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Jon Schamber Invitational

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Jon Schamber High School Invitational 2019

The University of the Pacific Speech and Debate team cordially invites your team to attend the 37th annual Jon Schamber High School Forensics Tournament on Friday, October 25 through Sunday, October 27, 2019. The tournament will feature the following events:


  • CX Debate
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate
  • Parliamentary Debate
  • Radio Broadcasting

Individual Events (TOC QUALIFIERS)

Pattern A                                                                                                                                   

  • Expository
  • Dramatic Interp,
  • Impromptu
  • Programmed Oral Interpretation
  • OPP

Pattern B

  • Oratory
  • Humorous Interp
  • Extemp (Combined National & International Topics)
  • Duo Interpretation
  • Oral Interpretation

We also offer Triathlon, which allows schools to triple enter up to six students in Individual Events.


Awards: Awards will be presented to all elimination round competitors. Speaker awards will be presented to the top three debaters in all divisions as well as the top three speakers in both divisions of Triathlon. The top two high schools with eleven or more contestants entered and the top two high schools with ten or fewer contestants entered will be honored with sweepstakes awards. In addition, the traveling sweepstakes trophy will be presented to the school that has accumulated the highest number of sweepstakes points over the years that the tournament has been offered on our campus. Additionally, Pacific Forensics Scholarships of at least $5,000 will be awarded to the top competitor(s) in Parliamentary Debate, CX Debate, Triathlon, and Lincoln-Douglas debate. Tournament Administration is the same place: Grace Covell. The members of Pacific Speech and Debate are looking forward to seeing your squad in October. We hope to see you here!


Prof. Steven Kalani Farias

Director of Forensics

University of the Pacific


(209) 946-3050//(209) 471-6470




Please follow these steps:



The tournament will exclusively use http://www.speechwire.com. Entries must be completed

by 11:00 pm on Tuesday, October 22, 2019. Drops and name changes (but no adds) can be made until Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 9:00 pm. ALL Fees (judging and entry), will accrue as of Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 12 noon.



1) Put full name and indicate what you intend for them to cover.

2) A judge can cover LD Debate and EITHER CX or Parli/PoFo.

3) One judge also can cover up to six individual event or Duo slots per conflict pattern.

4) Also, indicate the events and days they can judge, and be sure to note any conflicts of

interest or preferred divisions.


Example judge entries:

1) Jon Doe, Covering Parli and IE's, All three days. Prefers Open.

2) Jane Doe, Covering LD only, All three days. Prefers Novice


Double check that you receive entry confirmation and that you know if your "stand-by" entries are in. NOTE: In the past, the tournament has had public speaking students earn credit by judging however this year we will not have such overhead for judges. PLEASE BRING JUDGES TO COVER YOUR STUDENTS ENTRIES!



School Fee $40.00

CX/Parli/Public Forum Teams $100.00

Lincoln-Douglas $50.00

Individual Events Slots $15.00 each.

Triathlon $50.00 (covers the three events and the triathlon fee)

Uncovered teams $100.00 each team (on top of entry fee)

Uncovered IEs $15.00 each slot (on top of entry fee)

Uncovered L/D $50.00 each entry (on top of entry fee)


Write this number down and put it in your wallet: 209-471-6470 (Prof. Farias’ cell). We would appreciate it if you called this number as soon as you find out about emergency last minute drops, especially if you have LD entries or you are an IE-only school. If we don't find out about drops as soon as possible, the whole tournament may run behind schedule. We look forward to hosting this event and seeing you again. We hope you like the new schedule. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 209-946-3050.






The full service Hilton Stockton (2323 Grand Canal Blvd, Stockton, CA 95207) is a great location with very nice rooms, restaurant, coffee bar, etc. A little pricier, but well worth the cost.
Dates: Oct. 25-27, 2019
Rates- $124
Group Code: Pacific Forensics High School  
Please contact 209-956-1306

La Quinta is located to the Interstate 5 and an affordable option available.

Dates: Oct. 25-27, 2019. 

Rates: $79 with breakfast included


We are also negotiating prices with the Best Western on March Lane. 



On Interstate 5, there are nine Stockton exits. Take the March Lane exit (rather than the Pershing Avenue Exit, unless you know your way around). If you are driving south from Sacramento, turn left off the March Lane exit and go under the overpass. If you are driving north from Los Angeles or San Francisco, turn right off the March Lane exit, away from the overpass. Drive east on March Lane for approximately 1.5 miles until you get to Pacific Avenue and turn right. Drive south on Pacific Avenue for almost 1 mile. You will see the most prominent building on campus, Burns Tower, as you cross a bridge. After the bridge, turn right at the next stoplight onto the campus. A campus map is available at www.pacific.edu .



Buses must park and unload in Lots 1 and 2 next to the football stadium. On Friday, please do not park in “A” spots, (B or N) is acceptable. On Saturday & Sunday, all vehicles may park in any available and legal spot.



Fresno 3 hours

Los Angeles 6 hours

Monterey 3 hours

Napa Valley 2 hours

Redding 4 hours

Reno 4 hours

Sacramento 1 hour

San Francisco 2 hours



The Pacific campus community takes pride in the elegance and attractiveness of the University. We ask that you encourage your students to respect our campus. Please ask them to pick up after themselves. Students are not allowed to bring food or beverages into contest rooms. Desks, chairs, and tables are not to be moved from their original rooms. Rooms must be returned to their original order. Students who do not respect the campus will be disqualified from further competition and asked to leave the campus.



We encourage you to remind your students that Stockton is a big city. We suggest that students walk in pairs and keep their eyes open, especially during evening hours. If they feel threatened or observe something suspicious then they should leave the area immediately and contact tournament personnel or security at 209-946-3911. There are phones with blue lights located around the campus that are a direct line to the campus police. These should be used only in an emergency.



Jon Schamber High School Invitational 2019 Schedule

Pattern A: Expos, Dramatic Interp., Impromptu, Thematic Interp, and Original Prose/Poetry.

Pattern B: Original Oratory, Humorous Interp, Extemporaneous Speaking, Duo Interp., and Oratorical Interp.



Friday, October 25, 2019

8:00 AM-Registration Starts in the Grace Covell Dining Room (same as last year)

9:00 AM LD1: Lincoln Douglas Debate Round 1 (Piggy Back)

11:20 AM LD2: Lincoln Douglas Debate Round 2 (Piggy Back)

1:40 PM LD3: Lincoln Douglas Debate Round 3 (Piggy Back)

2:40 PM D1: Cross Examination, Parliamentary & Public Forum Debate Round 1

3:45 PM D1: Parli TOPIC Announce

4:45 PM LD4: Lincoln Douglas Debate Round 4 (NO Piggy Back)

5:45 PM D2: Cross Examination, Parliamentary Debate & Public Forum Round 2

6:15 PM D2: Parli TOPIC Announce

7:45 PM LD5: Lincoln Douglas Debate Round 5 (NO Piggy Back)

8:45 PM D3: Cross Examination, Parliamentary & Public Forum Debate Round 3

9:15 PM D3: Parli TOPIC Announce


Saturday, October 26, 2019

7:00 AM I.E. Only Registration Starts in the Grace Covell.

7:45 AM A1: Pattern A Individual Events, Round 1

9:15 AM D4: Cross Examination, Parliamentary & Public Forum Debate Round 4

9:45 AM D4: Parli TOPIC Announce

11:15 AM B1: Pattern B Individual Events Round 1 (Draw starts at 10:45 am)

OCTOFINALS: Lincoln-Douglas (Nov & Open)

12:30 PM A2: Pattern A Individual Events Round 2

1:45 PM D5: Cross Examination, Parliamentary & Public Forum Debate Round 5

2:15 PM D5: Parli TOPIC Announce

3:45 PM B2: Pattern B Individual Events, Round 2 (Draw starts at 3:15pm)

5:00 PM A3: Pattern A Individual Events, Round 3

6:15 PM B3: Pattern B Individual Events Round 3 (Draw starts at 5:45pm)

7:30 PM Octofinals: Cross Examination, Parliamentary Debate & Public Forum (if entry warrants)

8:00 PM Octos: Parli TOPIC Announce



Sunday, October 27, 2019

8:00 AM Finals Pattern A Individual Events (Draw at 7:45 am)

Semi-Finals for Pattern A AND B

9:30 AM QuarterFinals of All Debate Events

10:00 AM QuarterFinal Parli TOPIC Announce

11:00 AM ALL Remaining Individual Events Finals (Draw @ 10:30 am)

12:30 PM Semi-Finals of All Debate Events

1:00 PM Semi-Finals Parli TOPIC Annouce

2:30 PM Finals of Debate Events

4:00 Awards: Grace Covell Dining Room


Notes: The tab room is closed. Octafinals of ALL TEAM DEBATE are on Saturday at 7:30 PM.



Fee Assessment: Although we do not charge for adds or drops after the entry date. Fees will be assessed as of Wednesday, October 23 at Noon. This means that we will take drops and adds, but as of Wednesday at Noon, drops will not decrease your fees. Although Adds will increase your fees! ☺


Divisions: A competitor in Novice division is a competitor in their first two years of competition combined at either the middle-school or high-school level. However, any student who reached elimination rounds at either the CHSSA middle-school or high-school tournaments must enter senior division. Any competitor may enter Open division. A competitor who is a Junior or Senior with competitive experience prior to the current academic year must enter Open division. A Novice division competitor competing with a Open division partner must be entered in Open division. A Parliamentary debater must enter in Open division if they would normally be required to enter the Open division of CX, Extemp, or Impromptu under these guidelines.


Judges: Each school must provide a judge for every 2 debate entries and a judge for every 6 IE entries per conflict pattern to avoid judging fees. DUO counts as a separate conflict pattern. Usually Pacific has a surplus of volunteer judges, however that will not be the case this year! We will be relying on judges brought by the high schools during a majority of rounds. A debate judge may cover LD and either CX or Parliamentary Debate .A judge covering two debate teams will be required to judge at least four preliminary rounds of debate. A judge covering twelve individual events will be required to judge at least five preliminary rounds of individual events. Schools must provide judges for one round beyond the elimination of their contestants from competitions.


What does this mean to you? A judge covering two debate teams will be expected to be present for all three days of debate. A judge covering twelve individual events will be expected to be present for both Saturday and Sunday. Thus, if your judges are there on Saturday, and your team is eliminated in Octo-Finals, we will expect them to be there on Sunday for the Quarter-Final round. Concomitantly, if your student does not advance to the semi-final or the final round in individual events, the judge is still committed for Sunday because that is one round past elimination. Should your judge not be available all three days, we will credit your commitment for what time they are there. Please inform your judges of options for spending their time in the event we do not use them for a round. They might watch speeches from your school, read a book, or just relax. The point is that they should be prepared to entertain themselves, but also check in before each round in the events they are covering for your school.


Sweepstakes: Contestants not competing in an elimination round will not receive sweepstakes points. Triathlon results do not accrue sweepstakes points. Points will be awarded as follows: Event Points for 1st

Points for 2nd

Points for 3rd





CX PuFo Parli 20 15 10 -- -- 5 3

LD 15 10 7 -- -- 4 2

IEs/Duo/Radio 10 7 5 3 1 -- --


Protests: Protests must be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director as soon as possible after an alleged infraction of a rule has taken place. As much as we can, we will follow CHSSA State Tournament event and tabbing rules for our tournament. However, the tournament invite will dictate the rules for the tournament. If it is NOT in the invite, the Tournament Director is the final arbiter for all rules violations.


DOUBLE ENTRIES: It is the responsibility of the competitor to get to their round on time. If the student is double-entered in any event: debate and IEs OR multiple IEs, the student must take steps to be to the round on time. Protests over lateness will no longer be allowed. It is unfair to all other competitors to make allowances for double-entered students and it only makes the tournament run behind.


Debate Rules

Speaker Awards: In debate, the top ten speakers in each division will receive speaker awards. Speaker awards will be determined by: 1. adjusted points, 2. total points; 3. double adjusted points; 4. judge variance (Z-score).


CX Debate Topic : We will use the current NFL Cross Examination Debate Topic CX Debate Time Limits : 8-3-5 with 8 minutes prep time per team.


Lincoln Douglas Debate Topic : We will be using the current Varsity NFL Lincoln-Douglas Topic for September/October for BOTH novice and open competitors. You may NOT double enter in LD and any team debate event. Lincoln Douglas Debate Time Limits . 6-3-7-3-4-6-3 with 3 minutes preparation time per debater and 3 minute cross-examination period following the first speech for each side.


Public Forum: We will be using California Rules (Aff always goes first). We will be using the October NSDA topic. Students MAY NOT double enter ANY team debate event. NOTE: computers are allowed and evidence can be carried on the computer but no internet (NSDA rules).


Parliamentary Debate Topic Areas: All topics may be value or policy. The topic areas for prelims are as follows. Keep in mind that a specific proposition will be announced for each round at the tournament. Metaphorical topics (e.g. Chicken Little Was Right) will not be used.

Round 1: United States domestic energy policy

Round 2: Policy proposals for the 2020 Presidential Election

Round 3: United States education policy

Round 4: United Nations Security Council

Round 5: Economic and/or security concerns of the European Union


Parliamentary Debate Time Format : Parliamentary Debate will be the standard two team format. We will use central topic announce and 20 minutes prep. The times are 7-8-8-8-4-5. The speeches alternate between government (affirmative) and opposition (negative) on the motion.


Flow Sheets: Judges may use any method they deem necessary to reach a fair decision. Flow sheets may be used at the discretion of the judge.


NOTA BENE: Debaters are allowed to use a computer for taking notes during a debate. The use of internet will NOT be regulated during Parli prep time. HOWEVER, the use of the internet is NOT PROVIDED OR IN ANY WAY a responsibility of the tournament. If you can get on: GREAT! If you CANNOT get on: GREAT! err, I mean, sorry, that sucks, but that is a YOU problem! This is the SAME thing I say to the college tournament, so I am not playing favorites. The tournament CANNOT and WILL NOT help you troubleshoot your device. (refer to the previously mentioned "you problem."). It is still very much PROHIBITED during the actual debate.


Number of Entries: In the unlikely event that the total number of debate teams entered in the tournament exceeds room availability, all schools who enter the maximum number of teams or have standbys (see entry form) will be placed in a random elimination draw. Randomly drawn schools will be notified on or before the Tuesday prior to the tournament. Disclosure - Please help us keep on schedule. Following the return of the ballot, critics may disclose as much information as they see fit. Delays attributed to coach/judges may, at the tournament director’s discretion, result in penalties to that school’s teams including removal from the tournament.


Preliminary Rounds – Power-matching for all preliminary rounds will be high-low in win-loss brackets. The computer will randomly match Rounds 1 and 2. Rounds 1-2 will be pre-set on a geographic formula. Seven geographical areas will be used: Yosemite League, Kern League, Redwood League, Golden Gate League, Coast League, Capitol League, and all other areas. Every effort will be made not to match teams or debaters against schools from their own geographic area during Rounds 1-2. Byes will be drawn on a random basis. Rounds 3 through 5 will be power-matched (high-low within win-loss brackets) based upon the results of all previous rounds.


Elimination Rounds - In elimination rounds, brackets WILL be broken (if possible). Partial elimination rounds will be held, as necessary. If there are enough entries to warrant it (33+), the top 16 debate teams and the top 16 Lincoln Douglas debaters will advance to octofinals. Ties for the sixteenth team or LD debater will be broken as follows: (1) drop the high speaker points, (2) drop the low speaker points, (3) adjusted points (drop high & low), (4) flip a coin. Debaters will flip for sides unless they have met in earlier rounds.


Forfeit Rule – Debaters will be forfeited if they fail to arrive at their competition room more than 10 minutes after the round was scheduled to start. With central topic announce, we are putting the onus on the debaters to know where they are debating. Also, since a late team would be allowed additional prep time, we are enacting a 10-minute forfeit rule. For PARLI ONLY: This means that 30 minutes after the topic has been announced, teams must be in the room and ready to start. Explain to your students the importance of being on time to rounds. Students are responsible for reading postings correctly, locating the contest room, asking the judge if their code and/or name appears on the ballot, and moving quickly from round to round. Debaters who forfeit a round will receive zero speaker points for the round; debaters who receive a forfeit win will have their speaker points averaged for the round.


Individual Events and Triathlon Rules



Eligibility Rules - Open Division is available to all eligible students, regardless of experience. Students are novices in individual events when they:

1. are in their first year (defined as two semesters) of high school individual event competition and

2. have not placed third or higher in the same or a similar event two or more times in any division.

Collapsing Divisions – Every effort will be made to protect novice competitors. However, if there are fewer than seven (7) entries in an event, it may be collapsed into the next highest division. If this occurs, top novices will be recognized at the Awards Ceremony.



Criteria for Elimination Round - Any event with less than 7 contestants will not have a final round. For events with 7 to 29 competitors competing in all preliminary rounds, a final round will be held. In events where more than 30 students compete in all preliminary rounds, semifinals will be offered.

Advancement to Elimination Rounds – No more than half of the field will be advanced to finals. Students will be rank ordered first by lowest cumulative rankings, then by the highest reciprocal score (a.k.a. decimal conversion) and finally by the highest cumulative ratings.

Placement/Advancement in Elimination Rounds - Students will be rank ordered first by lowest cumulative rankings in the elimination round, then by judge’s preference, followed by the highest reciprocal score (a.k.a. decimal conversion) and finally by the highest cumulative ratings.


Number of Entries

Individual Events:

Each school will be allowed a maximum of 60 individual event entries divided between pattern A and B, with no more than 35 entries in either pattern. In addition, each school may enter up to six teams in Duo Interpretation. Radio broadcasting entries do not count toward the maximum number of entries. In the unlikely event that the total number of entries in the tournament exceeds room availability, all schools that enter the maximum number of slots will be placed in a random elimination draw. Affected schools will be notified on or before the Tuesday prior to the tournament.


Debate Events:

We can comfortably guarantee space for a total 120 teams across both divisions in Parli/PuFo + C-X. So, that means that once we hit a total of 120 teams, the rest will be placed on a wait list. Should rooms become available, teams will be notified on or before Tuesday prior to the tournament that their waitlisted entries are being accepted. Going on prior year’s entries, we will place an initial limit of 55 teams in each division of Parli/PuFo and 15 teams in each division of CX. I realize this totals 140, but it should work out. Additionally, we will be initially limiting the entry to 55 in each division of LD. The remaining entries for all debate events will be placed on a waitlist and then randomly pulled up to fill in available rooms. Schools will be notified no later than Wednesday before the tournament.


Triathlon . Each school may enter three students in senior division Triathlon and three students in junior division Triathlon. Each student must enter three individuals events, with no more than two events per conflict pattern. Team Debate, Parliamentary Debate, and Lincoln Douglas Debate do not count as Triathlon events. The top three students in each division of Triathlon will be honored. Awards are determined on the basis of elimination results only. Radio Broadcasting can count as one event.


Radio Broadcasting: Contestants should prepare a 4 to 5 minute news broadcast involving current events, domestic affairs, international affairs, business news, sports, or entertainment news. All or one of these areas may be included in the broadcast. Contestants will be judged on content, creativity, delivery, and production quality. Production quality means that the broadcast should be free from distracting noises. Each cassette or compact disk must be marked with the name of the contestant and the high school of the contestant ON THE CASSETTE OR DISK ITSELF. All contestants will be entered in one division. The top three contestants will receive trophies. Schools may enter up to four contestants in this event. The cassettes or compact disks must be given to the Tournament Director when the school registers at the tournament.



Manager contact information

Steven Farias
Email address: sfarias@pacific.edu
Phone number: 2094716470

Mailing address

3601 Pacific Ave
Communication Department
Stockton, CA 95211

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