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Richard Ernst Invitational

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a College tournament in Virginia.

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Dear Friends,

On behalf of Northern Virginia Community College, the NOVA Forensics Team is delighted to invite you to the Washington DC metropolitan area in Alexandria, VA on Saturday, January 20th , 2018  for the Richard J. Ernst Invitational. The tournament will be held on the Alexandria, Virginia campus of Northern Virginia Community College in the Bisdorf  Building.  

Our tournament features formidable competition from some of the top forensics programs in the country, great breakfast food, snacks and other tournament wellness perks for your students and a talented tabulation staff for an efficient tournament experience.  For individual event and IPDA debate speaker awards, we will provide a combincation of ceramic themed art crafted by NOVA students and beautiful plaques for team and individual sweepstakes winners!

This year, in addition to offering competition in 11 AFA sanctioned individual events, the Richard J. Ernst Invitational will also offer IPDA Debate!  There will be four preliminary rounds and two elimination rounds in IPDA Debate.  Phi Rho Pi rules govern IPDA debate. In the round, students doing IPDA debate will be given a choice of 5 resolutions (2 policy, 2 fact/value, 1 metaphor). Negative will strike first; Affirmative will strike second, and so on until one resolution is left.  The 30-minute preparation time begins as soon as the Negative strikes their first topic.  As per Phi Rho Pi/IPDA rules, students ARE allowed to consult electronic devices and the Internet during prep time.  We are excited to host this event for interested competitors! Students in IPDA Debate cannot enter in any other Individual Event. 

Also,  please note, this year in the fInal round of Extemp a Cross-Examination dynamic will be in play!

After the Richard J. Enst Tournament on Saturday concludes, the NOVA Alexandria campus will host an exciting Southern Northern Atlantic Forensics Union (SNAFU) Tournament on Sunday, January 21st, 2018.  The SNAFU Tournament will also feature all 11 AFA sanctioned events and also NPDA debate.  Please see Speechwire for more information on the Sunday SNAFU tournament. We hope to see you in January for a great tournament experience on our campus!

Please see below for more specifics about the tournament:



Pattern A: Extemp, POI, Prose, Informative, Persuasive, Duo, IPDA Debate

Pattern B: Poetry, DI, CA, ADS, Impromptu, IPDA Debate

Saturday, January 20th, 2018  (Richard J. Ernst Invitational)  

8:00 am          Registration (Bisdorf Building, Room AA-158)

8:30 am            Extemp Draw

9:00 am           Round 1A  & IPDA Debate Round 1 (Topic Selection in Round)

10:15 am          Round 1 B & IPDA Debate Round 2 (Topic Selection in Round)

12:00 pm                     Extemp Draw

12:30 pm        Round 2 A & IPDA Debate Round 3 (Topic Selection in Round)

1:45 pm           Round 2 B & IPDA Debate Round 4 (Topic Selection in Round)

3:00 pm           Extemp Draw

3:30 pm           Finals A  &  IPDA Debate Elimination Round 1 (Topic Selection in Round)

4:45 pm           Finals B  &  IPDA Debate Elimination Round 2 (Topic Selection in Round)

ASAP                Awards (Bisdorf-AA-196)


On both days the tournament will provide breakfast in the morning (typical fare) and some snacks throughout the tournament in the wellness room, Bisdorf 158.    

Schools will need to make arrangements for lunch independently.  There is a Panera Bread close by that will deliver lunch to the Bisdorf building for your team if you make your reservation in advance. To place an order pleases call 571-458-4907.   


General Rules

  1. The Richard J Ernst Invitational generally follows the description of events as given by the American Forensics Association.  We will offer a cross-examination dynamic in the Final Round of Extemp!
  1. No material may have been performed by a student in any competition (high school or college) prior to this academic year.
  1. We will be using AFA-NIET rules (not pattern designations) for all individual events                  
  2. AFA-NIET rules will be used for sweepstakes tabulation.  For IPDA Debate, teams will be awarded 5 points for each win in preliminary rounds or elimination rounds.
  3. NOVA Participation Disclaimer:  NOVA could have team members participating in the tournament as competitors.  NOVA students will be eligible to advance to elimination rounds, but NOVA students and NOVA will be ineligible for any kind of sweepstakes award.

 Registration Information and Fees

  1. Each school may enter an unlimited number of contestants per event.
  2. Students doing debate are not permitted to double or triple enter in individual events. IPDA students can only compete in IPDA.
  3. Each student may enter up to three events per grouping between Pattern A (Prose, Extemp, POI, Duo, Inform, Persuasion) and Pattern B (DI, ADS, CA, Poetry, Impromptu).  
  4. Semi-Finals will be held for events containing over 45 entries.
  5. Entries must be submitted via Speecwire.com. Entries must be received by 6:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), Wednesday January 17th, 2018.  No additions will be accepted after this time. 
  6. A fee of $8 will be charged for each individual event entry. One duo counts as one event. IPDA entries are counted as an individual event and will be charged an $8 fee per debater.
  7. One judge is needed for every six slots entered.  Judges may be hired for an additional $10 per slot not covered by your school.
  8.  Drop fees for slots or for judges are in effect AFTER the previously mentioned deadline for tournement entry. Please see Fee structure here on Speechwire for specific information on RATES for drops.   
  9.  Please make checks payable to the NVCC Educational Foundation.


IPDA (Parliamentary Debate) Information for the Richard J. Ernst Invitational

This year, in addition to offering competition in 11 AFA sanctioned individual events, the Richard J. Ernst Invitational will also offer an IPDA Debate!  There will be four preliminary rounds and two elimination rounds in IPDA Debate.  IPDA and Phi Rho Pi rules govern IPDA debate. Students will be given a choice of 5 resolutions (2 policy, 2 fact/value, 1 metaphor). Negative will strike first; Affirmative will strike second, and so on until one resolution is left.  The 30-minute preparation time begins as soon as the Negative strikes their first topic.  As per Phi Rho Pi/IPDA rules, students ARE allowed to consult electronic devices and the Internet during prep time. 

HOUSING : Please check with Jason Wood for housing assistance. Jason@traveladvocates.com


We look forward to seeing you!

Please contact me if your have any questions

Dr. Nathan Carter

Director of Forensics

Northern Virginia Community College


(Office) 703-845-6573


Manager contact information

Nathan Carter
Email address: nacarter@Nvcc.edu
Phone number: 703-845-6573

Mailing address

5000 Dawes Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22311

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