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74 Swing Part One at Ilinois State

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a College tournament in Illinois.

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May 1, 2017

Dear Friends,

The forensics teams at Illinois State University and Bradley University are pleased to invite you and your team to participate in the 2017 74-Swing.  Saturday, October 7th will be hosted by Illinois State University and take pace on the ISU campus and the second half of the swing, entitled the Dan Smith Invitational, will be hosted on the Bradley campus on Sunday, October 8th

The 74 Swing offers you and your students quality Open and Novice competition in 11 AFA events.  In those events numbering 60 or more contestants, we will hold semi-final elimination rounds.  This invitation should provide all of the necessary tournament information, but please call if we can be of any further assistance.

We have a few exciting changes to the tournament including discounts for novice entries, entry caps for Illinois State and Bradley, and additional sweepstakes awards.  All changes are highlighted throughout the invitation.  Our hope is that these changes will create a more rewarding early-season experience for all students.

As always, we look forward to welcoming you and your students to Central Illinois.  We take pride in running on-schedule tournaments that are friendly and fun, and the weekend will be well worth your time.  Hope to see you in October!


Megan Koch

Director of Forensics

Illinois State University

O: 309-438-8447

E: mkoch@ilstu.edu

Richard Heyne

Asst. Director of Individual Events

Illinois State University

Ken Young

Director of Forensics

Bradley University

O: 309-677-2439

E: kyoung@fsmail.bradley.edu

Justin Helmley

Asst. Director of Forensics 

Bradley University

E: jhelmley@fsmail.bradley.edu


Maddison Jansen

Graduate Assistant


Isaac Ruiz

Graduate Assistant




Logan Spence

Graduate Assistant


Alex Kritselis

Graduate Assistant
















Entries:  Each student may enter a maximum of six events; no more than three per grouping.  There is no limit on the amount of entries a school may enter per event; however, for schools with larger entries we may have to artificially move competitors to utilize judges from that school.  The deadline for receiving entries for both halves of the swing is 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 3.  No adds will be accepted after this time.  Drops will be accepted after the deadline without penalty until 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 4.  Entries for both halves of the swing should be submitted to Speechwire.com.

IE Judges & Fees: Entry fees are $8.00 per entry slot (no additional charge for entering quadrathon).  A nuisance fee of $6.00 per slot will be added to the original entry fee for every drop after 12:00pm on Wednesday, October 4.  Drops at registration will incur a $15.00 nuisance fee per slot in addition to the original entry fee.  

Each school should furnish one judge for every six slots.  Hired judges are available at $10.00 per uncovered slot.  Judges dropped after the Wednesday, 12:00 p.m. deadline will result in a nuisance fee of $25.00 each plus the additional cost of hiring a judge.  ALL fees are assessed as of 12:00 p.m., Wednesday October 4.  Due to the difficulties of maintaining a pool of high-quality hired judges, we strongly encourage every school to bring at least one judge.  

Please make checks for the ISU portion out to “ISU Forensics” and for the Bradley portion please make checks out to “Beta Sigma Tau.”  We cannot give cash change for checks that are written over the entry fee amount, but we will gladly mail you a check for the amount of the change due.  Thank you in advance for understanding.

Quadrathon:  Students entered in at least four events including at least one from two different genres (interpretation/public address/limited preparation) will be eligible for the quadrathon awards. If a student is entered in five or six events, his or her best four will count toward quadrathon. Novice finals will not count toward open quadrathon, but if entries warrant we will present Novice Individual Sweepstakes awards.

Novice Events:  A separate novice division will be created in each individual event where we have at least 6 novice entries. A novice is a student who is in their first year of collegiate competition OR has competed in three or fewer collegiate tournaments.

Sectioning:   We will use Speechwire to take ALL entries, and section IE rounds and assign IE judges.  

Awards:  The top six contestants in each event will advance to open finals and receive awards.  The top three quadrathon entries will receive awards based on final rounds. Sweepstakes trophies will be awarded to the top five schools, and an award will be presented for Limited Entry Sweepstakes  (if entries warrant, the top three limited entry schools will receive awards).  In open finals, winning first place earns 12 points…and sixth place earns two points.  Other open finalists, and all open semifinalists, will earn 1 point each. In novice final rounds, winning first place earns 6 points … and sixth place earns 1 point.

Illinois State and Bradley Competitors:  ISU and Bradley students will not compete on the day they host.  On the day they do not host, ISU and Bradley will be limiting their entries.

DACA Information – Illinois State and Bradley Universities are committed to inclusiveness and welcome students and coaches from all identities and social roles. In light of ongoing harassment and discrimination, and the current administration's most recent action to repeal DACA, our programs stand in solidarity with, and will continue to offer a safe, educational space for, our most vulnerable members.  Normal and Peoria are not sanctuary cities.  However, the Migra Map does not show any ICE activity in Central Illinois, and the State of Illinois recently signed into law the TRUST Act which enacted the nation’s strongest state-level due process protections for immigrants who fear any interaction with local police could result in deportation. We have found http://www.icirr.org/ to be a useful resource.




General:   All programs and speeches must not have been used in competition prior to September 1, 2017.   A novice is a student who is in their first year of collegiate competition OR has competed in three or fewer collegiate tournaments. Competitors must be undergraduates working on their first degree.  

NFA event descriptions will be used for all events except Program Oral Interpretation (http://www.nationalforensics.org/competition/individual-events). AFA event description will be used for Program Oral Interpretation. 


Both tournaments will use AFA-style speaker points and tie breaks (sans majority of 1s).  


Impromptu:  “Prompts will include ideas that can be comprehended and interpreted quickly such as quotations, both actual (from history or contemporary culture) and fictional (from movies, plays, novels etc.), single-frame cartoons, song lyrics, proverbs, rhetorical situations etc."


Extemp: Students will be permitted access to the Internet during preparation, but access to the Internet is not guaranteed.  Both Bradley and ISU will do its best to obtain guest access for our competitors, but competitors relying on the Internet should be prepared to provide their own access.




Extemporaneous Speaking

Informative Speaking

Persuasive Speaking

Impromptu Speaking

Duo Interpretation

Dramatic Interpretation

Prose Interpretation

Communication Analysis

Program Oral Interpretation

After Dinner Speaking


After Dinner Speaking



Hotels:  All reservations must be a transaction between your school and the lodging establishment.  This year we have brought in the folks at Travel Advocates to help you negotiate the lowest rates on the hotels YOU prefer.  To take advantage of this free service, please contact:  

Melody Carlisle

Sales Manager, Travel Advocates

201-222-1990x207 or melody@traveladvocates.com  

Parking at Illinois State (Saturday):  Please park in the Visitors’ lot in the lower level of the South University Parking Deck near the College of Business Building, in the Visitor's lot at the Bone Student Center, or any open Red or Green parking lot.  Directions to campus and printable maps (city, campus and parking) are available at: www.ilstu.edu/mapMeters and “Reserved” (handicapped, business, medical and numbered) spaces are enforced 24/7.  You will be ticketed!  Saturday is NOT a football game day!  Hooray!

Lunch Options at Illinois State (Saturday):  There are several places around the ISU quad to stop in for a quick lunch.  We will have a list of delivery options available closer to Registration:

Northeast of the quad (Uptown Normal): Visit  http://www.uptownnormal.com/dining/  for the most current list of restaurants.  You can find gyros, burgers, vegetarian/vegan, Jimmy Johns, coffee, Indian and sit-down options.

Southwest of the quad:   Jimmy John’s, Potbelly, Noodles, Avanti’s, Chipotle, Meatheads, Buffalo Wild Wings, McDonalds.

Parking at Bradley (Sunday): Park in any legal parking space, Bradley does not ticket on weekends.

Lunch Options at Bradley (Sunday): There are several places to eat around Bradley's campus and in the adjacent Campus Town including:  Avantis, One World, McDonalds, Jimmy Johns, Bellacino’s, Subway, and Starbucks


The schedule for the first half of the swing hosted at Illinois State University is as follows:

October 7, 2017

8:15 – 9:00 am

Registration – Fell Hall Lobby

9:00 am

Extemp Draw

9:30 am 

Round 1A (Ext, Per, Duo, ADS, Pro, POI)

10:45 am

Extemp Draw

11:15 am

Round 2A


Lunch break

1:00 pm

Round 1B (Imp, Poe, Info, CA, DI)

2:15 pm

Round 2B

3:30 pm

Extemp Draw

4:00 pm

Finals A and all IE Semifinals

5:15 pm

Finals B



                Early registration for the Bradley half will happen immediately after awards.

The schedule for the second half of the swing hosted at Bradley University is as follows. NOTE: Everything is one hour earlier!

October 8, 2017

7:15 – 8:00 am

Registration – Neumiller Lecture Hall inside of Bradley Hall

8:30 am

Extemp Draw

9:00 am 

Round 1A (Ext, Per, Duo, ADS, Pro, POI)

10:15 am

Extemp Draw

10:45 am

Round 2A

12:30 pm

Round 1B (Imp, Poe, Info, CA, DI)

1:45 pm

Round 2B

2:45 pm

Extemp Draw

3:00 pm

Finals A and all IE Semifinals

3:15 pm

Extemp Finals

4:30 pm

Finals B



No tab sheets will be released until after the last final round has started.  


Manager contact information

Megan Koch
Email address: Mkoch@ilstu.edu
Phone number: 309.287.0652 CELL

Mailing address

Campus Box 4480
Normal, IL 61790

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