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Central Players Invitational

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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The Raymond Central High School Central Players cordially invite you to attend our 33rd Annual Mustang Invitational on January 18th, 2020. 


We are pleased to announce that we are a NIETOC bid tournament!!


You may register for events via the speechwire website.  Our tournament will be flighted with registration running from 8:00 to 8:30 am.  A General Meeting will be held at 8:45 am in the Main Gym.


Each school may have up to five entries in each event except for Duet and OID, which may only have two.  If space allows, more entries may be allowed.  Students may double enter in each flight.    NSAA rules will be followed except that the time limit for Informative will be TEN MINUTES. 

We are also offering POI this year, but only two entries per school.  We don't have a lot of additional space, so once things start to become full, we will shut them down.


TRIATHLON COMPETITION:  A student may enter in the triathlon if they are entered in three events.     All contest rules apply.  


Championship, runner up, and third place team sweepstakes trophies will be presented.  Triathlon awards will be given to the first place individual, though the top three will be recognized.  The top twelve in every event will advance to Finals and Honors Finals.  (The top six will be in Champs Finals, the next six will be in Honors Finals.)  All finalists will be given awards.  Round ribbons will also be given for first and second places.


You must furnish one judge for every 6 entries or part thereof.  (6 entries = 1 judge, 7 entries = 2 judges)  There will be a $15 charge per uncovered entries.  Remember, if you want to judge, you count as one judge.  All judges must be available for finals.  (Failure to do so will result in a $20 charge to your school.)


There will be two rounds and Finals.  Every attempt to have two judges present in one of the two preliminary rounds will be made.  This can only happen if you bring your required amount of judges!


Entry fees are $8 for each individual event.  Group entries count as one entry.


Concessions will be available throughout the meet.  Our hospitality lounge will be open and available to coaches and judges.




Please enter online at   speechwire.com


If you have any drops after the deadline, you can e-mail/text them to:

Carolyn Enevoldsen at cenevold@rcentral.org or 402-499-6378




8:00-8:30                              Registration in the Main Entrance

8:30                                        Extemp Draw Round 1 in the Library

8:45                                        General Meeting in the Gym

9:00                                        Flight A--Round 1 (Humorous, OID, Informative, Poetry, Extemp)

10:30                                     Flight B--Round 1 (Serious, Entertainment, Persuasive, Duet, POI)

11:30                                     Extemp Draw--Round 2 (library)

12:00                                     Flight A--Round 2 with Extemp

1:30                                        Flight B--Round 2

2:30                                        Extemp Draw for Finals (library)

3:00                                        Finals Flight A

3:45                                        Finals Flight B

ASAP                                     Awards in the Gym



Flight A Events:


Humorous Interp






Flight B Events:


Serious Interp





Manager contact information

Carolyn Enevoldsen
Email address: cenevold@rcentral.org
Phone number: 402-499-6378

Mailing address

1800 West Agnew Road
Raymond, NE 68428

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