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Tidewater Forensics League - TFL 1

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Virginia.

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Hello Everyone!
        It is the start of a new school year and with it, a new TFL Season! My name is Jesi Donovan and I am the president of the Tidewater Forensics League. I would like to welcome you to our league and provide information on how to become a member.
        Like last year, the membership fee is $250, and covers registration to all four regular tournaments, the Tournament of Champions, and trophies for individual winners and sweepstakes winners. Dues also cover the cost for our new software program, Speechwire, which will be used for registration and tabulations, and other tournament costs. Please plan to pay the membership fee on or before October 17, 2019, which is our first tournament of the year. Ways to pay are as follows;
          -Mail a check to me, Jessica Donovan, at 1325 Blue Jay Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23453.
 -Mail a check to, Summer Cozzens, at 1993 Sundevil Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23464,
          - Or bring it to the first tournament. 
       Checks are to be made out to the Tidewater Forensics League. AFTER October 17, the membership fee will be $300. Schools that want to participate in a tournament without joining the league are welcome to do so. To enter, schools must pay a $50 entry fee as well as a $15 fee per entry. Schools who are not members, however, will not be permitted to participate in the Tournament of Champions.
       In order to make sure that our tournaments start on time and run as smoothly as possible, schools need to register by the stated deadline, edit and drop competitors by the deadline, and arrive to the tournaments on time. The registration deadline is midnight, Monday before each tournament. This is different from last year because I know you often do not have a solid answer by friday and you are guessing. However, what I do need by friday night is a call, text, email, or enter into speechwire that you are attending the competition. This really does help me and the host school start planning the tournament. A $15 drop fee will apply to any student who drops after Monday night. Please see the tournament director if there are extenuating circumstances. This will be enforced heavily this year so make sure your students know what they are committing to. 
       The tournaments are a little all over the place this year to try to accommodate as many schools and schedules as possible. The dates and locations are as following;
October 17th – Warwick, Newport News
November 7th – Oscar Smith, Chesapeake
December 5th – Princess Anne, Virginia Beach
January 9th – Lafayette, Williamsburg
February 13th (Tournament of Champions) – Salem, Virginia Beach
         The 5th tournament of the season is the Tournament of Champions (TOC). This tournament is only for students who placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in any of the four tournaments, and wild-card competitors. Wild-card competitors, and how they are selected, will be explained in detail at our first tournament during the coaches’ meeting.
         Registration for all the tournaments will be open in October. We are now using Speechwire, so you will need to go onto the site and make your team a profile. After you make your Speechwire account, you will register for the tournaments on the site by adding your competitor’s names to the corresponding category they are competing in. REMEMBER, we are also allowing students to double enter in TWO categories only. All you need to do for a student double entering, is enter their name into both categories they are competing in. The EXCEPTION to this is no student may compete in extemporaneous as well as another category.
        This year, we are enforcing the policy on judges. The entire tournament runs faster when we have a plethora of judges to work with. We can break up the rooms so that only 3 or 4 students/duos are competing instead of 6 or 7. This can cut down each round 20 – 30 minutes. Which over all, means finishing early. To complete this goal each school must bring 1 judge for every 5 entries. Meaning if you have 6 entries (duos count as one entry) you need 2 judges. This has always been the rule but has over the years not been enforced. If by chance you can bring more judges than that it would be greatly appreciated. If you do not have enough judges you may choose to pay a 15$ fee per missing judge, or drop the number of competitors that are putting you over your judge limit.
        I am desperately trying to get word on offering teacher recertification points for judging which is why I have been postponing sending out this email. I keep hearing leave a message, to which no one gets back with me. Then the only answer I get sends me right back to the drawing board. However, I wanted you all to know I heard what you wanted and I am doing everything I can to get it for you!
        I hope all schools and their students the very best this season!
        If there are any questions at all, please feel free to email me. I want to make sure everyone is on the same page this year. Let’s have the best tournament season EVER!

Manager contact information

Jesi Donovan
Email address: jdono002@odu.edu
Phone number: 7573835665

Mailing address

1325 Blue Jay Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23453

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