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Broward AST #3

RegistrationGeneral informationFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesRegistration handbook

General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Florida.

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Welcome our 3rd AST of the year! I hope all of your novices are ready for an incredible competitive experience on November 14th, 2019 at Flanagan High School (thanks Angela Thomas and Flanagan Students/Parents)! 
Please follow the instructions on this page to register your entries. Remember, each school may only initially enter FIVE students in all events except Congress, in which you can enter TEN. 
Registration for NEW ENTRIES will close on Tuesday, November 12th at 5pm. At that time as many students will be released from the waitlist as space allows. Changes (drops or name changes) can be made until 12pm on Thursday, November 14th. Any hidden drops will result in your school being fined $25 per drop. You will be able to make your own changes until 12pm on that Thursday. Any changes after that, please text Megan West: 940.206.3806 or Justin Weaver: 954.790.8160 the school name, student who is dropping, and her/his event. 
All competitors should arrive between 1:30-2:15. NOBODY can arrive before 1:30! ANYONE who arrives after 2:15 will need to wait off campus until Flanagan completes their dismissal, which will delay the beginning of the tournament.  Entrance is on the west side of the school for cars and buses. Do not enter from Taft Street. From I-75 you will exit on Pines going East.  Turn left on 129 Avenue and turn right just past the middle school to stay on 129 Avenue.  Turn right into the parking lot at the second entrance. From Pines Blvd you will go West past Flamingo and turn right on 129 Ave.  Take first right just past the middle school to stay on 129 Avenue.  Turn right into the parking lot at the second entrance.
Safety & Security:
  • All buses and cars will enter from the west side gate ONLY. This is on 129th Avenue and it is the gate closest to Taft Street. It takes you into the drivers education lot. Any one who is staying will park there as well. Entry will be permitted form 1:30-2:15 and then again at 3 once school has dismissed.
  • All competitors will go to the cafeteria and all judges will go to the media center. NOBODY associated with the debate tournament is permitted anywhere else on Flanagan's campus until Round 1 starts!
  • All competitors, judges, and coaches MUST visibly wear identifying lanyards and/or badges provided. Check you email for distribution information. Anyone not wearing their lanyard and/or badge will be asked to leave the campus.
  • No competitors may wander around the school. They must either be in rounds or in the cafeteria.
  • Nobody may order food to be delivered to campus. Flanagan will have a fully stocked concession stand and judge lounge.
  • Current BCPS Security Policy reiterates the importance of consistent supervision of students by their coach/chaperone. All coaches MUST wait until all of their students have left campus via approved transportation before they can leave Flanagan.
For PF, the NOVEMBER/DECEMBER topic will be used - Resolved: The benefits of the United States federal government’s use of offensive cyber operations outweigh the harms.
For LD, the NOVEMBER/DECEMBER topic will be used - Resolved: The United States ought to eliminate subsidies for fossil fuels. Please note that we are NO LONGER using the Novice LD (civil disobedience) topic!
For Policy Debate, the 2019-20 topic will be used - Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially reduce Direct Commercial Sales and/or Foreign Military Sales of arms from the United States. In addition, at the ASTs all teams MUST use the Novice Policy Packet. The Novice Policy Packet can be accessed at http://www.debatecoaches.org/2018-2019-novice-packet
Extemp topic areas will be "US Immigration" and "Climate Change", and Impromptu topic areas will be "Giving Thanks" and "Political Cartoons".
Congress legislation for the fall semester was emailed to all coaches. It is also accessible electronically here under the "Files for Download" section. The fall legislation packet has designations for which bills will be debated in which months, with 4 bills per month. Per usual, chambers might not debate all 4 bills if time does not allow. 
More information may be sent out as the tournament approaches. Please let your mentor know if you have any questions about the process.
*REMINDER FOR PRIVATE AND CHARTER SCHOOLS: Please remember to email Megan and Justin with how many tournaments you will be attending this year so that an invoice can be generated for you.

Manager contact information

Justin Weaver
Email address: justin.weaver@browardschools.com
Phone number: 954-790-8160

Mailing address

Charles Flanagan High School
12800 Taft St.
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028

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