FFL - Varsity State
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Florida. View manager contact information
FULL RESULTS PACKET: https://www.speechwire.com/fflvarsity18.pdf
DEBATE BALLOTS: https://tinyurl.com/VS18-Debate-Ballots
MARCH 2-3, 2018
Dear FFL Coaches,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to provide the following information regarding the 2018 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT. The 540 students who qualify for this event will compete on FRI. March 2nd & SAT. March 3rd at Timber Creek HS in Orlando, FL which is located, in Central Florida. Our host, Beth Eskin has been working hard to prepare for a memorable State Championship!
Only students who have qualified through the Regional Tournament process may compete at the State Championship. When the results from your region's qualifying tournament have been certified, coaches of schools that qualified students to the tournament will be able to begin editing student entries via speechwire.com. All results from regionals will be automatically populated from the regional tournaments. However, coaches must verify entries for accuracy.
Please read the information in this invitation carefully. You must adhere to ALL deadlines-failure to do so will result in the penalties listed. We are committed to running an efficient and on-time event, but we will only be successful if all member schools follow the published requirements.
Good luck to your qualifiers on their preparations for the tournament. I look forward to seeing you in March!
Yours very truly,
Carol Lynne Cecil
President, Florida Forensic League, Inc.
2018 State Championship Tournament Director
Regional Directors will be sending their results to the League President. We will then import the results from www.speechwire.com for the 2018 Varsity State Championship. All regions are using SpeechWire this year to tabulate. The League President will verify entries on the website from the list of qualifiers supplied by the Regional Directors.
If there is a problem with your entry, you will be contacted by the League President.
The By Laws and Standing Rules of Florida Forensic League, Inc. shall govern the operation of this event. All coaches and students are responsible for reviewing the rules in the Governing Documents. Questions about rules should be addressed to the President, who serves as the Tournament Director for the State Championship.
All Events:
Laptop Computers
The use of laptop computers shall be permitted in all debate events at all FFL sanctioned Events Computers equipped with removable wireless cards must have the cards removed/disabled (if possible) before the beginning of any round of competition. It is the responsibility of the contestant to disengage equipment. Computers with built-in wireless capability may be used only if the wireless capability is disabled. It is the responsibility of the contestant to disable the equipment. Wired connections (Ethernet or phone) during rounds of competition are not permitted. During debate rounds computers or other electronic devices may not be used to receive information from any source (coaches or assistants included) inside or outside the room in which the competition occurs. During debate rounds Internet access, use of e-mail, instant messaging, or other means of receiving information from sources inside or outside the competition room are prohibited. (This does not prohibit non-electronic communication between debate partners during prep time). Contestants found to have violated the provisions above may face the following actions: forfeit the round of competition and receive zero points or disqualification from the tournament and forfeiture of all rounds.
Availability of Evidence: The FFL will be following the NSDA Rules in regards to evidence in debate events.
Rules in A Nutshell - Regarding Evidence
" Debaters are responsible for the validity of all evidence that they introduce in the debate.
" Evidence must be provided orally or written and must include primary author(s) and year of publication. Any other information such as qualifications etc… may be given, but not required.
" Judges are responsible for resolving disputes between debaters - both oral and written sources.
" Judge decisions may not be appealed unless - judge misapplied, misinterpreted, or ignored the rule.
" If you need further clarification please see the NSDA Evidence Rule as posted on FFL.
Extemporaneous Speaking
In Extemporaneous Speaking, students can access information on jump drives, which will be screened by a tournament official/extemp prep room proctor. Competitors will be permitted to use the internet at all FFL Sanctioned Tournaments when internet access is publicly available. Publicly available being defined as - WiFi internet access is available to all students competing or all competitors will have access to desktop computers with internet availability. In the event that internet access cannot be made available to all competitors, contestants shall be prohibited from the use of any electronic retrieval system (recording or information retrieval system) now known or to be invented during any round in any event at any FFL-sanctioned tournament including the Extemporaneous Speaking preparation room(s), except that electric or electronic devices that are incapable of sending or receiving information between persons may be used for the sole purpose of keeping time. The League will make accommodations for students with disabilities in regards to the use of technology. Documentation of the disability must be provided ten days prior to the Regional Tournament and State Tournaments. The documentation must be available for review by the Executive Board.
Policy Debate: Prep time is 8 minutes per team. The tournament will use the 2017-2018 National Topic.
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its funding and/or regulation of elementary and/or secondary education in the United States.
Lincoln Douglas: Prep time is 4 minutes per debater. The tournament will use the NSDA March/April topic.
Resolved: The United States ought to provide a universal basic income.
Public Forum: Prep time is 2 minutes per team. The tournament will use the NSDA March topic.
Resolved: On balance, the current Authorization for Use of Military Force gives too much power to the president.
Student Congress: Each qualifier to the State Championship may submit one (1) piece of legislation for the agenda. Legislation must follow FFL format (see FFL Congress Manual, Appendix B for details) and emailed as a Microsoft Word attachment to Paul Gaba ( paul.gaba@palmbeachschools.org ). Legislation that is not properly formatted, not submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment or not received by the deadline will not be placed on the agenda. Bills are due by 4 pm Friday, February 09th and legislation will be released to schools via the website by Wednesday, February 14th.
Speech Events: Please remember that a copy of each student's script/oration, and proof of publication when applicable, should be brought to the tournament in case of protest. Script information must be available on www.speechwire.com. Students must use the same piece at the State Championship that they used at their Regional Qualifying Tournament. Students who change pieces will be disqualified.
The Head Coach or Assistant Coach of a member school (as designated by the principal on the membership authorization form) qualified for the State Championship must attend with his/her students. If neither designated individual can attend the tournament, then a letter from the principal (signed and printed on school stationery) must designate the adult in charge and be submitted to the Tournament Director no later than Wednesday, February 14th. See the Standing Rules of the League for more information.
Saturday, February 03: Timacuan, Macaw, Gulf Coast, Art Deco, Panhandle, & Hurricane (Region 6 - Fri 2/2) Regional Tournaments
Monday, February 05: Deadline for all Regional Directors to submit tournament results
Wednesday, February 07: Confirmation of Entry - League President Will Begin Checking Entries
Friday, February 09: Student Congress legislation deadline - send bills to Paul Gaba (paul.gaba@palmbeachschools.org) by 4 pm.
without penalty beyond forfeiture of entry fees
Friday, February 23: Last day to drop without double drop fee
Last day to submit TD/LD judge philosophies to website (http://judgephilosophies.wikispaces.com/) - link is available on the FFL website as well
Last day to change judge names without penalty
SpeechWire changes to view only - no further changes permitted by coaches. Changes must be emailed to League President, Carol Cecil -
Wednesday, February 28: Judge strikes will be released. Strikes must be completed on Speechwire.
Student Fee: $25.00 per student (includes Saturday Lunch & Saturday Dinner)
(TD, PF, Duo count as 2; Group = same as # of students in group; double entries count as 1 only)
Policy Judge Fee = $60.00 flat fee for schools with qualified policy debaters; to
be used to hire additional judges
Extra Sat. Lunch = $ 7.00 per meal; must order for all
coaches/judges/parents/student observers
Extra Sat. Dinner = $ 8.00 per meal; must order for all
coaches/judges/parents/student observers
***All fees will be calculated at the time of announcement of qualifiers in each region. Therefore, all drops - regardless of when reported - must pay the entry fee.***
Drops until 5:00 pm on Fri., February 23rd forfeiture of entry fee
Drops 5:00 pm Fri., Feb. 23rd -5:00 pm Wed, Feb. 28th : forfeiture of entry fee +
$20.00 drop fee
From 5:00 pm Wed., Feb. 28th to the start of registration, NO CHANGES will be accepted. This window will be used for travel, e-registration, and fee re-calculation. Any changes submitted during this window will be IGNORED and must be reported via e-registration on Thursday March 1st.
Drops after 5:00 pm Wed., Feb. 28th
- 10:00 am Thurs. Mar. 1st : forfeiture of entry fee +
$40.00 drop fee
Drops made after 10:00 am Thurs. Mar. 1st : forfeiture of entry fee +
$50.00 drop fee
Unreported drop discovered at tournament: forfeiture of entry fee + $75.00 drop fee
Yes, these drop fees are punitive. Drops, especially those just before the tournament, interfere with our ability to run an on-time event. It is also unfair to the alternates when drops occur too late for them to participate.
Judge changes after 5:00 pm on Wed., Feb. 28th $10.00 hassle fee per change
Missed judge calls: $10.00 per instance
At the State Championship Tournament judge drops at registration will incur a fine of $200. Hidden judge drops at the State Championship Tournament will incur a fine of $250 plus the $25 fine per round they were assigned and missed.
In the event that a school changes or drops a judge after the strike sheet for debate has been published, the school making the change shall be required to pay a "Hired Judge" Fee of $200.
The following judge quotas and requirements are in effect:
Policy Debate: 1 judge for every 2 teams or fraction thereof
***Note: By rule, all Policy judges must have heard a minimum of twelve rounds on this year's topic. Policy judges must submit a judge philosophy on the website by Fri., 2/23. Go to: http://judgephilosophies.wikispaces.com/
Lincoln Douglas Debate: 1 judge for every 2 debaters or fraction thereof
***LD judges must submit a judge philosophy on the website by Fri., 2/23. Go to: http://judgephilosophies.wikispaces.com/
Public Forum Debate: 1 judge for every 2 teams or fraction thereof
***Plan to meet this requirement with parents and others who have limited debate/theory experience.
Speech/IE/Congress 1 judge for every 5 entries or fraction thereof
***A Duo team counts as 1 entry; double-entered students count as 2. All schools are required to designate 1 judge who can judge Student Congress, even if the school has no Congress Entries.
Each school's judge quota will be determined on the speechwire.com registration website. The Board of Directors asks that all coaches make themselves available to adjudicate the Final Rounds.
Judges are obligated for one full round past the last round in which contestants from their school are still competing. Judges will be required to check out with the Cathy Brown; FFL Treasurer - if they have completed their obligation and would like to be excused.
NOTE: As a result of the 2006 voting, the governing documents now contain this under Rule 4 (Judging Responsibilities) - Letter L: Any coach in or out of the judge pool that refuses or fails to pick up an elimination round ballot, his/her school shall be fined $50.00 and the school of the person who judges the round shall be credited $25.00.
FFL uses additional fees charged to Policy Debate teams for the purpose of hiring experienced judges who will enrich the quality of the TD judge pool. Interested parties should contact FFL Vice President Dario Camara (dariocamara@gmail.com) before February 16th, 2018.
Coaches, judges, other observing adults, contestants, and student observers shall comply with the rules set forth in the FFL Civility Code, which is available for download at https://floridaforensicsleague.com/ Please review this document with all participants from your school.
In the fall of 2005, FFL member schools voted to establish anti-vandalism measures. All coaches should read Standing Rule 19 and share its contents with their students, which include:
1. No contestant or student observer shall enter or remain in a contest room without a judge present. The penalty for violation of this regulation shall be immediate disqualification.
2. Vandalism of property by any person at an FFL tournament shall result in immediate notification of school and/or local police authorities. The Board of Directors shall notify the principal of the school associated with the vandal(s) in writing and insist upon appropriate remuneration. In the case of vandalism by a contestant, the additional penalty of immediate disqualification from the tournament shall also apply.
This year we will be using E-Registration. FFL Varsity State Tournament will be held on Friday, March 2nd and Saturday March 3rd with E-Registration taking place on Wednesday, February 28, 2018.
1. All schools who will be attending the 2018 Varsity State Tournament will receive their school codes, Timber Creek HS arrival information and expedited registration procedures for Friday afternoon via email on Wednesday, February 28, 2018.
You may mail your fees in advance! By mailing your fees in advance you will be able to bypass the fees line at registration and pick-up your meal tickets and programs!
If you wish to mail your fees they need to be in the hands of the FFL Treasurer - Cathy Brown - No Later Than Wednesday February 14, 2018. Cathy will then email confirmations to schools as she processes checks.
Please Mail Fees To:
Make Check Payable To: Florida Forensic League
Cathy Brown
17734 East Lake Jem Road
Mount Dora, Fl. 32757
School's should receive confirmations by Monday, February 19, 2018
Final registration will be held at Timber Creek High School on Friday, March 2, 2018. We will provide further information as to time and place. Please note:
1. The purpose of this registration is to make final payment (unless fees were mailed in advance) and pick-up meal tickets. It is not a place to report drops and change judge names. That information should be communicated via E-Registration. There are still penalties for drops and name changes made via E-Registration, but they are less than day of tournament changes.
2. Registration should be conducted by the Head Coach or Assistant Coach for the member school. If those individuals are not available, an adult proxy may complete registration. However, that person must be able to answer all questions about a school's entry. Students will not be permitted to register for a school or be present in the registration area.
3. Schools not registered by a time to be determined will be dropped from the tournament
4. Make all fees payable to FLORIDA FORENSIC LEAGUE.
We will do our best to provide a schedule ahead of time, but we are not obligated to do so. An updated schedule will be posted online at Speechwire.com. Please refer there for any updates. Also, keep in mind that schedule is subject to change. Therefore, please make sure to check online frequently and/or read e-mails.
The host school will serve a DINNER on Friday and LUNCH on Saturday. Items will be available on Saturday, but students should bring money to purchase items ala cart. By rule, the dinner and lunch fees are included in the cost of entry. You must order extra meals for all coaches, judges, parents, observers, etc. Meal options can be found online at SpeechWire when the site is opened for registration.
Meal Info
Friday dinner:
Panda Express: choice of
orange chicken OR
beef with broccoli OR
veggie spring rolls
(meals come w white or fried rice and fortune cookie)
Saturday lunch:
Pollo Tropical: choice of
boneless chicken OR
mojito roast pork OR
beans and veggies
(meals come w rice and beans)
The Tournament Host is no longer required to provide lodging information or hotel blocks, but Beth Eskin always goes the extra mile.
FFL Varsity State 2018 Lodging Information
UCF Area Hotels…15-20 min from TCHS
Holiday Inn Orlando East 407-658-9008
1724 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826
30 doubles $109/night no breakfast
Name of Block: FFL
Hilton Garden Inn East/UCF 407-992-5000
1959 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826
10-15 rooms but can add more/$129 per night
Name of block: FL Forensic League
Cut off date is Feb 8
Direct booking link: https://secure3.hilton.com/en_US/gi/reservation/book.htm?inputModule=HOTEL&ctyhocn=ORLUCGI&spec_plan=FFL&arrival=20180301&departure=20180304&cid=OM,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT
Other recommended UCF area hotels with no block
Comfort Suites
12101 Challenger Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32826
(407) 737-7303
Fairfield Inn and Suites
3420 Lake Lynda Dr, Orlando, FL 32817
(407) 270-6480
11805 Research Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32826
(407) 737-6075
12000 Collegiate Way, Orlando, FL 32817
(407) 277-7676
Recommended airport hotels with no block (15-20 min to TCHS via 528/Beachline Expwy)
Hampton Inn
5767 T G Lee Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822
(407) 888-2995
Country Inn and Suites
5440 Forbes Pl, Orlando, FL 32812
(407) 856-8896
***Note: There are more hotels near UCF and OIA. Most are very good with good rates. I would caution against the Best Western on Hwy 50 and Days Inn on Hwy 50. You can't go wrong with most of these. ***
Carol Cecil Mailing address None provided SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy