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Marian Crusader
General information This is a Middle School tournament in Nebraska. View manager contact information
Dear Colleagues,
The Marian High School Speech Team is hosting its annual Junior High Crusader Invitational Speech Tournament for middle school students on Friday, April 11, 2025. This tournament offers 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students the opportunity to present speeches, learn from the competition, and explore their speaking and acting abilities. We hope to see you there!
Please register your entries by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, April 9. Entries will only be accepted using SpeechWire.
We are very excited to host you and your students! If you have any questions, please email Emma Frazier at estokely@omahamarian.org. More information about the tournament is detailed below.
We look forward to seeing you in April!
Marian Speech Team
AWARDS: Trophies will be presented to first-place winners. Medals will be awarded to other finalists. Sweepstakes trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. We will award up to 10th place for events with over 30 speakers; otherwise, awards will be given to the top 6 finishers.
ENTRIES AND ENTRY CAPS: Each event is capped at six entries per school. If you have more than six entries for an event, your entries will be put on a waitlist via SpeechWire, and we will try to accommodate them as space allows.
--If any event category has fewer than seven entries for the tournament, we will drop that category.
--Competitors may double enter; no triple entries. Extemp speakers will have difficulty being double-entered due to the time slots for that event.
JUDGES: PLEASE BRING 1 QUALIFIED JUDGE FOR EVERY FIVE ENTRIES. Judges may be qualified varsity members from high school teams, but please train them to judge every event and stress the importance of lots of positive feedback and constructive criticism. Many high school coaches would happily help you fill judging requirements with their students. If you need contact information for coaches, please email Emma. Coaches are always welcome to judge. If you use parent judges, please ensure they are trained on the norms of the event and understand how to judge. You are welcome to bring extra judges if you have any. If you have a large entry, I may not be able to use your judges logistically. I will notify you before the contest date if all judges are unnecessary.
EXTEMP PREP: We will allow computers in extemp prep per the high school NSAA rules. We will also allow open internet.
ONLINE BALLOTS: We will be hosting a paperless tournament with online ballots. All judges must have an iPad or laptop to judge from. Students will receive their sectioning via text and on SpeechWire.
MEAL TICKETS & CONCESSIONS: As in past years, each student can pay $6 to receive a meal ticket for dinner. The dinner description is coming soon. Please pre-order meals using SpeechWire. All judges and coaches will receive a complimentary dinner ticket as a thank you for attending and working hard so that students may have this educational opportunity. Please include the number of complimentary meals for coaches and judges that you'll need with your pre-order on SpeechWire. We will also have additional concessions (chips, granola bars, etc.) for students to purchase throughout the tournament.
--Dinner tickets will be distributed at Registration.
PARENTS: We encourage parents to view their children. A speech team member will have the schedule and a list of codes in the entrance area so that each parent can find out where and when their child is speaking.
If you have any questions about Registration or the tournament, please feel free to contact me at christen@omahamarian.org
Extemporaneous: Topics will cover foreign and domestic issues from the news since January 2023—thirty-minute prep time. One 4X6 note card is optional. TIME LIMIT: MAX 5 MINUTES. Open internet access.
Informative: A speech to inform or teach - visuals are acceptable. The script is optional. TIME LIMIT: MAX 8 MINUTES.
Original Oratory: This must be an original work of the student to inspire, persuade, and/or convince — a limit of 150 quoted words. The script is optional. TIME LIMIT: MAX 8 MINUTES.
Impromptu: Draw three topics, and speak on one. Five-minute prep time. TIME LIMIT: MAX 4 MINUTES.
Dramatic Interpretation: A serious interpretation of an original cut from prose or a play. The script is optional. TIME LIMIT: MAX 8 MINUTES.
Humorous Interpretation: A humorous interpretation of an original cut from prose or a play. The script is optional. TIME LIMIT: MAX 8 MINUTES.
Poetry: A serious or humorous interpretation of one or more poems. If more than one poem is used, it must be based on a theme or a single author. The script is required. TIME LIMIT: MAX 8 MINUTES.
Duet Acting: An original cutting from a humorous or serious play acted out by two individuals. Touching and use of a table and two chairs are allowed. The script is optional. TIME LIMIT: MAX 10 MINUTES. We will run two sections of duet acting - one labeled humorous and the other dramatic. Please don't pay attention to those labels and divide your duet teams equally among the two during Registration. For example, if you have four duets coming to the tournament, register 2 in dramatic duets and 2 in humorous REGARDLESS of their piece. During the tournament, these divisions will be labeled as "duet acting white" and "duet acting blue," so, again, the dramatic or comedic nature of the piece is irrelevant; just split your entry evenly between the two duet categories.
Declamation Speaking: A speech that the student did not write. It could be a graduation address, eulogy, political speech, etc. Should include introductory remarks. TIME LIMIT: MAX 8 MINUTES.
Oral Interpretation of Drama - OID - This is a 3-5 person event that can be humorous or serious. Script required. TIME LIMIT: MAX 15 MINUTES.
Entry Fees
Individual Event entry: $8.00 per entry
Entries will only be accepted through Speechwire.com.
We request that all judges be competent and experienced.
One judge per every five Individual Event entries.
$25.00 for each uncovered judge.
Make checks payable to "Marian High School."
attn. Jen Christen; 7400 Military Ave; Omaha, NE 68134
3:30 - Registration
3:45 - General Meeting (cafeteria); Extemp Draw for Round 1 (Library)
4:00 - Round 1
5:00 - Extemp Draw for Round 2 (Library)
5:15 - Round 2
6:00 - Extemp Draw for Round 3 (Library)
6:30 - Round 3
**Dinner will be served after Round 3 in the Cafeteria; bring your meal ticket!
***Awards will begin ASAP in the East Gym
Emma Frazier Mailing address 7400 Military Ave. SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy