all of you!  All students in grades 7-12 are welcome to compete in our four round tournament (3 preliminary rounds plus 1 final round).  This will be a site scheduled tournament allowing for drops up until 8:00 am Saturday morning.
Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025
Schedule: 8:15 am         Registration in Commons (Saturday morning drops should be called or texted to 507-430-0527 or made on SpeechWire as soon as possible)
9:00 Draws for Round 1
9:30 Round 1
10:30 Draws for Round 2
11:00 Round 2
12:00 Draws for Round 3
12:30 Round 3
2:00 Draws for Finals
2:30 Finals
4:15 (approximate) Awards
(Held in Auditorium)
Registration: Please have preliminary registrations completed by 3:30 pm on Monday, March 17. As we are nearing sub-sections double entries will NOT be allowed in order to prepare students for sub-sections. 
Judges: Please provide one judge for every 6 entries or fraction thereof. Judges should be prepared to judge ALL events.   I may have a small number of judges to hire. Teams who do not bring enough judges will be charged $125 for every missing judge.
Fees:  $7.00 per entry including Duos.  Please make checks payable to Pipestone Area Schools or PAS.  Please turn in checks at registration or mail them to Pipestone Area Schools, Attn: Monica Sullivan.
Concessions: We will have a variety of concessions available that day sponsored by our French Travelers.
Awards: Awards will be given to the top 6 students in each category as well as sweepstakes trophies. There will be large and small team trophies based on the number of entries for each team. The divide between small and large teams will be determined the day of the tournament.
** If the number of entries in a category warrant it, we may also have Honor/Next-In Finals.
Draw Intervals: Several years ago, the MSHSL rules for draw intervals for all draw categories changed.  All draws will take place at 8 minute intervals.  Please remind your judges that students should be allowed their full 30 minute prep time before speaking.
Draws: All stories and poems for ER and Storytelling will be used. Also, as long as I have the rooms to do so, I plan on using prep rooms for all draw categories.
Discussion: Tasks will come from Areas III and IV of the MSHSL outline.
Time Limits: As this is one of the last tournaments prior to sub-section competition, I urge all students to follow time limits.  HOWEVER, there will be no disqualifications or rank adjustments for time violations. Judges will be asked to keep and record times on critiques. Please encourage your judges to bring stop watches or use an online stopwatch.
Parking:  Students may be dropped off at the high school (east) entrance, also known as the circle drive, or the middle school (west) entrance.  Buses may park in the lot to the east of the gym.  Students may leave personal items in the commons or in the auditorium. 
Entry Deadline: Please submit your registrations via SpeechWire no later than Monday, March 17 at 3:30 pm.  Adds and Drops may be made to registrations up to Friday, March 21 at 3:00 without penalty.  You may continue to drop students after that time, but you will still be charged for your entries as of Friday and will be expected to bring the judges needed as of your registrations Friday.
If you do have any questions, you may contact me at monica.sullivan@pas.k12.mn.us or by phone at 507-562-6016 (school), or 507-430-0527 (cell).
We look forward to seeing you on the 22nd!
Monica Sullivan, Samantha Davis, Emily Williamson, and the PAS Speech Team 

Manager contact information

Monica Sullivan
Email address: monica.sullivan@pas.k12.mn.us
Phone number: 507-430-0527

Mailing address

1401 7th St. SW
Pipestone, MN 56164

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