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Spartan Invitational

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This information is from a tournament in a past season!

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Lincoln East


39th Spartan Invitational

Dear Colleagues,

The Lincoln East Speech and Debate Teams, parents, and coaches invite you to attend our 38th annual Spartan Invitational Speech Tournament on Friday, February 21, 2020.

For over a quarter century the Spartan Invitational has provided challenging competition in a wide range of forensic events, and this year's tournament will be no exception. Last year's Spartan Invite was the largest speech tournament in the state of Nebraska; we typically welcome 30-40 schools and anticipate similar participation this year.

 We are pleased to announce that the Spartan Invitational is once again a NIETOC Qualifying TournamentWe will feature two finals divisions (Champ and Honors) in all events, and additional outrounds for NIETOC events, as entries warrant.  We will offer as many bids as we can (last year we offered 18 bids in all NIETOC events, 24 in DI), so take this opportunity to try to qualify for a great national tournament.

In addition to top-notch competition, our concession stand and judges'/coaches' lounge will feature a cornucopia of wholesome (and not-so-wholesome) fare.  We want to treat you and your students to the best overall tournament experience possible.

For Nebraska schools the Spartan Invite offers a final chance to see how your team stacks up before state and national qualifiers.  For out-of-state schools we promise tough competition, a different judging pool, and maybe even some fun new events for your students to try.  To everyone we offer a well-run, on-time tournament with good food, good judging, and nice awards. 

If you have questions about the 2020 Spartan Invitational, please don't hesitate to contact us.  Good luck as the season progresses, and we sincerely hope to see you in February!                     


There will be three preliminary rounds breaking to Champ finals (top six), Honors finals (next six).  NIETOC events (where entries warrant) will break to additional final rounds in order for students to earn bids. 

Students may TRIPLE ENTER, however they will be responsible for making it to all their events on time or else they will be disqualified.  Extempers may lose prep time if they choose to triple enter . . . they will have to hustle.  We encourage cross entries, but we can't wait for speakers who are late. 

No competitor may use the same script or parts of the same script in more than one event.  A "novice" is defined as any student who has not competed in speech or debate prior to August 2019.  You will identify your novices for us when register on Speechwire. There are no separate novice divisions.



Although regrettable, the size of the Spartan dictates that we restrict entries in order to have room for everyone.  Consequently we will enforce the following entry limits:

Individual Events and Duo:           6 entries per school per event

                      Oral Interpretation of Drama:      3 teams per school


Please note that entries may be refused once we’ve reached our space limit, regardless of whether the entry deadline has been met.  If we have additional space we will allow extra entries on a first come-first served basis, but only 6 entries/school/event will count toward sweepstakes.  To request additional entries simply put them on the tournament waiting list on the website.



*** ENTRIES ARE DUE BY 5:00pm ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2020. ***



Any changes will be accepted through Thursday, February 20th, at 3:30.  After Thursday, drops only may be e-mailed or phoned in.  No adds will be allowed on the day of the tournament.



Entry fees will be $8.00 per event. Any entries not "covered" by your judges cost an additional $10.00 per entry. 

Please make checks payable to Lincoln East Forensics.



You must furnish one judge for every 5 entries or part thereof.  Please make every effort to supply judges . . . we need your judges more than your money. If we cannot find judges and you cannot provide them, we may not be able to accommodate your entire entry.  All judges must be available for finals.



EXTEMPORANEOUS--Current events topics since December 2019.  Thirty-minute preparation, 7-minute maximum speaking time.  One notecard is optional, but discouraged.

ORATORY--An original speech composed by the speaker intended to persuade, convince, or inspire.  Ten-minute maximum time limit. Manuscript is optional, but discouraged.

INFORMATIVE--An original speech composed by the speaker intended to inform or explain.  Ten minutes maximum.  One 4 x 6 notecard optional, but discouraged.

ENTERTAINMENT--An original speech composed by the speaker.  This is a public address event.  The purpose is to entertain, but the speech must have a serious point.  This is not original comedy, nor is it original humorous interp.  Eight minutes maximum time limit. One 4 x 6 notecard optional, but discouraged.

HUMOROUS & DRAMATIC INTERPRETATION--These will be separate events in interpretation that may be taken from prose or drama.  Ten-minute maximum time limit.  Manuscripts are optional, but discouraged.

POETRY--A 6-8 minute presentation of poetry.  If more than one poem is used, the selections should be linked by a common theme or author.  Transitional statements are optional. Manuscripts are mandatory.

DUO INTERP/DUET ACTING --A two-person humorous or serious interpretation. Students can perform either Duo or Duet Acting. Twelve-minute time limit.

ORAL INTERPRETATION OF DRAMA--A group of 3 to 5 individuals interpret a humorous or serious play or play cutting.  This is interpretation, not acting.  Each group member must possess a copy of the script and use it during the performance.  Movement is allowed, but no touching.  Fifteen-minute max. time limit.

PROGRAM ORAL INTERPRETATION a 10 minute program event that uses prose, drama, and poetry to advance a theme or argument. Manuscripts are mandatory

Greater detail on the Nebraska events (Entertainment, Oral Interpretation of Drama, Poetry, and Informative) and copies of our critique sheets may be found by clicking on the “Judge’s Manual” link at the following website: http://www.nsaahome.org/sp.php



Sweepstakes trophies will be presented through fifth place.  Additionally, we will award a trophy to the outstanding "Small Entry" team (15 or fewer entries) with the highest number of sweepstakes points.

Additionally, we will offer a triathlon award to the individuals entered in three events who earn the most sweepstakes points.

The top six finishers and the top novice in each individual event will receive trophies. 

All other finalists will receive medals.

Duo will receive the same, but no novice awards. 

OID will receive trophies through 4th and medals for all finalists. 

All Finalists will receive medals.  

We will break to as many finals as we can in NIETOC events to maximize the number of bids.



Please note that East High will have school in session until 1:00.  It would be best to arrive NO SOONER THAN 1:30 to avoid major traffic hassles.  We appreciate everyone’s efforts to be on time/early, but more convenient parking will be available after students and staff have departed, so please plan accordingly.


                                    1:30                Registration in the auditorium

                                    2:00                Extemporaneous Draw, Round 1

                                    2:30                Round 1

                                    3:30                Extemporaneous Draw, Round 2

                                    4:00                Round 2

                                    5:00                Extemporaneous Draw, Round 3

                                    5:30                Round 3

                                    7:00                Extemporaneous Draw, Finals

                                    7:30                Finals

We will accelerate the schedule wherever possible once the tournament is underway.




The following hotels are within a 5-10 minute drive from East High.


Chase Suites Hotel              Hampton Inn South                                          Comfort Suites Lincoln - East 

200 S. 68th Place                 5922 Vandervoort Dr. (56th & Hwy. 2)          331 N Cotner Blvd

(402) 483-4900                   (402) 420-7800                                                (402) 325-8800

There are many low-cost lodging options in Lincoln, although most are 15-20 minutes from Lincoln East.  Those listed above are close . . . not necessarily cheap.



Nick & Elle


Manager contact information

Nick Herink
Email address: nherink@lps.org
Phone number: 402-305-2845

Mailing address

Lincoln East High School
1000 S. 70th Street
Lincoln, NE 68510

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