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GMU Patriot Games Classic 2019

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This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Virginia.

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Full results now posted



Public Forum Triple Octafinalists

Lincoln Douglas Double Octafinalists

Congress Finalists


Patriot Games Classic

2019 Invitation


George Mason University cordially invites you to attend the 16th Annual Patriot Games Classic to be held on the George Mason University Campus in Fairfax, Virginia on December 7 & 8, 2019.

The deadline for entry is Thursday, November 14th at 5:00pm EST, but we strongly encourage people to enter early, as once we are filled, we will no longer be able to accept entries.


Registration will be open as of Monday Oct. 7th at noon. Registration will take place through the website:               http://www.speechwire.com


This weekend promises to be full of high energy and stress, which sometimes can effect students adversely. As a reminder, please bring all relevant medical forms with you in case a medical professional needs them. 


In addition to forensics fun, we are excited to announce our first ever suit drive!! Details are below and will also be posted on our social media sites.  This will be an excellent opportunity to give back to the entire forensics community.  


We look forward to seeing you all in December!



Tournament Co-Directors


Dawn Lowry

Director of Forensics



Assistant Director of Forensics


Student Tournament Co-Directors

Christy Caudle                                                                        Jacob Thompson                 





Pattern A

EXT          Extemporaneous Speaking     8

HI              Humorous Interpretation        8

OI              Oral Interpretation                  8

DUO          Duo Interpretation                  8

INFO         Informative Speaking             8



Pattern B/Debate:

OO            Original Oratory                     8

DI              Dramatic Interpretation          8

DEC          Declamation                           8

POI            Program Oral Interpretation   8

PF              Public Forum Debate             6         

LD             Lincoln-Douglas Debate        6

CD             Congressional Debate            8


Additional slots may be requested via Speechwire’s wait list feature. Schools will be notified which entries have been accepted from the wait list no later than Monday, Nov. 25, 2019.




Competitors at most may enter:

2 speech events per pattern; or

1 form of debate and 2 speech events in Pattern A.



IE Entry, Duo (per team)                                $45.00

IE Judge (per uncovered entry)                      $20.00

Congress, LD, PF (per team)                         $60.00

Debate Judge (per uncovered entry)              $40.00



Entry Drop/Change    11/25-26         Entry Fee (EF)

Entry Drop/Change    11/27               EF + $25.00

Entry Drop/Change    11/28               EF + $35.00

Entry Drop/Change    11/29               EF +$50.00

Judge Drop                 11/27               $100.00

Judge Drop                 11/29               $200.00




  • A qualified judge should be provided for every 6 entries or fraction thereof in individual events. 
  • A qualified judge should be provided for every 2 entries or fraction thereof in PF and LD.
  • A qualified judge should be provided for every school with Congressional Debate entries.  
  • Judge pools are separate; no judge may cover more than one obligation.


Entry fees will be calculated at 5pm on Thursday November 14, 2019.

All additional fee changes take place at 5:01 pm of the specified date on pg.1.

Fees are due at or before registration: School or personal checks should be made payable to George Mason University. Hold checks are not accepted. Schools can also pay online. Information regarding online payment can be found at:


Fees assessed once the tournament has started (for no-show students or no-show judges) should be paid immediately at the ballot table.  Schools with outstanding fees risk preventing their students from participating in elimination rounds.


Marriott Fair Oaks will once again serve as the official tournament hotel for the GMU Patriot Games. The hotel will host tournament registration Friday night December 6th, 2019 from 7 to 10 PM.  



Marriott Fairfax at Fair Oaks:

11787 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway

Fairfax, VA 22033

(703) 352-2525



Room Blocks are reserved Thursday – Sunday

$92.00 per night + tax


*10 minute drive from campus



Book your group rate for Patriot Games Tournament 2019 – USE THIS LINK FOR ROOM BLOCK!!


Guests may also call our Reservations Department at 1-888-236-2427 and reference the group by name and date.  We highly recommend staying at the tournament hotel, as the rate has been specially negotiated and will be difficult to beat!  Room block rates will be available until November 20, 2019.





Suit Drive:  This year the GMU Speech team will be hosting our FIRST annual suit drive, benefiting students in the Northern VA area and beyond.

In order to participate, please bring any of the following clothing items to the tournament on December 6th to December 8th to be donated:

Used or Lightly Worn:

-Skirt Suits
-Pants Suits
-Men’s Suits
-Dress Shirts
-Dress Coats/Overcoats
-Tournament Purses
-Men’s Tournament Bags

New and unused:

-Men’s Dress Socks

We will have bins/boxes set up in the hospitality area of the Johnson Center for students, parents, and coaches to drop off old suits at any point during the tournament. If anyone would like to purchase one of the items listed above right there at Patriot Games as well, we would be happy to facilitate that transaction.

With whatever is left over after Patriot Games, our team will host a discounted sale another weekend for neighboring high school and community college competitors to participate in.

We hope you all will participate in helping the local speech and debate community. We look forward to seeing you at the 16th annual Patriot Games Classic! 


















16th Annual Patriot Games Tournament Schedule


Friday December 6th, 2019

7:00-10:00            Registration, Marriott Fair Oaks


Saturday December 7th, 2019

8:00           LD Round 1, PFD Round 1, Congress 1 (8:00-11:00)

9:00           LD Round 2, PFD Round 2

10:00         Round 1B (OO, DEC, DI, POI)

11:15         Draw

11:45         Round 1A (EXT, HI, OI, DUO, INF)

1:30           LD Round 3, PFD Round 3, Congress 2 (1:30-4:30)

2:30           Round 2B

4:00           LD Round 4, PFD Round 4

5:00           Draw

5:30           Round 2A

7:00           Round 3B, Congress Semis

8:30           LD Round 5, PFD Round 5

10:30         Posting of Congress, PFD, and LD elimination round participants online and at the Marriott


Sunday December 8th, 2019

7:30           Triple Octo PFD

8:15           Draw

8:45           Round 3A

10:15         Double Octo-Finals PFD and LD, Quarter-Finals B Pattern, Congress Final 1 (9:30-11:30)

11:30         Draw

11:45         Quarter-Finals A Pattern

12:45         Octo-Finals PFD and LD

1:15           Semi-Finals B Pattern, Congress Final 2 (1:15-2:45)

2:00           Quarter-Finals PFD and LD

2:45           Draw

3:15           Semi-Finals PFD and LD, Semi-Finals A Pattern

4:45           Finals LD, Finals PFD, Finals B Pattern

5:45           Draw

6:00           Finals A Pattern

8:30           Awards (ASAP)














There will be a single, open division. Sunday’s competition will feature a semifinal and final round. Each school entering Congress must provide a bill or resolution for debate. Please note that our legislation submission process is new. We will be using tournament specific Google forms. Legislation will only be accepted through the completion of one of the submission templates. Only one item may be submitted by each registrant. Legislation from authors not registered for the tournament or legislation not received by the prescribed deadline will not be included. Questions about this process should be emailed to gmubills@gmail.com. Legislation must be submitted no later than 7 p.m. Wednesday, November 13th, 2019. We will post the legislation packet for all schools on the website no later than 7 p.m. Monday, November 18th, 2019. Schools who enter Congress students without submitting legislation risk their students being removed from the competition. All applicable rules will be published with the legislation packet.

Please note that registration for Student Congress is due before that of other events. No additional entries will be accepted after the legislation deadline.

Important dates and deadlines:

  • Friday, November 1st  @ 8:00 AM EST – legislation submission forms go live
  • Wednesday, November 13th  @ 7:00 PM EST – all legislation due; registration closes
  • Monday, November 18th  @ 7:00 PM EST – chambers and dockets published
  • Monday, November 25th @ 12:00 PM EST – semis and finals legislation release

Public Forum Debate: NSDA Rules
Public Forum will use the December 2019 NSDA Topic as published on the NSDA website.


Lincoln/Douglas Debate: NSDA Rules

LD will use the November/December 2019 NSDA Topic as published on the NSDA website.

Duo Interpretation: NSDA Rules

Declamation: NCFL Rules

Freshman and Sophomore competitors only.

Oral Interpretation: CFL Rules


Dramatic Interpretation: NSDA Rules

Humorous Interpretation: NSDA Rules

Original Oratory: NSDA Rules

Extemporaneous Speaking: NCFL Rules
Please note that the final round will feature an open 3-minute cross-examination period.

Informative Speaking: NSDA Rules


Program Oral Interpretation: NSDA Rules



Team and Individual Sweepstakes: TBA via Speechwire email.






The Round Robin is a tournament in which students apply to compete in head to head competition (2-person rounds) among other nationally ranked competitors to showcase a selected speech event. Additionally, there is a cross-examination period for all events that allows students time to examine competitor’s argumentation, content, context, blocking, interpretation choices, etc. The goal is for all competitors to engage in critical co-inquiry and dialogue in the forensics arts.


In order to compete in the Round Robin you must be formally invited after your application is received. *This application is due Friday, Nov. 1st 2019 no later than 5:00pm.

*All students (accepted or not accepted) will be notified by Nov. 11, 2019.

*Then students and coaches must both sign the acknowledgement form and return it by no later than November 15, 2019 so offers can be extended to other applicants if you are unable to attend.


The application pages enclosed should be completed electronically.  A scanned copy with signatures must be e-mailed to Round-Robin Director, Dawn Lowry at dlowry4@gmu.edu

no later than 5:00pm Friday Nov.1, 2019.


Extemporaneous Speaking
The Round Robin will consist of a series of preliminary rounds. Each extemper will compete against every other extemper in a series of head-to-head rounds. The two extempers in each round will draw at the same time and perform their speeches back to back. Each round will also feature cross-examination as per the guidelines used at the NSDA National Tournament - following the speech, the opponent will have three minutes to cross examine the speaker. Thirty minutes prior to the round, each pair of competitors will receive five topics in a given topic area. The first speaker will veto any one topic he or she desires, eliminating it from consideration by either their opponent or themselves. The second speaker will choose which of the remaining four topics they wish to speak on in the round. The first speaker will then choose any of the remaining three topics to be the subject of his or her presentation. When draw has concluded, both speakers will go to the contest room. First speaker will perform, second speaker will cross-examine the first speaker at the end of the speech. Second speaker will then have up to five minutes, if they so desire, to re-familiarize themselves with their outline and then perform. First speaker will cross-examine the second speech as well.


Interpretation Performance (HI, DI, Prose, Poetry, POI are all allowed, but not Duo)
The Round Robin will consist of a series of head-to-head preliminary rounds: each competitor will perform against every other competitor. Each performer must perform a cutting not to exceed ten minutes in length from a published play, screenplay, fictional, or non-fictional work. The competitor does not have to perform the same selection in every round; for example, a competitor may shift between a traditional HI and a traditional DI between rounds, but is certainly not required to change texts.  The Interpretation Performance Round Robin features a cross-examination period. Following the first performance in the round, the second competitor will have up to 3 minutes to engage in open cross-examination concerning any aspect or aspects of the performance they find relevant: cutting choices, interpretive choices, literature selection, and humorous versus dramatic tonal decisions are but a few of the possible avenues the cross-examination may take. Following the second performance, the first competitor will also have 3 minutes to engage in a similar cross-examination.







Public Address (OO, INFO)

This year the Round Robin will feature a public address portion to the tournament. Students will compete in head-to-head competition against each of the other PA competitors followed by a 3-minute cross-examination period after each speech. The time limit will be 10 minutes and will follow NSDA rules and guidelines. Speeches should include multiple credible sources and be memorized. Students should come to the tournament with a hard copy of their speech and a bibliography for the sources they cite.  The competitor does not have to perform the same selection in every round; for example, a competitor may shift between Original Oratory and an Informative Speech between rounds, but is certainly not required to change selections.  Following the first presentation in the round, the second competitor will have up to 3 minutes to engage in open cross-examination concerning any aspect or aspects of the presentation they find relevant. Following the second performance, the first competitor will also have 3 minutes to engage in a similar cross-examination.


*You will find the application on the next page.







































To Which Round Robin Are You Applying (Select one in BOLD)?


Extemporaneous Speaking                       Interpretation Performance               








Contact Information:


School Address:


Coach Email:


Student Email:


Coach Phone:


Student Phone:



In a brief paragraph below, please explain why you feel qualified to participate in this event?









Is there any additional information we should know when considering your application?












Below, please list your major (no more than 15) forensics accomplishments and results from both the 2018-2019 tournament season AND the Fall 2019 tournament season.




Number of Schools

Number of Entries


Example Tourney, VA



































































I hereby acknowledge that by submitting this application, I may be selected to participate in the 2019 GMU Patriot Games Round Robin.  I acknowledge that if I am selected, I will attend the 2019 GMU Patriot Games Round Robin and I am responsible for all entry fees regardless of whether or not I am able to attend the tournament.  Fees are $150 for Extemp, Public Address, or Interpretation Performance entry.  Each entry must provide one judge.  Fees include meals throughout the day for competitors and judges covering entries. Contestants must register separately and must participate in the 16th Annual GMU Patriot Games.  Extemp competitors must enter Extemp. Public Address competitors must enter Original Oratory or Informative Speaking. Interpretation Performance competitors must enter DI, HI, Prose, Poetry, or POI (this does not preclude you from entering other events, but you must enter at least one of the events indicated). I will provide a full time judge for the duration of the Patriot Games and Round Robin or pay the $125 hired judge fee.



Student(s) Signature



Coach Signature


This application is due Friday, Nov. 1st 2019 no later than 5:00pm and must be scanned and emailed to Dawn Lowry at dlowry4@gmu.edu.  Decisions will be emailed to all applicants by Nov. 12, 2019.









2019 Round Robin Tentative Schedule


Thursday December 5th, 2019

8:00-10:00            Registration, Marriott Fair Oaks



Friday December 6th, 2019 - George Mason University; meet in Student Union Building #1 lobby.

9:00           Draw

9:30           Round Robin Rd. 1

10:00         Draw

10:30         Round Robin Rd. 2

11:00         Draw

11:30         Round Robin Rd. 3


12:00         Lunch Break


12:45         Draw

1:15           Round Robin Rd. 4

1:45           Draw

2:15           Round Robin Rd. 5


2:45           Refresher


3:00           Draw

3:30           Round Robin Rd. 6

4:00           Draw

4:30           Round Robin Rd. 7


5:15           Announcement of Exhibition Participants

5:30           Interpretation Performance Exhibition, Draw for Extemp Exhibition

6:00           Extemp Exhibition

6:45           Round Robin Banquet and Awards @ the Fairfax Marriott Tournament Hotel






Manager contact information

Dawn Lowry
Email address: dlowry4@gmu.edu
Phone number: 3093702911

Mailing address

Fairfax, VA

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