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Beaus and Belles of the Bayou Tournament

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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Dear Coaches,
We are pleased to invite you to attend the 2020 Lincoln North Star Beaus and Belles of the Bayou Tournament. The competition will be held on Saturday, February 15th, 2020, and we hope you will consider joining us!
Entries will only be accepted online via www.speechwire.com. Deadline for entries is Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 at 12:00PM. Fees will be assessed when registration closes. Additional entries will be allowed only if space permits.
Entries will cost $8 each (individual or group). You will need to provide one judge for every six entries or pay $15 for each uncovered entry.
Online Ballots
We are utlizing online ballots this year through Speechwire. Please be sure to inform your judges of this. Judges can sign up/register as a judge on speechwire.com. Make sure that the email that they use to sign up on Speechwire is the one they check and will utilize the day of the tournament. 
The following events will be offered: Informative*, Original Oratory*, Extemporaneous*, Entertainment, Impromptu, Humorous Interpretation*, Dramatic Interpretation*, Poetry, Program of Oral Interpretation, Duet/Duo*, and Oral Interpretation of Drama.  Students may triple enter.  A Top Novice award will be given in all individual events, as well. Events with an * are NIETOC events. 
Several tournaments this year have been experimenting with tiebreakers that don't use rating points. Because of the subjective nature of rating points and the mistakes that can occur with them on ballots, several tournaments have been implementing tiebreakers that are based on rank, rather than rating points. This has significantly reduced the number of ties and ultimately rewards students who rank higher. We will be using this method, as well. Our tiebreaker from prelims to finals will be as follows:

1.        Total ranks in this round/s                 
2.        Prelim opponents' average rank (this preferences those in more difficult sections)
3.        Head-to-head in prelims (2-way ties only)
4.        Reciprocals in this round/s (here a 1-2-3 combination would advance over a 2-2-2)

We will offer breakfast, lunch, and snack items throughout the day at the concession stand.
You may reach me via cell phone at 402-649-8468, or via e-mail: afinn@lps.org. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
We look forward to hosting you on February 15th!
Alison Finn-Couch, LNS Speech Coach

Manager contact information

Alison Finn-Couch
Email address: afinn@lps.org
Phone number: 4026498468

Mailing address

5801 N 33rd St
Lincoln, NE 68504

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